State Charter Schools Commission Updates & Announcements | |
New Charter Amendment Request Page Now Available
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new section on the SCSC website dedicated to the Charter Amendment Request process.
This new page is designed to streamline the amendment and administrative clarification request process for state charter schools, providing all the necessary information and the request form in one convenient location.
We encourage all schools to visit the page to understand the process.
Request a Charter Amendment
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FY24 Start-Up Petition Cycle
The start-up petition application portal closed on March 15, 2024.
The SCSC will assess submitted applications for legal and budget compliance and substantive review. Capacity interviews for petitioners whose applications meet requirements are scheduled to begin June 3, 2024.
Visit the Start a New School webpage for more information.
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Corrective Action Plan (CAP) responses were released to schools on March 22, 2024. Schools may review the CAP response in the SCSC Administrative Portal. The CAP response serves as the final FY24 monitoring results for the school.
The appeal window for monitoring results has closed. Schools may contact the SCSC staff member below with any questions.
Operational monitoring questions: Tiffany Leach - Associate General Counsel,
Fiscal monitoring questions: Carmen Freemire - Director of School Finance,
SCSC administrative portal questions: Kiara Thompson, Legal Programs Coordinator,
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Georgia law, O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2084(f), requires every governing board member of a state charter school to participate in annual governing board training. Governing board members may attend one of the three governing board training opportunities provided by the SCSC at no charge to fulfill this obligation.
This year, in an effort to incorporate feedback regarding training delivery methods, the SCSC will provide Governance Training in two parts. Each board member must receive 12 hours of governance training annually. Operational schools may do that by attending either SCSC training or through an alternate provider. Pre-opening schools must complete governance training through the SCSC and may not use an alternate provider.
| SCSC-offered Governance Training | |
Part 1: In-Person
Full day, in-person sessions. There will be three opportunities to attend one of these training events. Completing one full in-person training will earn you 6 governance training hours. Please refer to the Governance Training page for more details and session information.
Upcoming Training:
April Governance Training | Apr 17, 9 AM
This is the last in-person training opportunity for FY24
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Part 2: Virtual
Asynchronous, virtual sessions. Board members can choose to complete their remaining 6 governance training hours. Board members will receive an access link directly from the SCSC after the first in-person session. Please refer to the Virtual Sessions document for FY24 Virtual Governance Training Agenda and Registration Links.
| Deadline to access and complete virtual sessions: April 30, 2024 | |
Alternate Governance Training
Board members who plan to do partial training or complete all training through an alternate training provider should review the “Alternate Governance Training - Required Sessions and Hours” document on the SCSC Governance Training page to make sure your alternate training follows SCSC requirements.
Board members of newly approved and newly transferred state charter schools are required to attend SCSC governance training. Additionaly , Pre-Opening schools must complete governance training through the SCSC and may not use an alternate provider until they become operational.
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Did You know?
What is a Budget?
As schools enter budget preparation season, here are a few tips on what a budget is.
- A budget is simply a plan with dollars attached.
A budget is a Communications Document. It tells the families of students what is important to the school and makes it accountable for public funds received.
- A budgets explains the highest and best use of the limited resources it receives.
A school’s budget needs to be aligned with its mission, goals, and strategic plan. The budget articulates where the school is headed, so objectives need to be tied to the cost items detailed in it.
Finally, a budget is a structure for collecting and reporting information. It must be developed with measuring in mind to ensure commitments made during planning are understood and fulfilled as the school year progresses. By measuring the school can check its progress and make sure it is meeting its mission.
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The SCSF's Shining Star Teacher program is back!
This is an opportunity for students, families, administrators, and other school community members to nominate outstanding teachers from Georgia state charter schools. The SCSF will collect nominations, determine winners, and recognize these fantastic Shining Stars from around the state. Winners will receive $50 Amazon gift cards! Nominations will be accepted through Thursday, April 4, 2024.
Nominate Here
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Ms. Katia Clemons of PEACE Academy Honored as Charter School Teacher of the Year | |
The 2024 Charter School Teacher of the Year was awarded to Ms. Katia Clemons at the Georgia Charter School Association's (GCSA) 21st annual conference on March 13th. This significant achievement recognizes Ms. Clemons's exceptional contributions to her students and the charter school community.
Employing innovative and compassionate teaching strategies, Ms. Clemons has remarkably elevated her students' proficiency in reading, taking them from 67% below grade level to just 4% in eight months. Beyond her academic achievements, Ms. Clemons has positively influenced the school's culture through initiatives like the Science After School Club and significant engagement with parents and staff. Her outstanding rapport with students and parents and her dedication to their success has created an environment where every student can thrive.
The SCSC celebrates Ms. Clemons's achievement and dedication to her students and the charter school community. Congratulations, Ms. Clemons, on this well-deserved recognition!
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Georgia Department of Education Updates & Announcements | |
2024 CCRPI Live Data Verification Tool Now Available
GaDOE Office of Assessment & Accountability released the 2024 CCRPI Live Data Verification tool in the CCRPI portal on March 26th. This tool will help ensure accurate CCRPI data by providing summary data (updated nightly) from Student Record. Additional Student Record data and data from Student Class will populate in the tool throughout April and May. This tool will assist in verifying the accuracy of the data used for CCRPI calculations that is submitted in Student Record and Student Class before the data collections close.
To access the tool
Log into the MyGaDOE portal > click on the CCRPI link > choose Live Data Verification.
To access the user guides, training webinar, and webinar PPT
Log into the MyGaDOE portal > click on the CCRPI link > choose CCRPI Resources.
Contact the GaDOE accountability specialist assigned to assist your district with questions regarding the data.
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Professional Learning & Development Opportunity | |
Governor's School Leadership Academy
2024-2025 Cohort Application Now Open
The Governor’s School Leadership Academy (GSLA) provides a comprehensive and equitable system of support to build the capacity of Georgia educators and leaders.
GSLA Program Information
GSLA targets five levels of educational practice to support and develop educators in all phases of their careers – from induction to school and district leadership.
Teacher Leader Support Program - Delivered through the RESA Network for teachers with five or more years of experience who are interested in leadership roles inside and outside the classroom.
Induction Teacher Support Program - Delivered through the RESA Network for teachers in years 1-3 of practice.
District Sustainability Program - Delivered through the RESA Network for districts/schools invited to participate.
Principal Support Program - For principals who work in a district/school and are currently partnering with a GSLA-affiliated RESA.
Aspiring Principal Program - Developed and facilitated by GSLA staff and includes educators who serve in a federally identified school or district with at least one federally identified school.
All applications are due May 31, 2024
GCSA Financial Management Courses Offered This Spring
Enrollment is open for GCSA's Financial Management Courses. Courses have already kicked off and are tailored to address the unique financial issues facing charter schools. GCSA’s Financial Management Certification Program is offered virtually, consisting of six courses, each divided into two sessions of four hours within the same week. This spring, GCSA is offering three courses, and additional courses will be offered in the summer. Registration is open to all interested charter school employees and their board members. Attendees can register for individual courses or the entire program.
Learn more on the GCSA website.
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GaDOE Data Collections and Validation Open Office Hours
Apr 4, 10-11 AM
Apr 18, 10-11 AM
Full Calendar
Title I, Part A: Office Hours
Apr 10, 9:30-10:30 AM
Full calendar for 2023-24
CTAE Career Fair
Apr 13, 9 AM-12 PM
Macon, GA
Info & Registration
Financial Review Open Office Hours Sessions
April 17, 10-11 AM: Budget Planning for Fiscal Year 2025
Literacy and Dyslexia Technical Assistance Chats
Apr 18, 12-1 PM
Literacy & Dyslexia Chats
ESOL Munch & Learn Series
May 1, 12-1 PM
Full Calendar for 2023-24
GAEL Spring Webinar Series
What Every Building Leader Needs to Know About GA K-12 English Language Arts Standards
May 2 - Spotlight of Foundations and Language
June 6 - Spotlight on Practices and Text
Info & Registration
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2024 GaDOE Monthly Accountability Updates
3rd Wednesday of the month,
12-1 PM
Monthly Accountability Series: Info & Registration
Superintendent Financial Management Training
Mar 7 - Dec 5
For dates & registration info, contact Amy Rowell -
Lexile Certification Available at No Cost to Georgia Educators
Learn More
Knowledge Building for Leaders:
Setting the Foundation for Structured Literacy Transformation
Free Training Workshops for PLCs sponsored by the Rollins Center for Language & Literacy in partnership with GaDOE.
Sep 2023 - Jun 2024
Info & Registration
PLCs for Induction Level Leaders Focus: Leader Retention
Nov 2023 - May 2024
Info & Registration
GaDOE & Acentra Spring EAP Health & Wellness Webinars
Info & Registration
Georgia RESAs & GaDOE Bimonthly Updates
Every other Wednesday, 9-10 AM
Info & Schedule
Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network – LEA Summer Learning Series
Info & Registration
| | A private professional networking space to engage with other educators across the state. | | GA Learns houses more than 100 courses. New courses are added monthly, covering various topics that support professional growth and classroom instruction. | | The one-stop-shop site for Georgia educators to access educational resources, GA Standards of Excellence, data dashboards, professional learning and applications. | |
Funding & Engagement Programs | |
Important Reminder for all Schools
2024-2025 Public Education Employee Assistance Program – Opt-In Required
Georgia’s Public Education Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – offered in partnership with Acentra Health – provides mental health counseling, financial and legal resources, and work/life referral services to school and district employees, at no cost to you or your staff. Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, EAP services will be available by request only and districts must opt in to participate. Districts who wish to receive EAP services for the 2024-25 school year must complete the form linked below.
EAP Assistance Program Form
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GaDOE Competitive Grants
Periodically, funding is available for GaDOE to award to districts and schools in the form of competitive grants, solidifying this commitment to Georgia's students. In an effort to streamline communication and create a consistent application process, all competitive grant opportunities can now be accessed below.
GaDOE Grant Opportunities
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Safer Georgia Schools Grant, Round 3
The Safer Georgia Schools Grant, Round 3 is intended to support the health and safety of students in Georgia through funding for cybersecurity resources and associated training. A maximum of $5,500,000 will be awarded in grants to be expended through the FY25 federal fiscal year, up to $100,000 per district.
Application Due: April 16, 5 PM
Grant Information
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McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children
and Youth Program FY25 Grant
The McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth FY25 Grant is intended to support homeless children and unaccompanied youth ensuring equal access to free appropriate public education, including public preschool education. All Georgia public LEAs reporting 150 or more students experiencing homelessness in the 2022-23 school year are eligible to apply. LEAs serving fewer than 150 students can apply as a consortium by collaborating with another LEA to submit a joint application, if collectively the LEAs served 150 or more homeless students in the 2022-23 school year.
Applications Due: Apr 12, 4 PM
Grant Information
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Georgia Foundation for Public Education’s Workforce for Georgia Grant
The Georgia Foundation for Public Education, in partnership with the Georgia Power Foundation, Inc., is pleased to announce the request for proposals (RFP) for the third round of the Workforce for Georgia Grant Program. The grant program provides up to $50,000 to schools and school districts that offer Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) through traditional high school programs or through College and Career Academies (CCA), with support to invest in implementing or scaling programs to better serve students and instructors in the continuation of programs and/or program alignment of educational and training pathways to meet workforce needs of local and regional communities’ industries and businesses.
Application Due: April 16, 5 PM
Grant Information
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Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership Grant
The Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership Grant is intended to support engagement with families who have students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) by providing funds for parent mentors. An amount of $18,400 will be awarded to each LEA that applies for the grant and meets the qualifications of the grant application. All Georgia public LEAs are eligible to apply.
Applications Due: Apr 30, 5 PM
Grant Information
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The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) is a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. The SCSC has the power to approve or deny petitions for state charter schools and renew, nonrenew, or terminate state charter school contracts in accordance with Georgia law. | |
Copyright © 2023 State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, All rights reserved. | | | | |