Editor Note: This public hearing was originally scheduled for Wednesday, October 28. It was rescheduled to Thursday, November 12 and has been rescheduled again to Wednesday, November 18 at 6:00 p.m. This is due to changes in State requirements.
A public hearing previously scheduled for Thursday, November 12 has been rescheduled to Wednesday, November 18 at 6:00 p.m. The rescheduling of this hearing is due to changes in State requirements. Dr. Shelley Jallow, the State Monitor appointed to the RCSD, will be seeking public comment on specific academic and fiscal issues pertaining to the RCSD.
Earlier this year, a new law came into effect that directed the Commissioner of Education to appoint a Monitor to provide oversight, guidance, and technical assistance related to the academic and fiscal policies, practices, programs, and decisions of the Rochester City School District, the Board of Education, and the Superintendent.
The first hearings that were conducted in June and July 2020 focused on three areas – governance and intervention, academic performance status, and fiscal performance status.
The finance portion of the meeting will begin at 6:00 pm and will run for 45 minutes. The academic portion of the meeting will begin at 6:45 pm and will run for 45 minutes. Speakers will be sent the Zoom conferencing meeting number, password, and call-in information. Speakers will need to write “Rochester State Monitor Public Meeting” in the subject line and include in the email their name, position (e.g., parent, teacher, RCSD resident), and any information they want to be part of the public hearing record.
If you would like to sign up to speak or offer written feedback for either public hearing, you must do so by 12:00 p.m. the day of the hearings. Any interested persons may sign up to speak or submit written feedback in one of three ways:
The purpose of these public hearings is to assist Dr. Jallow as she develops academic improvement and fiscal plans for the District and to support the District’s development of its budgets, beginning with the 2021-22 school year budget.