Georgia Awarded $38 Million to
Support Charter School Growth
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The U.S. Department of Education has awarded a grant of $38,295,000 through the FY22 Charter Schools Program (CSP) State Entity grant competition to the State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia (SCSF) to support the creation, replication, and expansion of high-quality charter schools throughout Georgia. The five-year grant will be used to provide funds, training, and technical guidance to new and existing charter schools, with the goal of serving 6,000 more charter school students across the state. The SCSF will work in partnership with the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) and the Georgia Department of Education, the co-applicants for this grant. Together, the coalition will also offer training to school boards on quality charter school authorizing; disseminate charter school best practices to high-need public schools; and maintain a website to provide information about charter schools in Georgia to the public (
Click here for the full release
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SCSC Updates & Announcements | |
The SCSC held its October board meeting on October 19, 2022. At the October meeting, Executive Director Lauren Holcomb introduced two new SCSC team members: Charter Development Coordinator, Naquita Smith, and Associate General Counsel, Tiffany Leach. Director Holcomb also announced the State Charter Schools Foundation's CSP Grant award from the U.S. Department of Education.
Additionally, Kristen Easterbrook, Director of Charter Development, provided an update on upcoming petitioner webinars, and Morgan Felts, Chief Operations Officer, announced that the SCSC is in the early stages of implementing a universal enrollment system for state charter schools. The current unified enrollment timeline anticipates a pilot year beginning in Fall 2023 will full implementation in Fall 2024; more details will become available in coming months.
Concluding the meeting, commissioners voted to approve three petition cycle-related recommendations, a 2021-22 Alternate Academic accountability measures recommendations and a charter amendment recommendation for the International Charter Academy of Georgia. Petition cycle and academic accountability updates are detailed below.
The next board meeting will be held on November 19, 2022, at 10 AM. Click below for the 2022 SCSC board meeting calendar.
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FY23 Operational Performance Monitoring Updates | |
The SCSC Legal Division is currently conducting compliance reviews on school-submitted documents. Monitoring results are expected to be disseminated before the end of the calendar year. Schools are required to submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for any findings they receive. As a reminder, CAPs are due six weeks after monitoring results are issued.
Please contact SCSC General Counsel Cerrone Lockett at or Legal Programs Coordinator Kiara Thompson at with any questions.
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Academic Accountability Update | |
Alternate Academic Accountability Measures for 2021-2022 School Year | |
Due to the COVID pandemic, the U.S. Department of Education allowed states to modify elements of their statewide accountability system for the 2021-2022 school year. As such, the Georgia Dept. of Education (GaDOE) chose to calculate and report only certain components of the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI). CCRPI scores play a critical role in the SCSC’s approach to measuring state charter school academic performance as defined in the SCSC Comprehensive Performance Framework (CPF). While GaDOE will report CCRPI Content Mastery scores, no progress or overall scores will be generated. Without CCRPI overall and growth data, the SCSC must consider alternative measures to assess school progress and uphold its obligations to annually assess state charter school academic performance. | |
At the October board meeting, the SCSC adopted three measures in place of those currently included in the academic section of the SCSC CPF for the 2021-2022 school year. The three measures are:
- GaDOE calculated CCRPI Content Mastery scores,
- SCSC generated Student Growth Percentiles, and
- SCSC generated Value-Added Impact scores.
A state charter school will be considered "meeting" academic standards for the 2021-2022 school year if it outperforms the school-weighted or district-weighted comparison score on any one or combination of the above measures in all grade bands served or on a grade band enrollment-weighted whole school score.
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For more details regarding these measures, comparison scores, or SCSC academic accountability in general, please contact Katie Manthey, SCSC Director of Research and Evaluation, at | |
Years without scores indicate that the school either did not have a
graduation rate reported, or the school was not under SCSC authorization.
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The Georgia Department of Education released Georgia high-school graduation rates for the 2021-2022 school year on October 6th. The state’s graduation rate increased in 2022, rising to 84.1% – an all-time high since the state began using the adjusted cohort calculation now required by federal law, and up from 83.7% in 2021. The majority of state charter schools reported graduation rates well above the improved state average. Georgia Connections Academy and Georgia Cyber Academy, two of the state’s virtual charter schools, continue to trend upward after six and three years of consecutive improvements to their respective graduation rates. | |
2022-2023 SCSC Charter Renewal Cycle | |
At the September board meeting, the SCSC Board of Commissioners voted to initiate the 2023 renewal cycle by approving the renewal calendar and timeline. The cycle begins with the release of the renewal application on November 1, 2022. Renewal interviews are scheduled to take place at the end of January 2023 and renewal recommendations are slated to be brought for a vote at the February 2023 SCSC board meeting.
For more details about the timeline, process and renewal expectations please visit the SCSC website: or reach out to Katie Manthey, SCSC Director of Research and Evaluation,
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Petitioner Updates
The SCSC Board of Commissioners approved the following
petition items at the October 19, 2023, board meeting.
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FY23 Start-Up Petition Timeline |
The SCSC will initiate the FY23 Start-Up Petition Cycle on the following timeline:
FY23 Start-up Application Portal opens on October 31, 2022*.
Application Link
FY23 Start-Up Application Portal will close on March 17, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. All petition applications must be submitted on or before this deadline.
Capacity Interviews – the SCSC staff will schedule interviews with eligible FY23 petitioners beginning this week of May 15, 2023.
SCSC staff will begin presenting recommendations for FY23 start-up charter petitions at the June 2023 board meeting. **.
The FY23 startup petition cycle will close on December 31, 2023. FY23 concurrent petition submissions will not be considered in determining legal compliance for subsequent petition cycles.
*Start-up charter petitions must be submitted through the online Application Portal to be considered.
**Approved petitions may be required to open on a deferred timeline depending on the approval date.
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FY23 Replication Petition Timeline |
The SCSC will initiate the FY23 petition cycle on the following timeline:
Letters of Intent – due by December 12, 2022, at 11:59 p.m*.
FY23 Replication & Expansion Application Window opens on January 2, 2023.
FY23 Replication & Expansion Application Window closes on July 14, 2023.All petition applications must be submitted on or before this deadline.
Capacity Interviews – Eligible petitioners that submit applications on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 17, 2023, will be scheduled for interviews the week of May 15, 2023. Interviews for eligible petitions received after March 17, 2023, will be scheduled on a rolling basis.
SCSC staff will begin presenting recommendations for the FY23 replication & expansion petitions at the June 2023 SCSC board meeting.
Please visit the SCSC website for more information.
| *The SCSC will only consider replication petitions if a Letter of Intent is timely filed. | |
FY23 Petition Priorities & Application Updates | |
The SCSC has established petition priorities for the FY23 start-up and replication petition cycles as one of many strategies intended to meet the strategic objective of increasing charter school choice in communities with few or no educational options.
To encourage charter applications from underserved communities, the SCSC will apply the following requirements to all FY23 petitions:
- Define “Priority Area” as “a location more than five miles from any operational charter school.”
- Petitions for state charter schools located outside of Priority Areas may be denied solely due to location to ensure SCSC can devote sufficient resources to schools in Priority Areas.
- If approved, a petitioner that proposes a state charter school located in a Priority Area must locate and serve students within the Priority Area identified in the petition during its first operational school year.
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The FY23 start-up petition application captures the same substantive content as the FY22 petition with the following revisions:
- Streamlined organization of petition contents to increase readability, including removal of the virtual school addendum;
- Clarified SCSC’s evaluation of a petitioner’s selected attendance zone to reflect that a statewide attendance zone must include evidence of community interest in, and a plan to recruit students from, a majority of school districts;
- Added an Education Service Provider (ESP) Addendum to enhance the due diligence information provided for proposed ESPs consistent with national best practices; and
- Underscored the importance of SCSC’s evaluation of a school’s capacity to achieve sufficient enrollment.
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Both start-up and replication petitions are subject to the FY23 SCSC Petition Priorities and attendance zone requirements. | |
SCSC Training Opportunities & Events
The SCSC offers various training opportunities throughout the year. See below for the most up-to-date information about SCSC-offered training and resources.
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Petitioner Webinar Series
Nov 2, 9 & 15
The SCSC will offer a series of webinars following the Petitioner Bootcamp to assist applicants in the petition development process.
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New Schools Orientation
Jan 18 & Mar 22, 2023
This training equips newly approved state charter schools with the tools and resources that they need for a strong start in their first year.
| | FY23 Petition Cycle: Early Feedback Program | |
The purpose of the SCSC Early Feedback Program (EFP) is to provide an opportunity for charter petitioners to obtain clarification regarding the SCSC’s charter application expectations in order to make meaningful changes to their FY23 applications prior to the March 17, 2023 submission deadline. Participation in the EFP is not required, does not guarantee a positive recommendation of your charter petition, and should not be construed to guarantee a specific recommendation for the application.
Applicants may request participation in the SCSC Early Feedback Program by reviewing the EFP Guide and submitting the EFP enrollment form below via email to The deadline for submitting an enrollment form is January 13, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
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New GA Charter School Website Launch | |
Don't forget to register your school on FindAGACharter.Org, a new website with crucial information about public charter schools and the most comprehensive school locator in Georgia! Please use the instructions sent to your school leader on October 27th by Daniel Glenn ( After some technical hiccups, the site is ready for schools to enter your information! Please set up your account and complete the short profile by November 4th (extended deadline). It should take just a few minutes to review and make updates, and you do not need any web development experience or knowledge! All schools that have not set up an account by then will have a basic profile when the site goes live on November 7th. We will celebrate the launch of the website at the end of November, after a testing period.
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Funding & Engagement Programs | |
Affordable Connectivity Program
The Federal Communications Commission announced that 20 of the nation's internet providers have committed to lowering costs for low-income households, a step that will essentially provide free high-speed internet for those participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP lowers internet costs for eligible families by up to $30 a month through grant funding. For Georgia residents to get their share of the funding, families need to sign up for themselves.
Communicating about this program to eligible families is the largest barrier to implementing this program. The ExcelinEd team has developed resources to share to help students whose families may qualify for this free- and reduced-priced internet service.
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Employee Assistance Program
for all Public-School Teachers & Staff
Georgia’s Public Education Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a partnership between Kepro and GaDOE and will be provided at no cost to districts, schools, or employees. This program is designed to support teachers' and staff's mental health and wellness and will allow access to mental health counseling, financial and legal resources, work/life referral services, and more.
Services are available now, and teachers and staff will receive additional access information directly from GaDOE or their district or school. The EAP is free, confidential, and supportive – neither the state nor local districts or schools will have access to information shared in counseling or consulting sessions.
Below is a toolkit of resources to assist you as you communicate with your staff.
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Active Shooter Expo
October 24, 2022
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The Georgia Public Safety Training Center (GPSTC) is hosting a four-day Active Shooter Expo to provide theoretical discussions, hands-on training, and critical thinking exercises for Public Safety Personnel, Law Enforcement, School Safety Directors, School Resource Officers, and those who have been charged with protecting our students. The Active Shooter Expo will kick off on Monday, October 24, 2022, at 8:00 AM inside the auditorium at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center in Forsyth, GA.
Topics include:
- Mindset, Planning, Preparation, and Response
- Stop the Killing: Clearing Tactics
- End it Before it Starts: Open Air Options
- Turning Anguish into Advocacy – A Father’s Journey to Make Schools Safer After the Parkland School Shooting
Attendees will be able to select different topics/days, based on preference. GPSTC staff will provide gun ammunition to law enforcement and GA POST Certified personnel attending tactical session. Register online at
If you have questions or concerns, please call Danielle Rosa (SRO Program Manager) at (478)993-4474 or
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Red Ribbon Week
October 23-31, 2022
The Georgia Department of Education is working with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities to promote Red Ribbon Week on October 23-31, 2022. Red Ribbon Week is an opportunity to educate youth about the importance of embracing a drug-free lifestyle and encourage participation in drug-prevention activities.
Additional information, including the 2022 Red Ribbon Planning Guide, contest information, and K-12 Red Ribbon lesson plans that align with the Georgia Standards of Excellence, are available online at:
Contact Barbara Dorman with any questions
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Funding & Professional Development Opportunities | |
Academy of New
Federal Program Leaders
New Federal Programs leaders are encouraged to attend this year-long series of monthly informational sessions designed to support new leaders in navigating program requirements, guidance, and deadlines. Each session is designed to offer four timely topics. Participants can join the sessions most relevant to their work.
For registration and session topic, click below.
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GaDOE Accountability
Lunch & Learn
GaDOE Accountability Lunch & Learn webinars are held the third Wednesday of each month through November from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Register for the upcoming session by clicking the links below. SCSC accountability points of contact should be sure to tune in for important information related to accountability data reporting and CCRPI.
Please note, the GaDOE Accountability Specialist assigned to your school may have changed. Please review the Accountability Specialist List for the most current information.
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Drop-In Q&A Session
Drop-In sessions provide an opportunity for new and veteran Federal Programs and Finance Directors to collaboratively discuss the successes and challenges of implementing Consolidation of Funds. GaDOE staff will provide program updates. There is no set agenda, and the meeting is not recorded.
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Follow the SCSC for real-time news and updates. | |
The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) is a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. The SCSC has the power to approve or deny petitions for state charter schools and renew, nonrenew, or terminate state charter school contracts in accordance with Georgia law. | |
Copyright © 2022 State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, All rights reserved. | | | | | |