The Collaborative's Pulse
Newsletter for the State Collaborative
August 2020, Volume 1, Issue 3
We are all too aware of how global and national events have increased isolation and stress for our children, youth and families. These unprecedented times have further challenged those with existing health and mental health, and basic need issues. We believe they have drawn heightened attention to critical issues for the general public, legislators and other key stakeholders. We will continue to strive to seize opportunities to help-- through continued conversation and collaboration on behalf of underserved populations in North Carolina.

  • Please take a few moments to fill out our Membership Survey, so we can better identify the needs of new, current, and potential members.

Hot Topics & Timely Resources
Click on topic for more information
Resource spotlight:
from ECAC Web site

Exceptional Children's Assistance Center (ECAC) is a private, nonprofit parent organization, committed to improving the lives and education of ALL children through a special emphasis on children with disabilities and special healthcare needs

ECAC affirms the right of all individuals, from all backgrounds and cultures, with or without disabilities, to an appropriate education and other needed services.

ECAC seeks to make that right a reality by providing information, education, outreach, and support to and for families with children across the state of North Carolina.

Other Timely Resources. . .

NCCARE360’s has a repository of more than 10,000 local services at

5 Protective Factors: English version, Spanish Version . Read more about strengthening families and protective factors. Strengthening Families™ is a research-informed approach to increase family strengths, enhance child development and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. It is based on engaging families, programs and communities in building five key protective factors: Resilience, Concrete Support, Social Connections, Social & Emotional Competence, and Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development.

  • Social Media Focus for August: Back to School Mental Health, Family Mental Health, Transition Age Youth, Health Disparities, Trauma, Resilience, Hope.

Local Collaboratives: Please send us any info or events you would like us to include in our monthly newsletter or on our FB page. Email info to Marketing & Communications subcommitee.
Subcommitee & Workgroup Updates

Membership & Sustainability
By Mary Lloyd and Sonja Frison, PhD
Membership & Sustainability subcommittee Co-Chairs

Have you filled out your membership survey?
The link to participate in the survey is here: 

The Membership and Sustainability Committee would like your input on the Membership Survey. Information from the Membership Survey will be used to identify what the membership looks like and what your ideas are for the State Collaborative. So far we have some great representation-see the chart-thank you! If you have not responded, please do so we can represent the great diversity that is the State Collaborative.
By Teka Dempson and Joanne Scaturro, MSW,
Training subcommittee Co-Chairs

One of the many cross system resources provided by the NC Collaborative is our high-quality online courses on System of Care (SOC) and Child and Family Teams (CFT). The online training is provided in partnership with the North Carolina Collaborative Training Institute (NCCTI).

FACT: Enrolling in our CFT online series of classes meets the 11- hour state requirement for new workers.

Especially in these times when COVID-19 prevents large face-to-face training opportunities, these online classes can give providers, families and youth an opportunity to begin the journey of understanding the CFT process. The NCCTI online program offers course material that is powerful, convenient, high-quality, comprehensive, and state-approved.

Log on and register for online training today at

These courses empower participants to improve outcomes for children, youth and families. Through these trainings, participants will:

  • Learn about System of Care principles and practices;
  • See how Child and Family Teams should operate; and
  • Gain knowledge, power and respect to strengthen families and improve lives.

Who do I contact if I want to be on the Training Committee of the State Collaborative?
Contact Teka Dempson [email protected] or Joanne Scaturro at [email protected]

Policy & Research Workgroup
By Stacy Justiss and Joanne Scaturro, MSW
Policy & Research Workgroup Co-Chairs
Ann Rodriguez, MHA and Mary Hooper, MSW
i2i Center for Integrative Health

The goal of the workgroup is “To influence and support legislative provisions that provide clear values and mechanisms for children, youth, and family involvement in policies, service structures and cross-system structures.”

Read more about the work of the Policy & Research Workgroup.

Registration is now open for the Virtual Regional Policy Institutes!

NC Collaborative for Children, Youth and Families, NC Child, Prevent Child Abuse NC, i2i Center for Integrative Health, MomsRising, and the Foster Family Alliance of NC invite you to virtually attend our 2020 Regional Policy Institutes. There will be 4 institutes and you can attend 1 or all 4! They are free, but space is limited. We are welcoming different keynotes, presenters, and legislators to each of the institutes.

September 2020

September 14, 2020
9:00 - 11:30 AM
Keynote: Deputy Secretary Juvenile Justice, Billy Lassiter
Advocacy 101: Adam Sotak, NC Child
Legislative Panelists:
Terry Van Duyn - Buncombe
Representative Sarah Stevens -Alleghany/Surrey/Wilkes

September 28, 2020
9:00 - 11:30 AM
Keynotes: Deputy Director, Child Welfare Services - Lisa Cauley
NC Child Welfare Family Advisory Council - Gina Brown
Advocacy 101: Melea Rose-Waters, Prevent Child Abuse NC

October 2020

October 6, 2020
9:00 - 11:30 AM
Keynotes: Deputy Secretary, Behavioral Health & Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities - Kody Kinsley
Associate Director, NC Families United - Stacy Justiss
Advocacy 101: i2i Center for Integrative Health
Legislative Panelists:
Senator Don Davis - Greene/Pitt
Representative Donna White – Johnston

October 26, 2020
9:00 - 11:30 AM
Keynotes: Youth Transition Program Director, NC Families United - Lacy Flintall
MomsRising - Sheila Arias
Advocacy 101: Beth Messersmith, MomsRising
Legislative Panelists:
Senator Valerie Foushee - Chatham/Orange
Senator Natalie Murdock - Durham
Representative Verla Insko – Oran

Click for Registration. Space will be limited.

For additional information or questions, contact the Policy & Research Workgoup
Co-Chairs: Joanne Scaturro at [email protected]  or 919.601.7835 or
Stacy Justiss at [email protected] or 276.274.7068.

Click here to see our most recent legislative updates: Weekly NC Legislative Updates.
School-Based Mental Health

In the midst of increased, urgent need, we are reigniting our State Collaborative School-Based Mental Health subcommittee. If you would like to join this subcommittee, please contact Chandrika Brown at [email protected] or Ashley Bass-Mitchell at [email protected] for details.

Remember, regular attendance at State Collaborative meetings is not required to be a subcommittee or workgroup member.

Hope4NC Helpline (1-855-587-3463) connects North Carolineans of all ages to mental health supports 24/7.

For questions regarding Hope4NC, please contact Susan Robinson:
[email protected] or 984-236-5068.

At the State Collaborative, we provide a forum for collaboration, advocacy and action through a System of Care framework .

What is System of Care (SOC)? System of Care is a comprehensive network of community-based services and supports organized to meet the needs of families who are involved with multiple child service agencies, such as child welfare, mental health, schools, juvenile justice and health care. System of Care is not a service or a program – it is a way of working together with youth and families to achieve the desired outcomes identified by the youth and family.

Child & Family Teams (CFT)
see pages 32-35 in the System of Care Handbook above

"Child and Family Teams are family members and their community supports that come together to create. implement and update a plan with the child/youth and family. The plan builds on the strengths of the child, youth and family that addresses their needs, desires and dreams."

There are Seven Principles that support the CFT process:

  1. Family, children and youth are full partners.
  2. Planning is led by the family.
  3. Meetings are a safe, supportive place for all members.
  4. Meetings include people who can help the family succeed.
  5. Plans are built around what families do well and fits with their beliefs.
  6. Members are committed to the plan and share responsibility for successful outcomes.
  7. Plans are changed when they are not working for families.
What is the State Collaborative?
Our Mission: The North Carolina Collaborative for Children, Youth, and Families ("State Collaborative"), through a System of Care framework, provides a forum for collaboration, advocacy and action among families, public and private child, family serving agencies and community partners to improve outcomes for all children, youth and families. Our Vision: Children, youth, and families are healthy, safe and successful at home, in school and in their communities.
The State Collaborative. . .
  • Provides a forum for the discussion of issues regarding how agencies, youth, and families can work together to produce better outcomes for children, youth and families.
  • Develops recommendations regarding the coordination of services, funding, training and local reporting requirements to eliminate duplication and make the system more consumer friendly.
  • Includes representatives of a range of state and local agencies, youth, families, and advocates.
  • Provides support for local Collaboratives, and Child and Family Teams.

Interested in becoming a State Collaborative member? Please contact us.