State Charter Schools Commission Updates & Announcements | |
FINAL REMINDER - FY24 Governance Training
Deadline: June 30, 2024
As a reminder, Georgia law, O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2084(f), requires every member of a governing board of a state charter school to participate in annual governing board training. The deadline for governing board members to complete training for FY24 is June 30, 2024. Governing board members who have not yet completed their annual training requirements will need to seek training from an approved alternate provider. More information can be found on the Governance Training Requirements page.
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Alternate Governance Training
Board members who plan to do partial training or complete all training through an alternate training provider should review the “Alternate Governance Training - Required Sessions and Hours” document on the SCSC Governance Training page to make sure your alternate training follows SCSC requirements.
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Pre-Opening schools must complete governance training through the SCSC and may not use an alternate provider until they become operational. | |
FY25 LEA Legal Obligations Guidance | |
The SCSC Guidance Document “Legal Obligations of a State Charter School” has been updated to include statutory references from the 2024 Georgia legislative session. Schools may access the guidance document below and on the Operations page of the SCSC website. | |
Replication Petition Cycle
The Replication Petition Portal closed on June 14, 2024. Capacity interviews for petitioners whose applications meet requirements will be conducted on a rolling basis. Petitioners will receive information from the SCSC staff with more information.
Visit the SCSC Replicate an Existing School page for more information.
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Start-Up Petition Cycle
Capacity interviews for petitioners whose applications meet requirements have concluded. The SCSC Board of Commissioners will begin voting on staff recommendations at the July 31, 2024, board meeting.
Visit the Start a New School page for more information.
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SCSC Authorizer Evaluation Survey Invitation |
The SCSC is working with the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) to assess the SCSC’s authorizing practices and to help them carry out those practices more effectively.
As part of the process, all Georgia state charter schools are asked to complete an authorizer evaluation school survey.
We ask that you respond to this survey by July 12, 2024, as your responses will inform NACSA's overall assessment of the SCSC. This survey should take about 45-60 minutes to complete.
Your responses will remain anonymous. Based on the survey feedback, NACSA may reach out with follow-up questions or wish to meet with representatives from charter schools. Schools may contact Morgan Powell at with any questions.
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Dive into Research on Student Learning Outcomes
The Metro Atlanta Policy Lab for Education (MAPLE) partners with five of the largest school districts in the metro-Atlanta area, which collectively educate 30 percent of Georgia’s public-school students. MAPLE's partnerships with school districts and other stakeholders allow them to evaluate the effectiveness of existing education programs and policies, design and test creative policy solutions, and boost their capacity to interpret the evidence. Explore their latest findings:
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Public Comment Procedures |
The SCSC recently introduced a new, user-friendly form that will serve as a central hub for capturing both verbal and written comments ahead of SCSC board meetings.
In addition to the new submission form, we updated the deadline for submitting written comments to 10:00 a.m. the day before any regularly scheduled board meeting and verbal comments to 9:00 a.m. the day of a regularly scheduled board meeting.
Visit the SCSC Website for more information and form access.
Request Public Comment
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Charter Amendment Request Page |
The Charter Amendment page of the SCSC website is designed to streamline the amendment and administrative clarification request process for state charter schools. It provides all the necessary information and the request form in one convenient location.
We encourage all schools to visit the page to understand the process.
Request a Charter Amendment
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Replication & Expansion Cohort Program |
The SCSF is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 Replication & Expansion Cohort Program! This unique opportunity targets existing Georgia charter schools/networks that are considering growth within the next five years. This year-long, two-phase program includes intensive strategic planning services, facility and finance consultative services, and implementation support. The program is a part of the Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative, funded through the SCSF’s FY2022 CSP grant, and it is free of charge to participants.
The application deadline has been extended to 5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, July 1, 2024. Learn more and apply through the link below.
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Georgia CSP SE Subgrant Opportunity | The SCSF is now accepting applications for CSP subgrants for opening, replicating, and expanding charter schools/networks. Eligible charter schools/networks in Georgia may apply for up to $1.5 million in subgrant funds. All applications must be submitted through the SCSF’s CSP Portal by Wednesday, July 17, 2024. This subgrant opportunity is a part of the Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative. Learn more and apply through the link below. | |
Thank You, Jack and Jill! | |
The Southeastern Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. selected the SCSF as a community service partner for this year’s teen conference. Through this partnership, the SCSF received over 700 book donations. These donations will support our literacy initiatives, such as the Book Wagon and the Book Vending Machine grant, and help us serve high-need state charter schools across Georgia. Thank you, Jack and Jill teens from the Southeastern region! | |
Update Your School Profile |
Now is a great time to revisit your school’s profile on!
With the school year coming to a close, it is crucial that your school’s profile has been updated to reflect current, relevant information (updated grade bands, updated attendance zones, etc.). This is the only site that lists every charter school in Georgia.
To update your school’s profile, log into the site with your credentials. Once logged in, visit your school’s page, click the gear icon in the top right corner, click “Edit Profile,” and make any changes. If you need help logging in, please reach out to
The FindaGaCharter site is maintained by the SCSF. Please report any issues with the site to
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Georgia Department of Education Updates & Announcements | |
Charter Local Education Agencies Webinar Series
GaDOE Office of Federal Programs is providing a webinar series targeting Charter Local Education Agencies (LEA) in their first three years of operation. However, all Charter LEAs are invited to attend. The webinar schedule is available below.
For more information, contact John Wight,
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Prepare for TKES and LKES Implementation to Resume
Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, all pre-pandemic requirements for Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) and Leader Keys Effectiveness System (LKES) implementation will resume.
Review the upcoming changes here.
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Professional Learning & Development Opportunity | |
GCSA Financial Training Courses Offered This Summer & Fall
Expand your financial knowledge and skills by ENROLLING TODAY in GCSA's Financial Management Courses! Our courses are tailored to address the unique financial issues facing charter schools. GCSA’s Financial Management Certification Program is offered virtually, consisting of six courses, each divided into two sessions of four hours within the same week. Registration is open to all interested charter school employees and their board members. Attendees can register for individual courses or the entire program.
Scholarships are available for state charter school participants. Learn More.
- Governmental Accounting 101: Monday, July 22 & Tuesday, July 23
- QBE & Budget Development: Monday, Sept. 16 & Wednesday, Sept. 18
- Policy Development, Implementation & Evaluation: Monday, Sept. 30 & Wednesday, Oct. 2
- Procurement, Payroll & Compensation: Monday, Oct. 21 & Wednesday, Oct. 23
- Internal Controls & Effective Financial Oversight: Monday Nov. 18 & Wednesday, Nov. 20
- Audit Preparation & Best Practices: Tuesday, Dec. 3 & Wednesday, Dec. 4
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2024-2025 Early Intervention Program (EIP) Guidance
The 2024-2025 Early Intervention Program (EIP) Guidance documents are now available for school and district leaders. The guidance includes updated information regarding delivery models, eligibility and exit criteria and new assurance form requirements.
Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, superintendents of all local education agencies (LEAs) will be required to submit an annual EIP assurance form on or before September 1, 2024, through MyGaDOE. The annual EIP assurance form will be available within the MyGaDOE portal on July 1, 2024. For more information, send an email to:
Early Intervention Program (EIP) Guidelines
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EIP and REP Technical Assistance Chats
Year-Long, Next Session: Jul 10
Info & Registration
2024 GaDOE Monthly Accountability Updates
3rd Wednesday of the month,
Nex Session: Jul 17
Info & Registration
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Georgia RESAs & GaDOE Bimonthly Updates
Every other Wednesday, 9-10 AM
Next Session: Jul 10
Info & Schedule
Improving Outcomes for Federally Identified Schools Series
May 22 - Dec 11, Next Session: Jul 24
Info & Registration
| | A private professional networking space to engage with other educators across the state. | | GA Learns houses more than 100 courses. New courses are added monthly, covering various topics that support professional growth and classroom instruction. | | The one-stop-shop site for Georgia educators to access educational resources, GA Standards of Excellence, data dashboards, professional learning and applications. | |
Funding & Engagement Programs | |
GaDOE Competitive Grants
Periodically, funding is available for GaDOE to award to districts and schools in the form of competitive grants, solidifying this commitment to Georgia's students. In an effort to streamline communication and create a consistent application process, all competitive grant opportunities can now be accessed below.
GaDOE Grant Opportunities
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Teacher Grants for Innovation
Are you a teacher with an innovative project designed to improve learning outcomes and make a measurable impact on your students' lives? Through the Georgia Teachers Initiative, the Georgia Foundation for Public Education is awarding between $500 and $2,500 in Teacher Grants for Innovation to Georgia public school teachers to help bring your creative ideas to life. This grant will remain open, and applications are received on a rolling basis.
Applications for each monthly round are due on the 15th of each month. Winners are announced on the 15th of the following month.
Grant Info & Application
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Coming Soon: Georgia Outdoor Learning Demonstration (GOLD) Grant
The Georgia Outdoor Learning Demonstration (GOLD) Grant is intended to support the launch, revitalization, or expansion of outdoor learning opportunities for children in all parts of the state. Through an appropriation from the Georgia General Assembly, a maximum of $90,000 will be awarded, ranging from $500 to $5000 per recipient. Georgia LEAs and non-profit organizations providing outdoor learning opportunities to children will be eligible to apply.
Pending approval, the anticipated release of this application is July 15, 2024.
Check back on the GaDOE Grant Opportunities webpage.
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The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) is a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. The SCSC has the power to approve or deny petitions for state charter schools and renew, nonrenew, or terminate state charter school contracts in accordance with Georgia law. | |
Copyright © 2023 State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, All rights reserved. | | | | |