State Charter Schools Commission Concludes 2023-24 Renewal Cycle, Awards First 10-Year Renewal |
On February 28, 2024, the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) Board of Commissioners voted to approve renewal recommendations for nine state charter schools, concluding the 2023-24 renewal cycle. This year's renewals include a notable 5-year renewal with an automatic additional five-year extension, essentially functioning as a 10-year renewal, for Pataula Charter Academy, recognizing its outstanding and consistent performance over the past terms. Additionally, Coweta Charter Academy, Georgia Cyber Academy, International Academy of Smyrna, and International Charter Academy of Georgia were granted 5-year standard renewals.
Furthermore, Cirrus Charter Academy received a 3-year abbreviated renewal and SLAM Academy of Atlanta received a 2-year probationary renewal. Cherokee Charter Academy and Fulton Leadership Academy were nonrenewed.
These decisions reflect the SCSC’s commitment to its mission of improving public education in Georgia by authorizing high-quality charter schools that provide high-quality educational opportunities.
Visit the SCSC Charter Renewal page for more information.
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State Charter Schools Commission Updates & Announcements | |
Start-Up Petitions
The start-up petition portal is now open.
The application deadline is
March 15, 2024.
Visit the Start a New School webpage for more information.
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Replication Petitions
The replication petition portal is now open.
The application deadline is
May 3, 2024.
Visit the Replicate an Existing School webpage for more information.
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The FY24 operations and fiscal monitoring results appeal window closed on January 16, 2024. Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) in response to any finding(s) identified in the SCSC monitoring results deadline passed on February 20, 2024.
The legal compliance team is in the process of reviewing FY24 operations and fiscal monitoring CAPs. Schools can expect to receive CAP responses by the end of March. Additionally, the SCSC has updated its LEA Legal Obligations Guidance. Schools may access the resource here or on the Operations Guidance page of the SCSC website.
Operational monitoring questions: Tiffany Leach - Associate General Counsel,
Fiscal monitoring questions: Carmen Freemire - Director of School Finance,
SCSC administrative portal questions: Kiara Thompson, Legal Programs Coordinator,
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Georgia law, O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2084(f), requires every governing board member of a state charter school participate in annual governing board training. Governing board members may attend one of the three governing board training opportunities provided by the SCSC at no charge to fulfill this obligation.
This year, in an effort to incorporate feedback regarding training delivery methods, the SCSC will provide Governance Training in two parts. Each board member must receive 12 hours of governance training annually. Operational schools may do that by attending either SCSC training or through an alternate provider. Pre-opening schools must complete governance training through the SCSC and may not use an alternate provider.
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SCSC-offered Governance Training | |
Part 1: In-Person
Full day, in-person sessions. There will be three opportunities to attend one of these training events. Completing one full in-person training will earn you 6 governance training hours. Please refer to the Governance Training page for more details and session information.
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Part 2: Virtual
Asynchronous, virtual sessions. Board members can choose to complete their remaining 6 governance training hours. Board members will receive an access link directly from the SCSC after the first in-person session.
Deadline to access and complete virtual sessions: April 30, 2024
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Upcoming Training:
April Governance Training | Apr 17, 2024, 9 AM
This is the last in-person training opportunity for FY24
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Alternate Governance Training
Board members who plan to do partial training or complete all training through an alternate training provider should review the “Alternate Governance Training - Required Sessions and Hours” document on the SCSC Governance Training page to make sure your alternate training follows SCSC requirements.
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SCSC Unified Enrollment System:
An Update for State Charter Schools
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Over the past eighteen months, the SCSC explored the use of a Unified Enrollment System (UES) for state charter schools. The UES streamlines a school’s enrollment process by implementing a common application and timeline. Additionally, a UES simplifies the application process for families by allowing them to submit a single application for multiple schools, rather than managing separate applications and enrollment timelines. This initiative was intended to assist the SCSC and schools in monitoring enrollment trends for funding allocation and other decision-making purposes.
In line with our commitment to gather input from schools before making significant policy decisions, we enlisted the expertise of Hive180 Educational Consulting to collect feedback directly from schools. The feedback highlighted significant concerns regarding the proposed common timeline component,
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particularly in areas such as recruitment, application submission, lottery procedures, enrollment management, and budget planning. Notably, schools also expressed apprehension regarding potential loss of autonomy. While recognizing some potential benefits such as enhanced accessibility for families and cost savings for schools, the SCSC concluded that the drawbacks of the UES outweigh its advantages, prompting us to indefinitely defer implementation.
The SCSC extends its sincere gratitude to the schools that participated in this feedback process. Their candid input played a crucial role in our decision-making. We acknowledge that while some schools may find relief in this outcome, others may be disappointed. As your authorizer, we remain committed to ongoing dialogue with schools to address the challenges they encounter and explore ways to provide optimal support in our capacity as an authorizer.
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A Fond Farewell from COO Morgan Felts
Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Members of the State Charter School Community,
As I take a moment to reflect on our collective journey, I am truly amazed and humbled by the remarkable progress in advancing quality education throughout our state. Over the past decade, we encountered numerous challenges and yet met each one with resilience and a steadfast commitment to students.
I am particularly proud of the adoption of the SCSC’s inaugural Strategic Plan: Growing a Brighter Future. This plan not only serves as a testament to our dedication but also lays a robust foundation upon which our endeavors can continue to flourish, grow, and evolve. It represents a roadmap for continuous improvement and sets forth a clear vision for elevating educational opportunities across Georgia.
Looking ahead, I am confident in the strength of the groundwork we collectively laid. The SCSC is poised to thrive, pioneering new frontiers of educational excellence and leaving an indelible mark on the lives of students statewide. Although my own journey will soon take a different path, my faith in our mission and in each one of you remains steadfast and unwavering.
Here's to the future—a future brimming with promise, opportunity, and the potential for unparalleled success. Let us continue to work together, united in our commitment to empowering students and transforming lives through education.
Please feel free to keep in touch with me through LinkedIn or directly via email at
With deepest appreciation,
Morgan Felts
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Important Reminder for all Schools:
2023-2024 Survey Participation Deadline is March 1, 2024
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The 2023-2024 Georgia Student Health Survey, Georgia Parent Survey, and the Georgia School Personnel Survey window closes Friday, March 1, 2024. Survey participation is mandatory this year, and the survey data will be used to calculate School Climate Star Ratings for the 2024-2025 school year.
For additional assistance, contact Jeff Hodges at
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GaDOE's survey participation webpage will help you monitor survey participation numbers for your schools.
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Did You know?
What is a Budget?
As schools enter budget preparation season, here are a few tips on what a budget is.
- A budget is simply a plan with dollars attached.
A budget is a Communications Document. It tells the families of students what is important to the school and makes it accountable for public funds received.
- A budgets explains the highest and best use of the limited resources it receives.
A school’s budget needs to be aligned with its mission, goals, and strategic plan. The budget articulates where the school is headed, so objectives need to be tied to the cost items detailed in it.
Finally, a budget is a structure for collecting and reporting information. It must be developed with measuring in mind to ensure commitments made during planning are understood and fulfilled as the school year progresses. By measuring the school can check its progress and make sure it is meeting its mission.
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School Site Visits
The SCSF has been conducting monitoring site visits of GEER II subgrantees to see the direct impact of the $4.1 million grant awarded to the SCSF, in partnership with the SCSC and GCSA, as part of the Governors Emergency Education Relief Fund. The GEER II grant launched the Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative and supported 15 charter schools/networks with subgrants of up to $300,000. Subgrants totaled over $2.4 million, and subgrantees utilized the funds for classroom furniture, marketing collateral, playground equipment, technology, instructional materials, professional services, and other needs to carry out their unique educational models. The SCSF staff and board have enjoyed connecting with schools and seeing grant funds in action!
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CSP Subgrant Awards
On February 20, 2024, the SCSF board voted to approve CSP SE Subgrant Awards for six Georgia charter schools/networks, totaling $7.7 million, to support their opening, replication, or expansion. Congratulations to these subgrantees!
For more information on Georgia’s CSP SE Grant, please see or The SCSF will open up the Grant Portal for subgrant applications again by the summer.
New School Grant Awardees
The Anchor School - $1,500,000
Excelsior Village Academies - $1,350,000
Sankofa Montessori - $1,250,000
Replication Grant Awardees
Georgia School for Innovation and the Classics - $1,350,000
Utopian Academy for the Arts at Trilith - $1,250,000
Expansion Grant Awardee
Scintilla Charter Academy - $1,000,000
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Charter School Day at the Capitol | |
February 21, 2024, marked a significant event for the charter school community in Georgia: Charter School Day at the Capitol. This day was a vibrant testament to the unity, dedication, and passion that students, families, educators, and advocates bring to the forefront of educational choice in our state.
Individuals across Georgia came together to engage directly with lawmakers, sharing personal stories, achievements, and the transformative impact of charter schools. The halls of the Capitol were filled with enthusiastic voices, all advocating for the continued support and recognition of the charter sector's crucial role in providing innovative and quality educational options.
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Georgia Department of Education Updates & Announcements | |
Professional Learning & Development Opportunity | |
GCSA Financial Management Courses Offered This Spring
Enrollment is open for GCSA's Financial Management Courses. Courses have already kicked off and are tailored to address the unique financial issues facing charter schools. GCSA’s Financial Management Certification Program is offered virtually, consisting of six courses, each divided into two sessions of four hours within the same week. This spring, GCSA is offering three courses, and additional courses will be offered in the summer. Registration is open to all interested charter school employees and their board members. Attendees can register for individual courses or the entire program.
Learn more on the GCSA website.
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ELA Standards Launch Tour: Part Two
March 2024: District Plan Development
ELA Standard Tour: Dates & Registration
2024 GaDOE Monthly Accountability Updates
3rd Wednesday of the month
12-1 PM
Monthly Accountability Series: Info & Registration
Collaborative Communication using GaDOE Community
Mar 4, 9-10 AM
Info & Registration
Superintendent Financial Management Training
Mar 7 - Dec 5
For training dates & registration information contact Amy Rowell -
Title I, Part A: Office Hours
Mar 13, 9:30-10:30 AM
Full calendar for 2023-24
ESOL Munch & Learn Series
Mar 13, 12-1 PM
Full Calendar for 2023-24
Updated WIDA Self-Paced Workshops for 2023-2024 For Teachers of English Learners
Info & Registration
Workshops available until Aug 2024
PLCs for Induction Level Leaders Focus: Leader Retention
Nov 2023 - May 2024
Info & Registration
Georgia RESAs & GaDOE virtual statewide conversations for instructional colleagues & educators
Held Bimonthly
Info & Schedule
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Lexile Certification Available at No Cost to Georgia Educators
Learn More
Financial Review Open Office Hours Sessions
GADOE is offering several monthly open office hours sessions throughout FY 2024. The sessions will include various topics related to state and federal financial compliance that will be beneficial for all school district finance staff.
Registration Link
TKES/LKES Contacts Webinar Series
Mar 14, 9-10 AM
Full Calendar
Computer Science 4GA Summit: Emerging Technologies Conference
Mar 21, 9 AM-5 PM
Info & Registration
The Math & Computer Science CONnect Programs
Provides interactive learning experiences surrounding the state resources for math & computer science. Learn how to implement GA's K-12 Math Standards with fidelity as well as access to a virtual assistant!
Info & Registration
Computer Science
Knowledge Building for Leaders:
Setting the Foundation for Structured Literacy Transformation
Free Training Workshops for PLCs sponsored by the Rollins Center for Language & Literacy in partnership with GaDOE.
Sep 2023 - Jun 2024
Info & Registration
| | A private professional networking space to engage with other educators across the state. | |
GaDOE’s Professional Learning platform for Georgia school and district staff and education partners.
| | The one-stop-shop site for Georgia educators to access educational resources, GA Standards of Excellence, data dashboards, professional learning and applications. | |
Funding & Engagement Programs | |
GaDOE Competitive Grants
Periodically, funding is available for GaDOE to award to districts and schools in the form of competitive grants, solidifying this commitment to Georgia's students. In an effort to streamline communication and create a consistent application process, all competitive grant opportunities can now be accessed below.
GaDOE Grant Opportunities
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McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children
and Youth Program FY25 Grant
The McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth FY25 Grant is intended to support homeless children and unaccompanied youth ensuring equal access to free appropriate public education, including public preschool education. All Georgia public LEAs reporting 150 or more students experiencing homelessness in the 2022-23 school year are eligible to apply. LEAs serving fewer than 150 students can apply as a consortium by collaborating with another LEA to submit a joint application, if collectively the LEAs served 150 or more homeless students in the 2022-23 school year.
Applications Due: Apr 12, 4 PM
Program Information
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The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) is a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. The SCSC has the power to approve or deny petitions for state charter schools and renew, nonrenew, or terminate state charter school contracts in accordance with Georgia law. | |
Copyright © 2023 State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, All rights reserved. | | | | |