Police and Fire PTSD Worker's Compensation Bill Signed into Law
Last week, Governor Evers signed SB 11 into law as Act 29, making changes to the conditions of liability for worker's compensation benefits for a law enforcement officer or a professional fire fighter who is diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Act provides that if a public safety officer is diagnosed with PTSD by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist and the mental injury that resulted in that diagnosis is not accompanied by a physical injury, that public safety officer can bring a claim for worker's compensation benefits if the conditions of liability are proven by a preponderance of the evidence and the mental injury is not the result of a good-faith employment action by the person's employer.
Under the Act, such an injured public safety employee is not required to demonstrate a diagnosis based on unusual stress of greater dimensions than the day-to-day emotional strain and tension experienced by all employees as required under case law. The Act also limits liability for treatment for a mental injury that is compensable under the bill's provisions to no more than 32 weeks after the injury is first reported. The League is neutral on this bill.
Act 29 took effect on April 29, 2021. The League took a neutral position on this legislation.
Committee to Begin Voting on Budget Motions this Week
On Thursday at 11:00 the Legislature's Joint Committee on Finance begins the process of preparing its version of the 2021-2023 state budget. The committee will spend the next 7 weeks voting on budget motions. The first item before the committee is a motion removing non-fiscal policy items that the Governor included in his budget proposal from further budget consideration by the committee. The motion removes the following municipal items in the Governor's budget proposal from the state budget to be passed by the Legislature:
- Modification of the Annexation Process for Counties under 50,000.
- Reimbursing Local Governments for Special Primary and Election Costs
- Restoring Collective Bargaining to municipal employees
- Local Government Employee Grievance Procedure Modifications
- Increasing the Local Government public construction Competitive Bid Threshold
- Municipal Broadband Facilities in Underserved or Unserved Areas
- Levy Limits—2% Minimum Levy Increase
- Levy Limits- Repeal of Negative Adjustment for Fees from Covered Services
- Dark Property and Leased Property Tax Assessments ("Dark Stores")
- Local Sales Tax Authority
- Restoring prevailing wage requirements on municipal public construction projects
Action Step: The League urges municipal officials to send comments to the Joint Finance Committee and your state legislators focusing on:
- Local Transportation Aids
- Payment for Municipal Services Program
Use the state budget comment template prepared by League staff here. In addition to emailing the Joint Finance Committee members at the budget email address above, please also email legislators representing your municipality.
The League greatly appreciates all who have participated in helping us advocate for municipalities across the state. There is still time to make your voice heard!
State Capitol Reopens Today
The State Capitol reopens to the public today. The building will be open for public access Monday – Friday 8 am – 4:30 pm. The Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd ground floor entrance will be the ONLY doors unlocked for public access. Face masks are required in the Capitol’s Rotunda, corridors, restrooms, elevators, and other common areas.
Adopt the Shared Revenue Resolution!
Thank you to the cities and villages that have adopted or have added the Shared Revenue Resolution to their agenda for consideration. If your municipality isn’t on the list, it is NOT TOO LATE to take action in support of long-term funding for police, fire, parks, etc. We have provided a sample resolution - League Shared Revenue Take Action Plan (Check to see if your municipality is on the list at the same link. Did we miss you? Email Gail Sumi.)
Send us your Shared Revenue Stories Please Email Jerry Deschane. He has already gathered stories from quite a few municipalities.
No bills directly relating to municipalities were introduced last week.
Budget Update: The Legislature's Joint Finance Committee will hold the first votes of the 2021-2023 Biennial Budget on Thursday, May 6th at 11:01 am, directly after a JFC 13.10 meeting. Budget papers prepared by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau detail some of the issues the committee will vote on Thursday.
AB 254, Changes to the Electronic Waste Recycling Program. By the Assembly Committee on Environment on Thursday, May 6, at 10:01 a.m. in the North Hearing Room, State Capitol. The public hearing will begin immediately after the Executive Session is completed.
PFAS External Advisory Group Meeting May 4 - The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host the second meeting of the PFAS External Advisory Group from 1-3 p.m. on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. The League is an invited member of the Advisory Group. The public is invited to listen and provide comments to the group. More information on this meeting, including a Zoom link and an agenda, can be found at the DNR’s PFAS External Advisory Group webpage.
(Paywalls may apply)
Republicans plan to remove hundreds of items from Gov. Tony Evers' budget proposal Read the article.
Fort seeks strong partnership with state to fund critical services Read the article.
These Wisconsin communities will participate in No Mow May, with Appleton leading the way Read the article. Click here to share the Egg Harbor #NoMowMay from the League's Facebook page.
Downtown Fond du Lac, Ripon recognized in 2020 Wisconsin Main Street Awards for revitalization Read the article. Click here to congratulate all the award winners on the League's LinkedIn page.
The Pandemic Induced City Families to Escape to the Northwoods. They’ve Stayed. Read the article.
League Membership Virtual Roundtable
Tuesday, May 11, at 12PM to 1PM
Unless the US Treasury provides guidance on ARPA before May 11, then we will schedule a call earlier. Stay tuned to League newsletters for ARPA information.
Local Government 101
May 7, May 21 and June 4 via Zoom
Please thank our sponsors!
Clerks, Treasurers & Finance Officers Institute
June 9-11, 2021 via Zoom
Please thank our sponsors!
This workshop is Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association credit eligible.
Chief Executives Summer Workshop
August 19 & 20, 2021 – Hotel Retlaw, Fond du Lac
Please thank our sponsor! MPIC
2021 Municipal Attorneys Institute
Monday -Wednesday!
August 30 – September 1, 2021
Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake
Email questions or comments to: