Attitude Is Everything

Starting the Week Off Right

November 18, 2024

Good Morning,

None of us can do it all. We can't be all things to all people, no matter how much we believe in our abilities After all, we are all mere mortals.

Yet, there is much we can do. There are endless opportunities for each of us to make this world a better place and to help others, both people and organizations who truly need help.

We just need to have the wisdom to know the difference and spend the time we are given to focus our time, talent, and abilities on the latter.

Each of us has significant and unique talents. Our job is to recognize them and put them to use productively.

This week, let's focus our attention and our efforts on the things we can accomplish and not getting frustrated or endlessly trying to accomplish those things we can't.


Jim Seymour

My Accounting Department

2400 South Ocean Dr. #6525

Fort Pierce, FL 34949

Cell: 616-836-4346

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Providing Bookkeeping Services For Small Businesses