July 2021 Wisconsin Newsletter
State Budget Update: Missed Opportunity
The state budget passed by the state Legislature and signed by the Governor this week includes important investments in the direct care workforce fund in Family Care and in personal care services, but leaves out other essential supports for people with disabilities and their families.

Disability advocates had been hoping for increased funding for family caregiver supports, meaningful improvements for all direct care workers and increases in special education funding. Despite a state surplus and the dire needs of people with disabilities post-pandemic, the budget does not include these things. See the comparison chart from the Survival Coalition that outlines what advocates had hoped for and what ultimately passed.

Let your state representative know how you feel about the budget and what you expect of them. Contact your state legislator. Who Are My Legislators?
It’s Recess Time! Get Ready!
Did you know that every year in August members or Congress head back to their home states to listen to their constituents? It's called August Recess!

This is an important time for advocates to share stories and concerns with Members of Congress and to talk to them about legislation that is moving. Here are some points you can use:

Follow your Congressional reps on social media and contact their offices to find out when and where you can meet them in August. http://www.tweetcongress.org/tweeters/WI 
We’ve Gotcha Covered: Get some free SWAG from The Arc Wisconsin! 
If you schedule a meeting with your Congressional representative, send us your meeting confirmation and we can send you some SWAG to use at your meeting (We have Disability Rights are Human Rights bracelets, masks, and buttons to share.) All we ask is you write to tell us how your meeting went! Email us your plan here [email protected] First come First serve!
Get Caught Up! Equity and Inclusion, Special Needs Trusts and More! 
Opportunity to Share: What is Needed now to Educate Students with Disabilities?

The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has just put out a notice asking to hear from families and education stakeholders on how and where to spend new federal dollars coming to Wisconsin schools. You must RSVP to tell them what dates work for you.

• July 9, 8-9 AM or 9-10 AM
• July 13, 8-9 AM or 3-4 PM
• July 15, 1-2 PM
• July 16, 2-3 PM
Last Chance for Fun! One Voice Wisconsin Event 
We’d really like to see you the weekend of July 23-25 to celebrate the anniversary of the American’s with Disabilities Act and raise funds to advocate for people with disabilities and families recovering from the pandemic. Learn more about our One Voice Wisconsin for Disability Rights in-person and virtual events and how you can participate no matter where you are. #OneVoiceWisconsin Register today.