SCSC Newsletter

March 31, 2023

Georgia State Charter School Authorizer

Receives Exemplary Rating

“The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia is a quality authorizer imbued with commitment, leadership, and judgment,” said National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) evaluators. “Staff demonstrate a deep understanding of their role as an authorizer: to foster accountability, to protect schools’ agency and autonomy, and, when appropriate, to serve as a support for schools.”

The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) received an Exemplary rating as a charter school authorizer, according to an evaluation report conducted by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA).

NACSA conducted an evaluation of the statewide charter school authorizer in accordance with the Georgia Principles and Standards for Charter School Authorizing. NACSA is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization that designed the model principles and standards for effective charter school authorizing. The 15 Georgia principles and standards are informed by national best practices, align with state law and aim to encourage authorizer accountability and guide local boards of education, the SBOE, and the SCSC in meeting high-quality authorizing practices.

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State Charter Schools Commission Updates & Announcements

SCSC Board Meetings

At the March 29th board meeting, Executive Director Lauren Holcomb welcomed Robert Watts, the Facilities & Assets Manager. Executive Director Holcomb also announced General Counsel Cerrone Lockett's acceptance into the NACSA Leaders Program.

Following, Director of Charter Development Kristen Easterbrook updated the board on the status of pre-opening schools, and Deputy General Counsel Erin Wright provided an update for the FY23 start-up petition cycle deadlines.

Additionally, Research Analyst Scott Riley provided an update on GaDOE's proposed accountability updates. Chief Operations Officer Morgan Felts shared a financial audit update regarding schools with outstanding submissions. Staff also shared the CPF results for all state charter schools for the 2021-22 school year, which included academic, financial and operational scores.

Concluding the meeting, commissioners voted to renew SAIL- School for Arts Infused Learning for a 5-year charter term, amend Ethos Classical attendance zone, amend SLAM Academy's grade band, amend SCSC Rule 691-2-.06 and adopt Rule 691-2-.11.

The next board meeting will be held on April 26, 2023. Click below for the 2023 SCSC board meeting calendar.

SCSC Meeting Page

Farewell Executive Director Holcomb

The State Charter Schools Commission announces that Executive Director Lauren Holcomb will be stepping down effective March 31, 2023. During her tenure, Lauren has been an exceptional leader, mentor and friend. Her leadership has been instrumental in shaping the agency's direction, and she has made notable strategic achievements driven by the SCSC mission and vision. Her unwavering commitment to excellence has set a high bar for all of us, and she will be greatly missed.

The SCSC has partnered with NACSA to hire the next Executive Director. Until the position is filled, Chief Operations Officer Morgan Felts will serve as Interim Executive Director.

SCSC Rules & Policy Update

School Communications Policy

The Communication Policy for State Charter Schools expressly identifies information related to school operations that must be provided to the SCSC Executive Director or designee and establishes a timeframe for doing so.

The SCSC has provided responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the State Charter School Communication Policy. The SCSC has also provided a web form where communications reports must be submitted.

The SCSC School Communications Policy, FAQ and web form can be found on the

School Resources page of the SCSC website.

691-2-.06 State Charter School Sites and Facilities Rule

SCSC staff recommended, and the SCSC board approved, the adoption of amended SCSC Rule 691-2-.06. The amendments establish notice and procedural requirements for school facility changes, clarify the notice requirement for an existing provision related to facility financing, and establish notice requirements for facility-related arrangements with Educational Service Providers (ESP).

 691-2-.10 Suspension and Probation Rule

SCSC staff recommended, and the SCSC board approved, the adoption of SCSC Rule 691-2-.10. The rule establishes circumstances under which state charter schools may be subject to pre-opening suspension, suspension, or probation. 

The adopted rules will be in effect on April 18, 2023.

2021-22 Comprehensive Performance Framework

The SCSC presented the 2021-22 Comprehensive Performance Framework (CPF) results at the March 29th board meeting. The CPF performance standards align with the core components of strong charter schools and reflect the SCSC organizational mission to provide students with better educational opportunities than they would otherwise receive in traditional district schools. Each area of the framework answers a question through a series of indicators.

  • Academic Performance: Is the school offering students a better educational opportunity than they would otherwise receive in the traditional district school?
  • Financial Performance: Is the school financially viable?
  • Operational Performance: Is the school, as an organization, effective, compliant and well-managed by the governing board?

2021-22 Performance Highlights

  • 84% (31 of 37) of state charter schools outperformed the schools their students would otherwise attend in 2021-22.
  • 80% (28 of 35) of state charter schools are meeting financial standards for the 2021-2022 school year
  • 62% (23 of 37) state charter schools are meeting operational standards for the 2021-2022 school year 

The full CPF results presentation can be found here.

Petitioner Updates 

The SCSC Board of Commissioners approved the following

petition items at the October 19, 2022, board meeting. 

FY23 Start-Up Petition Timeline

The FY23 Start-Up Application Portal closed on March 17, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

The SCSC received 12 petition applications. at the FY23 deadline.

Capacity Interviews – the SCSC staff will schedule interviews with eligible FY23 petitioners beginning May 15, 2023.

SCSC staff will begin presenting recommendations for FY23 start-up charter petitions at the June 2023 board meeting. *.

The FY23 startup petition cycle will close on December 31, 2023FY23 concurrent petition submissions will not be considered in determining legal compliance for subsequent petition cycles. 

*Approved petitions may be required to open on a deferred timeline depending on the approval date.

FY23 Replication Petition Timeline

The SCSC FY23 Replication & Expansion Application Window opened on January 2, 2023.

FY23 Replication & Expansion Application Window closes on July 14, 2023. All petition applications must be submitted on or before this deadline. 

Capacity Interviews – Eligible petitioners that submit applications on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 17, 2023, will be scheduled for interviews the week of May 15, 2023. Interviews for eligible petitions received after March 17, 2023, will be scheduled on a rolling basis.

SCSC staff will begin presenting recommendations for the FY23 replication & expansion petitions at the June 2023 SCSC board meeting.

Please visit the SCSC website for more information.

SCSC Training Opportunities & Events

The SCSC offers various training opportunities throughout the year. See below for the most up-to-date information about SCSC-offered training and resources.

Governance Training Live Session

April 12-13, 2023

Registration Information

Visit the SCSC training page

Winners Announced

Virtual Art Gallery Now Available

The virtual gallery for the State Charter School Foundation's Art of Connection - Exhibition of Student Art is now available! More than 350 students from state charter schools around Georgia submitted their artwork reflecting on how they connect to the world around them.

Winners have also been announced for the 2023 Art of Connection - Exhibition of Student Art! 

For more information and access to the gallery, visit

Professional Learning & Development Opportunity

Assessment Updates

For more information regarding the latest GaDOE Assessment updates, click here.

March 2023 Assessment Updates

FY 24 McKinney-Vento Education for Children and Youth Program (MVP) Continuation Application

Districts currently receiving McKinney-Vento grant funds are required to complete the continuation application and appending budget summary. GaDOE will review and evaluate the progress of McKinney-Vento grantees and determine the continuation of funds to facilitate the enrollment, attendance, and success of homeless children and youth.

For questions contact: Maria Davis at or Whittney Mitchell at

2023-2024 Governor's School Leadership Program

The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) has opened applications for the Governor's School Leadership Program (GSLA). This year, thanks to continued support from the Governor's Office and the Georgia Legislature, GOSA will be able to offer all GSLA programs at no cost to districts.

Learn more & Apply

Georgia Virtual PartnerUP Program

Through PartnerUP, Georgia Virtual will provide a learning environment and digital content resources, along with technical support and professional development, to create a comprehensive online or blended learning environment for your district’s students. PartnerUP provides flexibility that accommodates your district’s online, hybrid, or blended needs. Districts joining the program in spring 2023 will receive resources and support free of charge throughout the next year through the GRE4T initiative. Interested? Fill out the brief survey linked below, and a member of our team will be in touch.


Survey Link

Response Deadline: Friday, April 28

FY23 Special Education Summer Data Collections

The purpose of this webinar is to provide district special education leaders support in using the Special Education Applications Dashboard in the GaDOE portal. Data collection guidance and information in the areas of Post School Outcomes, Preschool Outcomes, Parent Survey and Continuation of Services will be provided.


April 6, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

New website alert for LEAs seeking professional development with McKinney-Vento

New Teacher Academy

The National Math + Science Initiative (NMSI) is looking for enthusiastic new STEM teachers (who identify as African American or a person of color) ready to enrich their teaching skills at the National Math + Science Initiative’s New Teacher Academy.

Learn more & Apply

EAP Wellness Series: Stress Awareness

April 6 - 20

Georgia Department of Education is providing a free, statewide Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for all full-time public-school teachers (including Pre-K teachers) and staff through a partnership with Kepro.

EAP Wellness Series

Georgia’s Test Development Process

The Office of Assessment and Accountability has provided an interactive infographic of Georgia's test development process.

Georgia's Test Development Infographic

Additional Resources

GaDoe Community

A private professional networking space to engage with other educators across the state.

Georgia Learns

GaDOE’s Professional Learning platform for Georgia school and district staff and education partners.


The one-stop-shop site for Georgia educators to provide quick access to GaDOE educational resources, GA Standards of Excellence, data dashboards, professional learning, and GaDOE applications.

Funding & Engagement Programs

GTA Broadband & Digital Connectivity Surveys

GTA is creating a comprehensive and effective 5-year broadband strategy and digital connectivity plan, and they need feedback from schools!

Each survey type covers a different area of need, including workforce, infrastructure, programs, and digital connectivity barriers. Your input is critical in helping to ensure that GTA's strategy and plans are inclusive, equitable, and responsive to the needs of all our stakeholders. The deadline to complete the surveys is May 1, 2023.

GTA Broadband & Digital Connectivity Surveys

Affordable Connectivity Program

The Federal Communications Commission announced that 20 of the nation's internet providers have committed to lowering costs for low-income households, a step that will essentially provide free high-speed internet for those participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP lowers internet costs for eligible families by up to $30 a month through grant funding. For Georgia residents to get their share of the funding, families need to sign up for themselves.


Communicating about this program to eligible families is the largest barrier to implementing this program. The ExcelinEd team has developed resources to share to help students whose families may qualify for this free- and reduced-priced internet service.

 Affordable Connectivity Program

Employee Assistance Program

for all Public-School Teachers & Staff

Georgia’s Public Education Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a partnership between Kepro and GaDOE and will be provided at no cost to districts, schools, or employees. This program is designed to support teachers' and staff's mental health and wellness. It will allow access to mental health counseling, financial and legal resources, work/life referral services, and more.

Services are available now, and teachers and staff will receive additional access information directly from GaDOE or their district or school. The EAP is free, confidential, and supportive – neither the state nor local districts or schools will have access to information shared in counseling or consulting sessions.

Below is a toolkit of resources to assist you as you communicate with your staff.

Staffing Toolkit

Job Opportunities

The SCSC is accepting applications for the following positions.

Executive Director

Follow the SCSC for real-time news and updates.

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The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) is a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. The SCSC has the power to approve or deny petitions for state charter schools and renew, nonrenew, or terminate state charter school contracts in accordance with Georgia law.

Copyright © 2023 State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, All rights reserved.

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