Good Morning,
Sometimes asking for help seems to be so difficult. These and many more excuses may come to mind:
- After all, I am expected to know.
- I should be able to figure it out on my own
- What will others think?
- What if the advice is bad?
- I don’t want to look bad.
- I should have the strength to do this on my own.
Yes, for the most part the reason is me, my ego and my fear about what others may think about me. As one of my long grown up children used to say when he was quite young “I Do By Self!" We all want to be self sufficient. There is a reality there, however: None of us has all of the answers. That is why we go to the doctors. That is why we hire lawyers. That is why we have a professional handle our taxes. That is why most of hire someone else to maintain our vehicles.
Yes, be the best you that you can be but, recognize both your strengths and your shortcomings. When you don’t know the answers, ask. When you need a helping hand, ask.
There is no shame in not having all of the answers. There is no shame in asking for help. Far better to ask and get it right. Far better to get help than get hurt. When you need help, just ask.