Discover Donovan Head's Vision for
Georgia's Charter Schools
In a recent interview, Donovan Head, the Executive Director of the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, shared valuable insights into his background, priorities, and vision for charter schools in Georgia. With experience in building key relationships across political and educational sectors, Head is focused on expanding charter school access, advocating for a balanced approach to growth, and fostering bipartisan support. He emphasizes the role of high-quality charter schools in enhancing public education and is committed to collaborative strategies for achieving the SCSC's vision of advancing education in every community.
Read the full interview
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State Charter Schools Commission Updates & Announcements | |
Get to Know Our Team:
Meet the SCSC Staff
Introducing the dedicated staff members at the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia! Each contributing their unique talents and expertise to further the SCSC mission of enhancing public education across Georgia.
Get to know the staff
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State charter schools with charter terms expiring on June 30, 2024, must submit a renewal application to the SCSC during the 2023-2024 school year.
The renewal application is now open.
The application deadline is January 3, 2024.
Visit the SCSC Charter Renewal page for more information.
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Start-Up Petitions
The start-up petition portal is now open.
The application deadline is
March 15, 2024.
Visit the Start a New School webpage for more information.
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Replication Petitions
Existing charter schools seeking to submit a replication petition must submit a Letter of Intent by TODAY, December 11th.
Replication petition portal opens
January 5, 2024
Visit the Replicate an Existing School webpage for more information.
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Petitioner Orientation
Available asynchronously starting
January 12, 2024, on the SCSC’s
Start a New School webpage.
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Initial monitoring results will be issued no later than January 31, 2024.
Monitoring results will be issued directly from the SCSC Administrative portal to the email address linked to the school’s account. Schools will have seven days from the issuance of monitoring results to submit appeals through the SCSC Administrative portal. Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) are due six weeks after issuing monitoring results and must be submitted in the SCSC Administrative portal. Monitoring letters will specify the applicable deadlines along with appeal and CAP instructions.
Operational monitoring questions: Tiffany Leach - Associate General Counsel,
Fiscal monitoring questions: Carmen Freemire - Director of School Finance,
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As a reminder, Georgia law, O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2084(f), requires every member of a governing board of a state charter school to participate in annual governing board training. State charter school governing board members may attend one of the three governing board training opportunities provided to state charters by the SCSC at no charge to fulfill this obligation.
This year, in an effort to incorporate feedback from board members regarding training delivery methods, the SCSC will provide Governance Training in two parts. Each board member must receive 12 hours of governance training annually. Operational schools may do that by attending either SCSC training or through an alternate provider. Pre-opening schools must complete governance training through the SCSC and may not use an alternate provider until they become operational.
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SCSC-offered Governance Training | |
Part 1: In-Person
Part one will consist of a full day of in-person sessions. There will be three opportunities to attend one of these training events. Completing the full in-person training will earn you 6 governance training hours. Please refer to the Governance Training page for more details and in-person session information.
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Part 2: Virtual
Part two will consist of numerous asynchronous virtual sessions that board members can choose from in order to complete their remaining 6 governance training hours. Board members will receive a link to these trainings directly from SCSC staff after the first in-person session and will have until April 30, 2024, to access and complete their asynchronous sessions.
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Alternate Governance Training
Board members who plan to do partial training through the SCSC and partial training through an alternate provider or complete the entirety of your training through an alternate training provider, please be sure to consult the “Alternate Governance Training - Required Sessions and Hours” document on the SCSC Governance Training page to make sure your alternate training hours are aligned with SCSC requirements.
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Upcoming Training:
New School Orientation Part 1
Jan 17, 2024, 8:30 AM
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Cross Functional Monitoring
The following state charters are selected for cross functional monitoring in FY24 by the GADOE Federal Programs office:
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- Amana Academy West
- Atlanta SMART Academy
- Brookhaven Innovation Academy
- Cirrus Academy
- DeKalb Brilliance Academy
- Destination Career Academy
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- Georgia Connections Academy
- Georgia Cyber Academy
- Northwest Classical Academy
- Resurgence Hall Middle Academy
- Southwest Georgia STEM Charter
- Statesboro STEAM Academy
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Schools should already have been notified by GADOE and provided with information regarding the process for monitoring. Please contact the GADOE grant program manager if you need additional information
Federal Programs Monitoring
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ESSER Grant Funds Reminders
The 2023-24 school year marks the final opportunity for schools to utilize their remaining ESSER funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) grant. It's imperative that your school takes proactive steps to maximize the impact of these funds on educational opportunities for your students. See the following reminders for the 2023-24 school year:
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Addressing Learning Loss
Schools are required to reserve a minimum of 20% of their grant award to address learning loss by implementing evidence-based interventions. However, this 20% threshold is just the minimum. We encourage schools to allocate more funds if needed to effectively address learning loss within their communities.
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Verification Requirement
It's not enough to reserve funds; we must ensure that they are being utilized for their intended purpose. The Georgia Department of Education (GADOE) now requires schools to submit a form confirming that they are meeting the 20% learning loss requirement. This form must be submitted before schools present their carryover budgets to GADOE for approval. You can access the form here.
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Salary Allocation Deadline
For schools using their remaining ESSER funds to pay salaries during the 2023-2024 school year, please be aware that salaries can be charged until September 30, 2024. However, starting October 1, 2024, which marks the beginning of the FY 2025 federal fiscal year, a new funding source must be utilized for salary payments. Keep in mind that employees' salaries are considered obligated when they perform their work, not when they sign their contracts (for reference, see eCFR :: 34 CFR 76.707).
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Replication and Expansion Cohort Convening |
The Replication and Expansion Cohort Program met as a group last month to share their strategic plans and celebrate their progress this Fall. The 2023-24 cohort members include Chattahoochee Hills Charter School, International Charter Academy of Georgia, Liberty Classical Schools, and Spring Creek Charter Academy. The program will continue through September 2024 as participants begin thinking about the implementation of their strategic plan.
| Update on CSP Subgrant Opportunity | The State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia is accepting applications for CSP subgrants for opening, replicating, and expanding charter schools/networks through the end of the day on January 5, 2024. Eligible charter schools/networks in Georgia were able to apply for up to $1.5 million in subgrant funds. Information about this opportunity is available on This subgrant opportunity is a part of the Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative. | Your Donation Supports Charter Schools | The Foundation relies on donations to support state charter schools with product donations, reading programs, grants, and other resources. Please consider making your tax-deductible donation before the end of the calendar year to help us do more for our schools! Give today: |
Donations to
Georgia Connections Academy
The SCSF was recently able to provide some donations of school supplies, slime, and other items to Georgia Connections Academy (GACA). GACA will utilize these items to engage with their students during in-person days. A huge thank you to two of our nonprofit partners, The Empty Stocking Fund and Inspiredu, for all their help in making this happen!
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Georgia Department of Education Updates & Announcements | |
GaDOE ESEA State Plan Amendment
On February 1, 2023, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) submitted a request to amend its consolidated State plan under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). After some revision, the U.S. Department of Education approved GaDOE's amendment request on October 4, 2023. The approved changes include modifications to the state’s accountability tool, the College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI), as well as the adoption of a tiered identification system for schools needing comprehensive or targeted support and improvement (CSI, TSI and ATSI).
One of the biggest changes is that GaDOE will no longer calculate a CCRPI Grade Band or CCRPI Single Scores. CCRPI Grade Band scores are one of the metrics included in the academic section SCSC Comprehensive Performance Framework. However, you may recall at its July board meeting, the SCSC adopted an updated CPF. The updated CPF accounts for the SCSC calculating CCRPI Grade Band scores in the event that the GaDOE does not generate these scores. As such, 2022-2023 CPF scores will include CCRPI Content Mastery, CCRPI Progress and CCRPI Grade Band scores and relevant comparisons for state charter schools.
Please reach out to Katie Manthey,, with any questions.
For a detailed list of approved changes see GaDOE's 2023 ESEA Consolidated State Plan Amendment Summary of Changes.
GaDOE Assessment Updates
December 2023 Assessment Updates
Fall 2023 Assessment Updates for Teachers
For more information and past GaDOE Assessment updates, click here.
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Professional Learning & Development Opportunity | |
Financial Review Open Office Hours Sessions
GADOE is offering several monthly open office hours sessions throughout FY 2024. The sessions will include various topics related to state and federal financial compliance that will be beneficial for all school district finance staff.
Registration Link
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GCSA Financial Management Courses
Enrollment is open for GCSA's Financial Management Courses. The Financial Management Certification Program is offered virtually and is comprised of six courses. Each course is split into two, four-hour sessions in the same week. GCSA is offering three courses this fall and six additional courses this spring. Attendees can register for individual courses or the entire program.
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TKES & LKES District Contacts Webinar
Dec 14, 9-10 AM
McKinney-Vento Professional Development Virtual Session
Dec 21, 10-11 AM
Title I, Part A: Office Hours
Jan 9, 2024, 9:30-10:30 AM
Full calendar for 2023-24
GaDOE Spring 2024 Technology Directors Training for LEA Assessment & Technology Staff
Jan 9, 2024, 10 AM-12 PM
ESOL Munch & Learn Series
Jan 10, 2024, 12-1 PM
Full Calendar for 2023-24
Teacher Personalized Learning Bootcamp: Authentic and Adaptive Assessments
January 17-18, 2024
Middle & High School
Knowledge Building for K-3 Leaders:
Setting the Foundation for Structured Literacy Transformation
Jan 29, 2024
Info & Registration
Updated WIDA Self-Paced Workshops for 2023-2024 For Teachers of English Learners
Info & Registration
Workshops available until Aug 2024
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PAGE Engage Professional Learning Experience Collaborative
for teachers, academic coaches, and other school professionals
PAGE Engage Info
The Math & Computer Science CONnect Programs
Provides interactive learning experiences surrounding the state resources for math & computer science. Learn how to implement GA's K-12 Math Standards with fidelity as well as access to a virtual assistant!
Info & Registration
Computer Science
Georgia RESAs & GaDOE virtual statewide conversations for instructional colleagues & educators
Held monthly
Info & Schedule
Knowledge Building for Leaders:
Setting the Foundation for Structured Literacy Transformation
Free Training Workshops for PLCs sponsored by the Rollins Center for Language & Literacy in partnership with GaDOE.
Sep 2023 - Jun 2024
Info & Registration
Empowering Educators Conference, 2024
For K-12 educators and related stakeholders of students with disabilities and those who learn differently.
Info & Registration
PLCs for Induction Level Leaders Focus: Leader Retention
Nov 2023 - May 2024
Info & Registration
| | A private professional networking space to engage with other educators across the state. | |
GaDOE’s Professional Learning platform for Georgia school and district staff and education partners.
| | The one-stop-shop site for Georgia educators to provide quick access to GaDOE educational resources, GA Standards of Excellence, data dashboards, professional learning, and GaDOE applications. | |
Funding & Engagement Programs | |
GaDOE Competitive Grants
Periodically, funding is available for GaDOE to award to districts and schools in the form of competitive grants, solidifying this commitment to Georgia's students. In an effort to streamline communication and create a consistent application process, all competitive grant opportunities can now be accessed below.
GaDOE Grant Opportunities
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AP Teacher Training Grant
The Advanced Placement (AP) Teacher Training Grant is intended to support local school districts’ efforts to improve the academic achievement of students and to increase access to college-level courses across the state. A minimum of $700 per school, with a maximum of $15,000 per district, is available to provide financial support for teachers to receive training during the summer of 2024 and allow schools to offer the respective AP courses during the 2024-2025 school year or the 2025-2026 school year. Georgia public school districts are eligible to apply.
Applications Due: Dec 15, 5 PM
Program Information
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Paraprofessional to Teacher Reimbursement Grant
The Paraprofessional to Teacher Reimbursement Grant is intended to promote recruitment in schools and systems across GA by providing financial support to paraprofessionals completing their teaching certification through the Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation & Pedagogy (GaTAPP) program. GaDOE will award GA LEAs up to $5,000 in reimbursable grants per eligible paraprofessional.
Applications Due: Jan 15,2024
Program Information
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Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Program Grant
The 21st CCLC grant is intended to support the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. Applicants may request funds ranging from $50,000 to $350,000 per year based on need and proposed services to the target population. Any public or private organization is eligible to apply.
Applications Due: Jan 30, 2024
Program Information
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The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) is a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. The SCSC has the power to approve or deny petitions for state charter schools and renew, nonrenew, or terminate state charter school contracts in accordance with Georgia law. | |
Copyright © 2023 State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, All rights reserved. | | | | |