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A Note from the TEKS Resource System Director, Ann Graves
Welcome back to school! It's an exciting time on campuses across the state. 2018-2019 will be a great year, and hopefully your start has been smooth. Thank you, Educators, for making a difference in the lives of our children.
The start of this year brings several changes to the TEKS Resource System components. Science streamlining is now in effect as you can see throughout our documents. Also, our ELAR/SLAR team has started to upload K-8 curriculum documents for the new standards to be implemented in 2019-2020. These documents can be found in the "Resources" section for the respective grade levels. Please use the feedback button to provide feedback regarding new standard development. Several ESCs around the state are currently hosting focus groups to review and provide feedback on the new Language Arts curriculum documents. Again, if you have feedback, please let us know through the feedback button or contact your local ESC representative. We want to hear from you! Social Studies is beginning the streamlining process so there will be much more to come regarding this work. And, Mathematics has some new resources. Check it out!
For those who attended our annual conference (TEKSCon 2018) in San Antonio, we say thank you! Be sure and click on the link to view the new 2018 Video. You may see yourself! We would like to send a special shout out to San Benito ISD for sending 153 staff members to the conference. Way to go!
Please mark your calendars for next year's conference July 30th - August 1, 2019. We will still be in beautiful San Antonio.
Thank you for using the TEKS Resource System! Have a wonderful fall, and remember to give us your feedback.
Ann Graves
Director, TEKS Resource System
Quick Tips for District TEKS Resource System Administrators
Managing District User Accounts: You can add and/or disable users to keep your system current by following the steps on the attached document to
ADD users or you can disable a user by clicking the Options button (as shown below) to the right of the user name.
The HELP Menu: The PDF to ADD users, accessed by clicking the orange text above, is found in the HELP menu. The link to the HELP menu is in the top right corner of every TEKS Resource System web page. The HELP menu provides videos and step-by-step PDFs for managing all the work that you and your teachers need to do in the online system. So, if you have a question, be sure to check the HELP menu and you will most likely find your answer. Your local ESC is available to help as well!
Streamlined Science Standards are being implemented NOW in the 2018-2019 school year. |
Did you know that educators from across the state contributed to the streamlining of science curriculum and assessment? Over 50 members in our Science Content Advisory Group from all 20 Educational Service Centers provided input, recommendations, and review for the revised documents. Additionally, all feedback and recommendations from districts were taken into consideration. We are continuing to contract with experts in the field for assessment item writing and review.
We are currently contracting with two different teams of educators to develop and review curriculum and assessment for Anatomy and Physiology and Forensic Science courses.
Thank you, science team and educators, for the work you've done to provide the curriculum documents, resources, and assessments that support our streamlined science standards for 2018-2019!
Performance Tasks in 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Social Studies
In addition to Unit Assessment Items and Performance Assessments, social studies now has Unit Performance Tasks in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. You can access these tasks in the IFD below the Performance Assessments. For a description of performance tasks, access the document
Unit Performance Tasks Best Practices in the "Resources" section of 6th, 7th, or 8th grade social studies.
K-5 Science Formative Spiral Items now available
In addition to Unit Assessment Items and Performance Assessments, science now has Formative Spiral Items available for K-5. These items can be used to scaffold, review, or check for understanding within and across grade levels. Items for 6-12 are under development.
You can access Formative Spiral Items by using the Assessment Creator in the online system. If you need support using the Assessment Creator, you can find both a video and instructions in the HELP section of the website by clicking the HELP icon in the top right corner of the screen OR by clicking the SUPPORT icon at the bottom of the screen.
There are multiple options in the TEKS Resource System to assess student progress. Using different methods to assess student progress gives us a better understanding of what our students can and cannot do so we can adapt instruction to fill gaps and meet student needs. ALL of the options below are also available in SPANISH FOR GRADES K-5.
Performance Assessments (Located IN THE IFD)
- All core content areas - ELAR, Math, Science, and Social Studies
- ALL grade levels - K-HS
- Aligned to the TEKS in the unit
- Aligned to both content and process TEKS as well as ELPS
- Assesses a bundle of TEKS
- Performance Based
- Rubrics are included
Performance TASKS (Located IN THE IFD)
- Social Studies, Grades 6-8
- Math, Last Unit IFD for Algebra I, Geometry, MMA, Algebra II
- Aligned to the TEKS in the unit
- Aligned to both content and process TEKS as well as ELPS
- Assesses a bundle of TEKS
- Performance Based
- Rubrics are included
Unit Assessment Items (Found in the Assessment Creator - Or DMAC/Eduphoria)
- All core content areas - ELAR, Math, Science, and Social Studies
- Grades 2nd - HS
- Aligned to a content standard and possibly a process standard
- STAAR-like items (multiple choice, griddable, and open-ended)
- Can pull questions by SE or by unit
- Rubrics are included for open-ended questions
Formative Spiral Items (Found in the Assessment Creator ONLY)
- Science K-5
- Math K-Algebra II
- Aligned to both content and process standards
- Items available for each unit
- Items aligned to previously taught or current unit TEKS
- Rubrics are included
You can also use other components of the TEKS Resource System to progress monitor! Don't forget vocabulary, misconceptions, unit understandings, unit questions, specificity, and vertical alignment!
Resources and Supplies for the Mathematics and Science Classrooms
Recently, math and science have published documents that may help districts make decisions about purchasing math manipulatives and science equipment for classrooms at each grade level. This document was produced in response to districts who had to replace classroom supplies due to Hurricane Harvey. These documents can be found in the "Resources" section of the respective content area.
Mathematics Suggested Basic Manipulatives by Grade Level |
Vertical Alignment of Science Equipment |
Click the image or
this link for data about the TCMPC and district use of the TEKS Resource System.
- Did you know that we currently support 886 districts in the state?
- Did you know that nearly 100 educators have helped review, write, and edit the new ELAR documents for the implementation of the new ELAR standards for K-8 in 2019-2020 and for HS in 2020-2021?
- Did you know that the TEKS Resource System provides both specificity and assessments to progress monitor whether your students are meeting the expectations of the TEKS?
- Did you know that your input and feedback are important to us as we review and revise documents in the TEKS Resource System?
- Did you know that we have a small team of less than 20 educators and tech specialists that is behind the coordination of this powerful system created specifically for Texas teachers and students?
2019 State TEKS Resource System Conference:
We are hosting our annual
2019 TEKS Resource System Conference in San Antonio on July 30 - August 1, 2019. Save the date for your district team to attend! We will have an amazing lineup of presenters and inspirational speakers to motivate and inform you and your team for the 2019-2020 school year.
We have started to upload the new curriculum components for the NEW ELAR/SLAR TEKS.
- To access these new documents, go to the "Resources" section and select the folder titled "2019-2020 __ Grade New Curriculum Documents" (K-8) or "2020-2021 English __ New Curriculum Documents" (High School). This is what we currently have posted:
- TEKS Clarification Documents (TCD) are available for all grade levels K-12. This document is new for language arts and provides all the specificity for the new TEKS for a single grade level. This document is a great resource for learning your new ELAR/SLAR TEKS.
- Year-at-a-Glances (YAG) are available for K-8 but with limited information. All the unit titles are posted, but the TEKS included in each unit and suggested duration are limited to the units that have been posted.
- TEKS Verification Documents (TVD) are available K-8 but with limited information. Only the units that have been posted are recorded on the TVD. We have added a new category on the TVD called "Developing" (represented by a "D"). Developing SEs are expectations that are being developed, refined, and honed but do not necessarily need to have specific instructional lessons planned for them. More information and training will be provided soon on our support site on the differences between SEs that are "T" (Directly Taught), "D" (Developing), and "O" (Ongoing).
- Instructional Focus Documents (IFDs) for K-8 are continuing to be added each week. As we post each unit, we will update the YAGs and TVDs.
We are asking for districts and teachers to review the new curriculum documents and provide us feedback. We will be collecting feedback on the documents through February 2019. Once all the feedback is collected, we will make revisions and get the documents ready for publishing late spring/early summer 2019. Districts and teachers can use the feedback button located in the folder where the documents are located to submit feedback. Please be sure to tell us what may need to be changed as well as what is good and should not be changed.
- Long Term Transfer Goals - NEW Resource
- K - HS Mathematics Long Term Transfer Goals - Published
- K - 5 Matemáticas Long Term Transfer Goals - Published
- Instructional Focus Documents (IFDs) updated to include NEW Overarching Understandings and Questions, NEW Unit Understandings and Questions, and NEW Concepts
- K - HS Mathematics IFDs - Published
- K - 5 Matemáticas IFDs - Published
- Backward Design Documents - NEW Resource
- K - HS Mathematics Backward Design Documents - Published
- K - 5 Matemáticas Backward Design Documents - Published
- Grade Band Concepts Charts - NEW Resource
- K - 5 Mathematics Concepts Chart - Published
- K - 5 Matemáticas Concepts Chart - Published
- 6 - 8 Mathematics Concepts Chart - Published
- HS Mathematics Concepts Chart - Published
- STAAR Blueprint and Item Percentages, including 2018 Item Percentages
- 3 - 8 and Algebra I Mathematics STAAR Blueprint and Item Percentages - Published
- 3 - 5 Matemáticas STAAR Blueprint and Item Percentages - Published
- STAAR Analysis (by Student Expectation, Unit, and Entire Grade Level)
- 3 - 8 and Algebra I Mathematics STAAR Analysis - Coming Soon!
- 3 - 5 Matemáticas STAAR Analysis - Coming Soon!
- Image Replacements for Consistency
- HS Mathematics Enhanced TEKS Clarification Documents (ETCDs) Image Replacements - Published
- Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Mathematics Formative Spiral Item Image Replacements - Published
- HS Mathematics Performance Assessment Image Replacements - Coming Soon!
- HS Mathematics Performance Assessment Rubrics Image Replacements - Coming Soon!
- HS Mathematics Assessment Item Image Replacements - Coming Soon!
- Mathematics Suggested Engaging Literature (by Grade Band/Age and Mathematic Concepts)
- K - 8 Mathematics Suggested Engaging Literature - Coming Soon!
- NEW HS Course Development
- Algebraic Reasoning Mathematics Course in development - Coming 2019-2020 school year (may roll out throughout year)!
- Additional Assessment Item Development
- 2 - HS Mathematics Additional Assessment Items - Coming 2019-2020 school year!
- 2 - 5 Matemáticas Additional Assessment Items - Coming 2019-2020 school year!
- Note: If you have assessment writing experience, please submit your application between October 1, 2018 to December 1, 2018 at the following LINK. Writing will occur during spring 2019.
2018-2019 Content Development
- All curriculum components and assessment items are updated to match the Streamlined Science TEKS.
- We will continually add new assessment items throughout the year.
- Development and publishing of new PA rubrics will begin early fall. We apologize for any inconvenience.
- Anatomy and Physiology components are continuing to be published, including assessment items.
- The Forensic Science course is continuing to be developed in "draft" status. This course may be found in our "Resources" section.
- Resources to assist with streamlining:
- Streamlined Side by Side - K-12
- Biology Concept-Based to Systems Crosswalk
- Vertical Science Equipment Matrix
- Resources coming soon:
- Vertical Vocabulary Matrix
- Backward Design Document
- Concept Chart
- 2018 STAAR Analysis will begin in the fall.
- The Streamlined Science TEKS are now published in rule text.
Our work this year will be dominated by the streamlining of the social studies standards.
- The process for streamlining is reaching the final stages with November expected to be when the State Board of Education approves the revisions.
- Revising and realigning our curriculum and assessment for streamlined standards can seem a deceptively simple process. After all, the revisions are the removal of a few student expectations. However, the work is more complex and time-consuming than you might expect.
- Consider that in almost all courses a few student expectations have moved. For example, in several elementary courses certain geography standards have moved to the skill section reducing the number of knowledge statements.
- As a result, almost every assessment item that has a title with the embedded alignment must change.
- Additionally, each item has to be realigned to a new standard. This process will need repeating across well over 15,000 assessment items.
- Every IFD, YAG, and TVD will need rebuilding.
- We will need to build a completely new curriculum and assessment system in the background while simultaneously maintaining the current, live system.
- Additionally, changes to content prompt a need to review any specificity associated with a changed student expectation.
- Along with a review of specificity, revised student expectations prompt a review of IFD components, such as the unit understandings, unit questions, and performance assessments, to ensure that the learning targets maintain an alignment to the student expectations.
The accelerated implementation schedule of the State Board has the 2019-2020 school year as the target time for implementation of the new standards. The degree of change will shape our time line. It may be necessary for our team to roll out curriculum and assessment in iterations across the next school year.
In the meantime, other work we are focused on...
- Completing the analysis of the 2018 STAAR test. We anticipate rolling the analysis out during the fall semester.
- Additionally, our pilot of performance tasks in middle school has been well received and we expect to expand performance task options into high school courses.
- October is also a big conference season for social studies nerds like us. The conference for the Texas Social Studies Supervisors Association is October 11.
- The conference for the Texas Council for the Social Studies follows on October 12-14. Register today!
- Spring TSSSA conference is February 14-15.
- And definitely mark your calendars way in advance for November 21-25, 2019 for a combined state and national social studies conference in Austin.
- The National Council for the Social Studies and the National Social Studies Supervisors Association will be partnering with the state organizations to create a social-studies-palooza! Join us there!