SCSC Proposes Updates to
Comprehensive Performance Framework
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The SCSC presented proposed updates to the Comprehensive Performance Framework (CPF) at the May 31st board meeting. The CPF is the accountability tool used to measure state charter school performance in three critical areas: Academic, Financial, and Operational. The purpose of the CPF is to promote transparency and objectivity by clarifying SCSC performance expectations and providing schools with an annual assessment of where they stand in terms of charter renewal. The proposed updates will span all three CPF categories and are intended to increase clarity and transparency for Georgia stakeholders. If approved, most of the changes would go into effect for the 2023-2024 school year.
The SCSC will host a webinar on June 8, 2023, to provide a detailed review of the proposed updates to the CPF. The SCSC will also be accepting public comment until June 30, 2023. Access additional information below.
CPF Webinar Registration - 6/8/23
CPF Updates Public Comment Form - Deadline 6/30/23
CPF Updates Presentation
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State Charter Schools Commission Updates & Announcements | |
The SCSC welcomed Carmen Freemire, Director of School Finance, and summer interns Tina Novelli, Val Tchoute, and Molly Gassman. In addition, the SCSC staff presented proposed updates to the CPF. Public comment on the proposed changes will be accepted here.
The SCSC voted to accept a staff recommendation to amend the charter contract for Spring Creek Charter Academy to increase the school’s enrollment limit and to authorize the school to serve students in grades K through 12. In addition, the SCSC approved the transfer petition for the RISE Schools to operate as a state charter school for a three-year charter term beginning the 2023-24 school year.
The next board meeting will be held on June 28, 2023. Click below for the 2023 SCSC board meeting calendar.
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Left to right: Val Tchoute, Tina Novelli, Molly Gassman | |
The SCSC has welcomed the summer 2023 interns. Val Tchoute, a graduate student at Georgia State University pursuing a degree in Public Administration. Tina Novelli, a doctoral student at the University of Georgia in special education, and Molly Gassman, a recent 2023 graduate from Emory University with a degree in business and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. | |
SCSC staff will begin presenting recommendations for FY23 start-up charter petitions at the June 2023 board meeting. FY23 replication & expansion petitions must be submitted by July 14, 2023. | |
State Charter Unified Enrollment System Feedback Survey
The SCSC is accepting feedback on the Proposed Unified Enrollment System via a feedback form sent directly to schools. Submissions will be accepted until June 23, 2023. Please Contact Communications Specialist Erica Acha-Morfaw with any questions.
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Upcoming Training Opportunities
LEA Reporting Training
July 2023 - TBA
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School Communications Policy
The SCSC School Communications Policy, FAQ and web form can be found on the
School Resources page of the SCSC website.
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2023 Legislative Guidance
The SCSC Legal Division emailed the 2023 Legislative Guidance document to schools on May 26, 2023. If your school did not receive the guidance, or if you have questions, you may contact SCSC Associate General Counsel Tiffany Leach at
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SCSF Names Shining Star Teachers |
The State Charter Schools Foundation (SCSF) has named 30 Shining Star Teachers from state charter schools across Georgia! These incredible educators were selected from 385 nominations submitted by parents, students, co-workers, and members of the community. Nominations included stories of teachers going over and above to support students, families, and their schools.
From offering interactive virtual lessons to helping children with disabilities thrive to instilling a love of learning in high schoolers, teachers demonstrated their dedication time and time again.
Each Star Teacher will receive a $50 Amazon gift card and recognition on the SCSF website and social media channels. To see Shining Star Teachers, please visit the SCSF's website. This program is made possible by financial support from Growing Leaders (Gold Star Sponsor), Technology Lab (Silver Star Sponsor), the SCSF Board of Directors, and anonymous donors.
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Fulton Leadership Academy Awarded $500,000 FAA Grant |
Fulton Leadership Academy (FLA) received a $500,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Grant from the Aircraft Pilots Aviation Workforce Development Program. The Workforce Development Program intends to expand the aircraft pilots workforce and provide meaningful aviation education designed to prepare students to become aircraft pilots, aerospace engineers, or unmanned aircraft systems operators, and support the related professional development of teachers.
Recipients of this grant can use the funding to establish new educational programs; provide scholarships or apprenticeships; conduct outreach about careers in the aviation maintenance industry; and support educational opportunities related to aviation maintenance in economically disadvantaged areas.
SCSC Chairman Visits Ethos Classical
Ethos Classical Academy welcomed SCSC Chairman Buzz Brockway to their growing campus. Chairman Brockway had the opportunity to engage in discussions with Ethos' school leader and witness firsthand the areas designated for growth in the future.
The visit served as the conclusion to the SCSC Commissioner Spring visits.
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Professional Learning & Development Opportunity | |
Georgia School Safety and Homeland Security Conference
Registration is now open for the 2023 GA School Safety and Homeland Security Conference hosted by the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) on June 19-21 in Athens, Georgia at the Classic Center. Registration Link:
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TKES Initial Credentialing Training
Virtual Only
6/6/2023, 8:30 AM-2:00 PM
TKES Training
There will be 2 more training opportunities during the month of July.
Administrator Summer Series: Prevention Systems-Discipline & School Safety
6/6/2023, Two virtual sessions:
Secondary School Series:
9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Registration Link
Elementary School Series:
1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Registration Link
FY24 Consolidated LEA
Improvement Plan
FY24 CLIP Due Date – Friday, June 30. CLIP Progress Monitoring window for the 2nd part of 2023 will open in May, contact John Wight with questions:
LEA Consolidated Application
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LKES Initial Credentialing Training
Virtual Only
6/8/2023, 8:30 AM -1:00 PM
LKES Training
There will be 2 more training opportunities during the month of July.
Summer Series: State Discipline Code Definitions Training
6/8/2023, Two virtual sessions:
Secondary School Series:
Registration Link
Elementary School Series:
1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Registration Link
Building Staff Capacity to Support Effective Family Engagement
6/8/2023, 1:00 PM -2:00 PM
Registration Link
New Math Standards
GCTM Summer Academies beginning in June, for information:
New Math Standards Training
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A private professional networking space to engage with other educators across the state.
| | GaDOE’s Professional Learning platform for Georgia school and district staff and education partners. | | The one-stop-shop site for Georgia educators to provide quick access to GaDOE educational resources, GA Standards of Excellence, data dashboards, professional learning, and GaDOE applications. | |
Funding & Engagement Programs | |
GaDOE Competitive Grants
Periodically, funding is available for GaDOE to award to districts and schools in the form of competitive grants, solidifying this commitment to Georgia's students. In an effort to streamline communication and create a consistent application process, all competitive grant opportunities can now be accessed here.
GaDOE Grant Opportunities
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Safer Georgia School Grant, Deadline: June 9, 2023
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Follow the SCSC for real-time news and updates. | |
The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) is a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. The SCSC has the power to approve or deny petitions for state charter schools and renew, nonrenew, or terminate state charter school contracts in accordance with Georgia law. | |
Copyright © 2023 State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, All rights reserved. | | | | |