May 22, 2015
For more information and updates, click here to go to 46th Ward Website.

Last Monday, I was honored to be sworn in for a second term as your alderman. Think back about what the 46th Ward was like 4 years ago. The next 4 years will bring more positive changes to the ward as I build on the work that we've already started.

Expect to see the following in the near future:
  • We will have a completed Wilson L Station, along with a large retail space that will cover the entire Gerber Building. The goal is to have an indoor farmer's market for that space.  
  • We will get a new streetscape along Broadway from Gunnison to Wilson, including an outdoor plaza in front of the Rivera. Work will start early next year.
  • Work will have started on the rehab of the Clarendon Park Community Center and the former Maryville site.
  • New retail at the Dearborn Grocers site on Montrose.
  • Rehab of the retail spaces along the east side of the 3800 block of N. Broadway will be underway.
  • We can expect more transit-oriented developments near our L stations.
Earlier this week, I was appointed vice-chair of the City Council Zoning Committee, which means I will be working closely with Ald. Solis, the Zoning chair on all City zoning matters. We are experiencing a building boom in parts of Chicago so zoning is especially important now. In City Council, I will continue to fight for more government efficiency to make sure we are using your tax dollars wisely.

I want to thank all of you for your support and I pledge to make both the 46th Ward and the City of Chicago a greater place to call home. I look forward to serving you for another 4 years.


This Monday is Memorial Day, so there will be no open office hours next week. Ald Cappleman will be available next Monday evening, June 1, from 5pm - 7pm for Open Office hours. Come in with any questions or ideas to help make the 46th Ward better for everyone. 



The 2015 Community Services Block Grant is offering scholarships to students who are enrolled full time in an Illinois college or a vocational/certificate program. Click here for more details and to apply for these funds. Deadline is June 12.



The Chicago Dept. of Transportation has informed us that the $6M streetscaping project on Broadway from Gunnison to Leland will start in the spring of 2016 rather than this fall. The reason for the delay is due to the vaulted sidewalk issues surrounding Bridgeview Bank. The vaults are in need of repair first before the major streetscaping begins. Click here to view the plans for the project.

When: Friday, May 22 from 7pm - 9pm
Where: Uptown Baptist Church, 1011 W. Wilson
Residents across the City will join together at places of worship & community centers across Chicago.  Residents are encouraged to participate as a way of empowering them to take back our communities. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more information next week.

When: May 28 - June 7
Where: Various locations on Chicago's Northside
One of the best ways to both highlight and bring together our diverse community is to celebrate it through innovative music, theater and dance. Click here to check out their programming. Click here to help this wonderful organization grow and expand their work.

When: Saturday, May 30 at 2pm
Where: Uptown Branch Library; 929 W. Buena Ave.
Dr. Taylor will discuss his book, The Day the Crabs Got Out: The Revival of Black, America. The author takes a look at the community as a whole to see how it arrived at this point and the many organizations that have contributed to the overall progress.

When: Tuesday, June 2 from 11am - 4pm
Where: Clarendon Park Community Center, 4501 N. Clarendon
This year, the City Clerk's Office will only be selling city stickers to constituents with May and June renewals, which includes seniors and motorcycle tags. Late fees for May city sticker holders go in effect after June 15. For more information about city stickers, click here.

When: Saturday June 6th, 9am to Noon
Where: 46th Ward Office at 4544 N. Broadway Ave
Here's your chance to get rid of old bank statements, cancelled checks, or any other old records that have lost their usefulness and just take up space. This is also the opportunity to safely get rid of old electronic equipment. This service is provided exclusively for residents; businesses are prohibited from participating.

The 46th Ward Office is teaming up with the Police to have a series of public safety meetings to address chronic crime. Your participation will help make our community safer for everyone. Click here to find the schedule of the public safety meeting in your area. If you would like to go online to report a chronic issue, click here to learn how.

THE DOCK AT MONTROSE BEACH (End of Montrose at Lake Michigan)

Picture a beautiful late afternoon and you want to kick back and relax and feel a nice Lake Michigan breeze. Look no further than the Dock at Montrose Beach. This is a beautiful way to relax to enjoy the good weather, good friends, and good music. Let's also not forget the great food, too. Just head on out on Montrose to the beach and take a right turn as you get near Lake Michigan. Look to your left and you can't miss it. For more information, click here.

Fun Activity

    Paid for by Citizens for Cappleman. A copy of their report is on file with the IL Board of Elections.