Attitude Is Everything

Starting the Week Off Right

October 14, 2024

Good Morning,

It is said that disasters bring out the best in people and it seems like, in the last couple of weeks, there are way too many disasters to strike, particularly in our southeast states.

We have seen numerous stories about people pitching in, on their own, selflessly and with no expectation of reward have come through loud and clear. Individuals and groups of people from next door and around the company have pitched in to help. It is people helping people. Thankfully, these stories have far overpowered the finger pointing regarding which government agency didn’t do what, quick enough, or correctly as if this was only a government problem.

As people, I believe the majority of us, by far, want to help others in their times of need. Hurricanes and other disasters focus the attention of the media and, even us as individuals, on the selfless deeds and those who pitched in.

Let’s not wait until a major disaster hits to help others. There are many opportunities, large and small, to make a difference in someone’s life. As opportunity presents itself, let’s do our part. Let’s also give thanks when someone pitches in to help us in our time of need.

The week is in front of us. How can we make a difference?


Jim Seymour

My Accounting Department

2400 South Ocean Dr. #6525

Fort Pierce, FL 34949

Cell: 616-836-4346

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