The Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative (Charter Growth Initiative) launched FindAGACharter.org, a new, dedicated website to allow Georgians to discover public charter school options.
The Charter Growth Initiative supports the expansion, replication, or creation of high-quality public charter schools in communities throughout the state. In addition, the Charter Growth Initiative seeks to educate Georgians about public charter schools and provide information for those seeking to start charter schools in their local communities. This robust communications campaign and the launch of FindAGACharter.org includes an interactive school locator where Georgia families can search for existing charter schools by location and school model and view enrollment and lottery details. This website also contains information for those seeking to start public charter schools in Georgia.
After the initial website launch, ZEST Preparatory Academy (ZEST Prep), a state-authorized charter school opening in Fall 2023, reported an increase in applications that were attributed to the Charter Growth Initiative's communications efforts.
"Following the launch of the FindAGaCharter.org website, ZEST Preparatory Academy saw a significant increase in website visits from interested community stakeholders. Subsequently, applications and enrollment increased as families began to choose our K-5 elementary school for their future leader," said Monique Carruthers, ZEST Prep Founder. "We know the website will serve as an additional resource for our community to learn about ZEST Prep through our unique profile while also sharing information about other great Georgia public charter school options."
The State Charter Schools Foundation will serve as the lead organization for the Charter Growth Initiative.
"Georgia's families and communities have been asking for more information about charter schools across the state. We are proud to launch FindaGaCharter.org, which is the first and only website to provide a locator and profile for every charter school in Georgia," said Michele Neely, President of the State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia. "We are so excited that families are already finding schools that meet the needs of their children. We look forward to continuing to enhance the site with more information for parents and communities hoping to start a charter school."
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State Charter Schools Commission Updates & Announcements | |
At the April 26th board meeting, Interim Executive Director Morgan Felts updated the public on Commissioner visits to the state charter schools.
Following, Director of Charter Development Kristen Easterbrook advised the board on the status of pre-opening schools, and Deputy General Counsel Erin Wright provided information regarding the FY23 start-up petition cycle.
Additionally, General Counsel Cerrone Lockett reported the board on the effective date of Rules 691-2-.06 and 691-2-.11, and Associate General Counsel Tiffany Leach announced the release of the school monitoring survey. Communications Specialist Erica Acha-Morfaw also announced the upcoming Unified Enrollment System feedback survey that will be sent out to schools later this spring, and Interim Director Felts shared a financial audit update regarding schools with outstanding submissions.
Concluding the meeting, Commissioners voted to enter executive session for personnel purposes and subsequently recessed before reconvening at 1 PM for school performance reviews.
The next board meeting will be held on May 31, 2023. Click below for the 2023 SCSC board meeting calendar.
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Monitoring Survey
All state charter schools are encouraged to share feedback with the SCSC regarding the FY23 monitoring process by completing the monitoring survey. The survey will open on May 1, 2023; and responses are due by May 28, 2023. You may access the survey at this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Q7G9NXM. The survey will also be sent to schools via email distribution.
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New Rules In Effect
SCSC rules 691-2-.06 State Charter School Sites and Facilities and 691-2-.10 Suspension and Probation are now in effect. SCSC Commissioners approved the staff recommendation to amend and adopt the rules, respectively, at the March board meeting. After filing with the Secretary of State, the rules became effective on April 18th. Please visit the SCSC website for rule language and more information.
SCSC Rules | State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia
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Petitioner Updates
The SCSC Board of Commissioners approved the following
petition items at the October 19, 2022, board meeting.
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FY23 Start-Up Petition Timeline |
The FY23 Start-Up Application Portal closed on March 17, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
The SCSC received 12 petition applications. at the FY23 deadline.
Capacity Interviews – the SCSC staff will schedule interviews with eligible FY23 petitioners beginning May 15, 2023.
SCSC staff will begin presenting recommendations for FY23 start-up charter petitions at the June 2023 board meeting. *.
The FY23 startup petition cycle will close on December 31, 2023. FY23 concurrent petition submissions will not be considered in determining legal compliance for subsequent petition cycles.
| *Approved petitions may be required to open on a deferred timeline depending on the approval date. | | |
FY23 Replication Petition Timeline |
The SCSC FY23 Replication & Expansion Application Window opened on January 2, 2023.
FY23 Replication & Expansion Application Window closes on July 14, 2023. All petition applications must be submitted on or before this deadline.
Capacity Interviews – Eligible petitioners that submit applications on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 17, 2023, will be scheduled for interviews the week of May 15, 2023. Interviews for eligible petitions received after March 17, 2023, will be scheduled on a rolling basis.
SCSC staff will begin presenting recommendations for the FY23 replication & expansion petitions at the June 2023 SCSC board meeting.
Please visit the SCSC website for more information.
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Training Opportunities & Events
The SCSC offers various training opportunities throughout the year. See below for the most up-to-date information about SCSC-offered training and resources.
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LEA Reporting Training
July 2023 - TBA
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Nominate your Shining Star Teacher! |
Teachers have shown their creativity, commitment, and compassion this year. Now, it is time for us to show them our appreciation! Nominate a state charter school teacher who has gone over and above this year to be recognized as a Shining Star Teacher. The SCSF will select finalists and honor them with a $50 Amazon gift card and a feature on our website & social media.
Nominate a Shining Star Teacher at SCSFGA.org/stars
For examples, see last year's honorees at scsfga.org/stars-2022.
Nominations accepted through Friday, May 5th.
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National Charter Schools Week, May 7-13, will commence the annual celebration of charter schools and our community of educators, parents, students, and leaders!
Visit the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools for ideas on how to celebrate.
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Professional Learning & Development Opportunity | |
Mental Health Awareness Month
May 1, 9 - 10:30 AM
The Office of Whole Child Mental Health & Wellness team will kick off Mental Health Awareness Month with a webinar.
Register Here
State Ombudsman & Federal Programs Equitable Services Workshop
May 10, 9 AM-3 PM
Register Here
2023-2024 Governor's School Leadership Program
The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) has opened applications for the Governor's School Leadership Program (GSLA). This year, thanks to continued support from the Governor's Office and the Georgia Legislature, GOSA will be able to offer all GSLA programs at no cost to districts.
Applications are open from March 1, 2023 through May 31, 2023.
Learn more & Apply
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Georgia’s MTSS Essential
Components Training
May 9, 2-3 PM
This training will go over the essential components of the MTSS framework and the effective implementation of quality Tier 1 practices to improve core instruction for all students.
Register Here
TLSD Platform End-of-Year Process Webinar
May 11, 9-10:30 AM
Register Here
FY24 Consolidated LEA
Improvement Plan
FY24 CLIP Due Date – Friday, June 30. CLIP Progress Monitoring window for the 2nd part of 2023 will open in May, contact John Wight with questions: jwight@doe.k12.ga.us
LEA Consolidated Application
New website alert for LEAs seeking professional development with McKinney-Vento
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A private professional networking space to engage with other educators across the state.
| | GaDOE’s Professional Learning platform for Georgia school and district staff and education partners. | | The one-stop-shop site for Georgia educators to provide quick access to GaDOE educational resources, GA Standards of Excellence, data dashboards, professional learning, and GaDOE applications. | |
Funding & Engagement Programs | |
GaDOE Competitive Grants
Periodically, funding is available for GaDOE to award to districts and schools in the form of competitive grants, solidifying this commitment to Georgia's students. In an effort to streamline communication and create a consistent application process, all competitive grant opportunities can now be accessed here.
GaDOE Grant Opportunities
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Affordable Connectivity Program
The Federal Communications Commission announced that 20 of the nation's internet providers have committed to lowering costs for low-income households, a step that will essentially provide free high-speed internet for those participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP lowers internet costs for eligible families by up to $30 a month through grant funding. For Georgia residents to get their share of the funding, families need to sign up for themselves.
Communicating about this program to eligible families is the largest barrier to implementing this program. The ExcelinEd team has developed resources to share to help students whose families may qualify for this free- and reduced-priced internet service.
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Employee Assistance Program
for all Public-School Teachers & Staff
Georgia’s Public Education Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a partnership between Kepro and GaDOE and will be provided at no cost to districts, schools, or employees. This program is designed to support teachers' and staff's mental health and wellness. It will allow access to mental health counseling, financial and legal resources, work/life referral services, and more.
Services are available now, and teachers and staff will receive additional access information directly from GaDOE or their district or school. The EAP is free, confidential, and supportive – neither the state nor local districts or schools will have access to information shared in counseling or consulting sessions.
Below is a toolkit of resources to assist you as you communicate with your staff.
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Follow the SCSC for real-time news and updates. | |
The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) is a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. The SCSC has the power to approve or deny petitions for state charter schools and renew, nonrenew, or terminate state charter school contracts in accordance with Georgia law. | |
Copyright © 2023 State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, All rights reserved. | | | | |