The Collaborative's Pulse
July 2020, Volume 1, Issue 2
We asked Collaborative members to help us name our new newsletter. We are excited to announce the winner: The Collaborative's Pulse. Our Collaborative is made up of representatives from state agencies, providers, nonprofits, families and youth. Together, as a State Collaborative, we aim to keep a finger on the pulse of issues that affect children, youth and families around North Carolina -- and make a positive difference in their lives through our unrelenting advocacy.
Please take a few moments to fill out our
membership survey
below, so we can better identify the needs of new, current, and potential members. Also,
email us
any suggested articles or content for our newsletters or social media platforms.
Hot Topics
Click on topic for more information
- NCCDD celebrates ADA 30th Anniversary on July 23, 2020
for June
: family mental health, trauma, PTSD awareness month, PRIDE awareness month
for July
: Minorities Mental Health Awareness month, health disparities, trauma informed and responsive, back to school mental health, Tuesday Resiliency Corner (see below), hope
NEW! Tuesday Resiliency Corner
Starting on Tuesdays, on our Facebook page, we will be reposting T/R (Trauma and Resilience) TIPS from a weekly series about trauma and/or resilience from Pinnacle Family Services. Thank you Pinnacle!
We are including
TIP #1
information here as an example of what you will see above. Pinnacle Family Services has two evidenced based/informed models of treatment, Family Centered Treatment (FCT) and Fostering Solutions (TFC), and both have trauma informed practices and interventions embedded throughout each model.
Subcommitee & Workgroup Updates
Policy & Research
The Policy & Research workgroup—along with Prevent Child Abuse NC, NC Child and i2i—will be hosting four virtual
Regional Advocacy Institute Webinars
. These webinars are specifically designed to educate and engage participants in a conversation around policy in North Carolina that impacts children, youth, and families. The dates for the Webinars will be
September 14th and 28th and October 6th and 26th
Registration for the events will open shortly. Space will be limited.
For additional information or questions, contact the Policy & Research Workgoup
919.601.7835 or
Transition-Age Youth (TAY)
The State Collaborative’ s Transition-Age Youth subcommittee in partnership with Healthy Transitions Initiative will be hosting a series of Regional transition-age youth expositions that will take place virtually in each LME/MCO catchment area across North Carolina. These paid virtual trainings are geared to serve 30-50 youth. The goal is to provide youth participants with skill sets, tools and resources to assist them as they successfully transition into adulthood.
The expos are targeted to youth 14-24 years old.
NC Transition Aged Youth (NCTAY) Committee meetings take place every third Thursday of each month. To be added to the listserv please email
The first virtual youth transition age youth exposition is set for August 5th at Alliance Health for youth in Durham, Wake, Johnston and Cumberland counties. All seats are filled at this time for this August 5th Youth Expo.
There are still seats available for the Youth Expo for youth in Alamance, Caswell, Chatham, Orange, Person and Anson, Guilford, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond counties.
Please see the flyer and registration sign up box below.
Seats are limited.
In an effort to further understand the needs of new, existing, and interested State Collaborative members, the Membership Subcommitee has developed a quick survey for all to fill out as soon as possible.
The Membership subcommitee wants to remind organizations and families that they do not need to attend State Collaborative meetings to participate on subcommittees. All meetings take place by teleconference.
For additional more information or questions,
please contact the Membership subcommitee Co-Chairs:
Sonja Frison at slfrison@uncg.edu or
Mary Lloyd at
State Collaborate
Monthly Meetings
Our State Collaborative meetings are on the second and fourth Fridays each month. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for social distancing, our meeting are being held by Zoom until further notice. Zoom details to attend these meetings are found on our FB page, @NCCollaborative.
Please Mark your Calendar:
Join us for our next State Collaborative meetings on Friday, July 24th and Friday, August 14th.
Frequently, there are presentations regarding current topics of interest to educate state leaders across systems which include DHHS (Department of Health & Human Services), DPI (Department of Public Instruction), and DPS (Department of Public Safety), MCO/LMEs, Providers, and Nonprofits. Importantly, we always have Families and Youth at the table to guide us.
For June, our presentations were as follows:
- Supporting PRIDE Month: Supporting Families and Youth of LGBTQ+, Chandrika Brown and her daughter, Jadda Jeffries, presenters
- Trauma: How do we discuss Racial & Ethnic Disparities in the Health & Mental Health Domains,"Danette McCain, presenter
Special thanks to our presenters for taking the time to inform us on important issues affecting children, youth and families throughout our state.
For questions regarding Hope4NC, please contact Susan Robinson:
susan.robinson@dhhs.nc.gov or 919-715-2262
At the State Collaborative, we provide a forum for collaboration, advocacy and action through a
System of Care framework
What is System of Care (SOC)?
System of Care is a comprehensive network of community-based services and supports organized to meet the needs of families who are involved with multiple child service agencies, such as child welfare, mental health, schools, juvenile justice and health care. System of Care is not a service or a program – it is a way of working together with youth and families to achieve the desired outcomes identified by the youth and family.
We have heard from our members there is a spectrum of understanding about System of Care for the diverse range of organizations and families involved in our State Collaborative; therefore, we are will be adding some basic educational resources to our monthly newsletter about System of Care. We will also be weaving in examples of System of Care in Action as we did last month.
System of Care 101
see pages 3-8 in the System of Care Handbook above
What is a System of Care?
How Does is work?
Coming Soon . . .
Local Collaborative Corner
Are you a member of a Local Collaborative? Please send us any info or events you would like us to include in this newsletter or on our FB page. Send info to Elizabeth Field / Co-Chair, Marketing & Communications subcommitee:
What is the State Collaborative?
Our Mission:
The North Carolina Collaborative for Children, Youth, and Families ("State Collaborative"), through a System of Care framework, provides a forum for collaboration, advocacy and action among families, public and private child, family serving agencies and community partners to improve outcomes for all children, youth and families.
Our Vision:
Children, youth, and families are healthy, safe and successful at home, in school and in their communities.
The State Collaborative. . .
- Provides a forum for the discussion of issues regarding how agencies, youth, and families can work together to produce better outcomes for children, youth and families.
- Develops recommendations regarding the coordination of services, funding, training and local reporting requirements to eliminate duplication and make the system more consumer friendly.
- Includes representatives of a range of state and local agencies, youth, families, and advocates.
- Provides support for local Collaboratives, and Child and Family Teams.