Good Morning,
Getting along with others seems so difficult today. It seems like “My way or the highway and the highway is not an option” or “Winning is everything and we need to do whatever it takes” are the prevailing thoughts. This mindset starts at the top and, soon works its way down to us, average everyday citizens. Our 24 hour news cycle delivered through our televisions, and social media, seem to make getting along nearly impossible. The greater the accusation or hate spewed, the more airtime seems to be given to it. It then trickles down to the social media posts of ordinary people who regularly make threats and accusations.
Thankfully, political season is almost over. It’s time to put all of the hate behind us and start working together. Even if the media does not help, each of us can make it happen in our lives and homes. Let’s learn what others think and why they think that way. Let’s share our ideas not to change others but to develop ways to work together for the common good. Let’s work with what we agree on rather than fighting over what we disagree on. We can be amazed about how much we have in common.
Building on this, it is amazing what we can accomplish that benefits all. It seems the older we get the more we realize that none of us have all the answers. By getting along and working with others, we can have so many more of them.
Lets do our part to get along. Let’s enjoy the successes that are possible if we do.