State of the Arts
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School
January 2, 2021
Dr. Edward A. Trimis, Principal
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School is a student-centered, creative learning community that engages students intellectually and artistically, instilling responsible citizenship and academic rigor for college and career preparedness.

create. inspire. unify. educate.
Welcome to our latest Legacy VAPA State of the Arts newsletter! At the writing of this opening, we are sending out 2020 and getting ready to ring-in 2021! We have all gone through so much since we transitioned to online learning on
March 14, 2020. As we have now completed an entire semester of online instruction and made extensive plans for a hybrid return to school some time this Spring, we are excited to share news from the Fall. I am proud of our team, the faculty and staff, who have made online learning work this year, to the students who have worked so hard, and to our tireless office staff who have been coming on to campus and keeping the school running.

Each year at Legacy VAPA we have a theme. In light of the current pandemic and challenge we face, our theme for this year is especially appropriate: VAPA Success: Into the Light. Enjoy the State of the Arts and be sure to go to our website and social media platforms linked on the site at for more info.

Be sure to click the hyperlinks in ORANGE (or blue) at the bottom of each article to see more photos and enrich your experience! #vapasmart #artsmart
          -Dr. Edward Trimis, Principal
Teachers and Counselors Hold Office Hours and Tutoring During Winter Break
Go to Schoology at for Zoom links! CATCH UP THIS WINTER! Work is due Jan. 29 to turn your INCOMPLETE into a passing grade!
VAPA Jazz Choir Joins Three Other Groups
to Create A Vision of Hope
Four vocal groups from different schools around Los Angeles released a video collaboration of Louis Armstrong’s “What A Wonderful World” Thursday afternoon, December 10, 2020. Several weeks ago, Drew Lewis, Choir Director at Cortines High School for the Visual and Performing Arts, reached out to several Los Angeles schools with the idea to record a multi-choir arrangement of a classic jazz tune as an end-of-year project. The result was a massive collaborative effort focused on uplifting the spirits of Los Angeles students living through a difficult time while helping to develop various recording techniques and bolstering the skills of students around the county.

“I was so happy with the work that all of our students did and the dedication and tireless efforts of their directors,” said Dr. Edward Trimis, principal at Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School. “The project really reminded us all that anything can be accomplished by a dedicated group of people working together, that the arts unify everyone and illuminate the world, even in the darkest of times.”
The music video became available on YouTube beginning Dec. 11, and all four schools will be showed the video at their end-of-the semester programs the last week of the semester. In one week, the video has already been seen over 3400 times according to YouTube. The collaborative effort consisted of 5 groups, 5 directors, 4 schools and 54 students.
The final recording is truly an example of what can be done by a diverse group of people with a common goal. The arts unify us all, and we are all alike in more ways than we are different. It is a testament to the hard work and quality of both music educators and music students.

School groups who participated were Cortines HS (Director, Drew Lewis), Legacy VAPA HS (Directors, Ed Trimis and Valerie Espinoza), Van Nuys HS (Director, Brianne Zeider), and Torres East LA Performing Arts Magnet (Director, Melissa Rios). The music and video were mixed and produced by Lewis and featured all four groups, three soloists, and story boards created by performers.

The video is available at, and the video release party is available at They are also linked below.
What A Wonderful World
Video Release Party

Virtual Back to School Night Is A Success
It may not have been your typical Back to School Night. Did you get an overview and welcome from the principal, student body president, and staff? YES! Did you get to hear from every teacher about their classes and expectations for the year:? YES! Did you have the opportunity to ask questions? YES! Did you get a chance to see and hear everyone? YES! In person? Well, no, but it was "VIRTUALLY" in person! A few of the classroom videos are linked below! Check the entire event out at
Winterfest 2020
Our Virtual Winterfest Event was on Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 1 pm. We are super proud of our amazing VAPA students for their work this semester! Thank you to our teacher/artists: Ms. Sara Holland (Art), Mr. Juan Cuevas and Ms. Espinoza (Music), Mr. Kenny Tenny (Video Production), Ms. Stacie Craig (Theatre Arts), and Mr. Marcello Sanna-Pickett(Dance). Special thanks to our student MCs, Mia Gordon and Evelyn Rodriguez.
Hybrid or Online?
Did you choose? Students and their families had the opportunity to weigh in on whether they were interested in learning virtually (online) or hybrid (1/2 in person, 1/2 online) when we return to campus. If you did not have the opportunity to make a selection, please send an e-mail to Dr. Trimis with your choice and include the student ID # ( Return to Campus Family Guide is at
Return to School Webinar Recording:
Return to School Slideshow:
2020-21 Yearbook Now On-Sale
Our Yearbook class is documenting this historic and memorable year. Make sure to purchase your yearbook today for $45 here.

Want to be a part of the yearbook? Submit pictures to be include in the yearbook by downloading the Friesens UPloadIt app and use the School Code: 270882
Attention Class of 2021: Call for Senior Quotes & Baby Pictures for Yearbook
Seniors, make sure to submit your senior quotes and senior baby photos by Jan. 11th at 11:59 PM. We can't wait to see your submissions! If you have any yearbook related questions please reach out to Ms. Atilano at
VAPA Recruitment and Virtual Open House
The Legacy VAPA Recruitment Drive/Middle School Articulation was online this year and ended with our VAPA Open House October 28. Legacy VAPA Invites 8th Graders in the South Gate and Bell areas to enroll for the 2021-22 school year through the Zone of Choice Process! Go to today and select Legacy VAPA HS!
VAPA Welcomes New Faculty
Legacy VAPA welcomed several new faculty and staff members this year. Many are featured on our social media platforms and all are featured on our updated website.
Ms. Maddy Searson teaches Algebra 2, Algebra 2 Tutorial, and Algebra 1 here at VAPA. This is her first year at VAPA. Previously, she studied at UCSB, Majoring in History of Public Policy and Sociology. She also worked as a Resident Assistant to give support to students in residential living. In her free time, she enjoys going outdoors, hanging out with her family and friends, and trying new food.
Mr. Bobby Owen teaches PE at Legacy VAPA and is the Assistant Athletic Director for the Legacy High School Complex which includes VAPA, STEAM, and ISLC High Schools. Mr. Owen graduated from California State University, Los Angeles, with a BA in Kinesiology after earning an A.S. in Criminal Justice. Mr. Owen is also a veteran of the United States Air Force. He joined the VAPA faculty in 2020.
Ms. Ashley Atilano is a first-year English teacher at VAPA teaching American Literature/Contemporary Composition, AP English Language and Composition, and Yearbook/Journalism. Growing up as a low-income Latina, Ms. Atilano had phenomenal educators who took to the time to mentor, support, and challenge her to be the best version of herself. Through the love and support of her mentors, family, and community, she was the first in her family to graduate from college. In 2019, she graduated from The George Washington University with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Then, in 2020, she graduated from Stanford University with a Master of Arts degree in Education and an English teaching credential. She hopes that in her classes students have the opportunity to discover and nurture the voice that they will use to advocate for themselves and their communities.

Additional new faculty and staff include Kenny Tenny (video production) and Gustavo Giron (theatre tech).
COVID-19 Testing for VAPA Families
We are asking parents to make an appointment for an initial test now to help us prepare for the opening of school for in-person instruction. Immediately prior to the reopening of schools, all students and staff who will be returning to schools, will be provided with another, back-to-school, baseline test.
Please schedule an appointments at
You will need student ID numbers to schedule an appointments and these may be found at or by calling our LAUSD hotline at 213-443-1300. Once you’ve made the appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with details. Please be prepared to show the email on your phone or print out the confirmation and bring it with you to the appointment.Thank you for your participation on this important program.
Legacy VAPA Year 8 Video (2019-20)
Back to School Welcome
Dr. Trimis welcomed back all of our students and families to the new year on August 19. VAPA Teachers started the year with classroom supplies for their home classrooms!
VAPA Online Featured in ACSA Journal
Congrats to Legacy VAPA, featured in ACSA's EDCal. EdCal is the ACSA newsletter which is sent to over 17,000 ACSA members throughout the state!
Parent Request System
New parent/family request forms are here! You may also call the VAPA hotline at 323-596-7531 and leave a message (or text).
Gratitude: VAPA Gives Thanks
Honor Roll Assembly
VAPA's Honor Roll Assembly was on Nov. 2 and celebrated academic success from Spring, 2020, with Honors and High Honors awards for many VAPA students!
"We'll Make It Though" Video and More
You may have seen the "Legacy VAPA" music video which features an original song by Principal Trimis, recorded in a studio featuring the Legacy VAPA Jazz Choir and 2020 graduate, Adriana Urbano. But did you catch Dr. Trimis' new work, "We'll Make It Through" dedicated to the Legacy VAPA students, families, teachers, and community and the front-line workers? The videos are all linked on the VAPA Online website and also at Also included are several non-VAPA, but wonderful videos, and updates from Dr. Trimis, Supt. Beutner, and COS Administrator Nunez.
"Our students are artists, intellectuals, athletes, leaders, college bound. We are VAPA."
More VAPA Videos
Did you know there are MANY videos of VAPA events on our YouTube channel (Tiger TV). Check them out!
Informational Materials at VAPA
Go to our website for more information at On the website all of our social media platforms are also linked (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, PodBean, YouTube).
VAPA Rising: Beyond Expectations
Tip Line at VAPA
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School is excited to offer a service for our students who see or learn about dangerous or concerning issues at VAPA and/or the Legacy High School Complex. Tips are anonymous and will be investigated by VAPA and LAUSD staff as soon as possible after being reported. Though the line accepts calls, texts are more effective. Please note another option is to report any concerns directly to Legacy VAPA teachers and staff by dropping into the office, calling 323-357-7531 or e-mailing Dr. Trimis at

Legacy VAPA IX
VAPA Success-Into the Light
In light of the current pandemic and challenge we face, our theme for this year is one of hope: VAPA Success: Into the Light.You will see this theme throughout our programs, classroom instruction, and events!
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School
Dr. Edward Trimis, Principal
Ms. Terri Grinner, Assistant Principal
Ms. Jeina Dadrass, Coordinator
Ines Melendez, SAA 
Local District East
Mr. Jose Huerta, LDE Superintendent
Mr. Jesus Nunez, Community of Schools Admninistrator
Mr. Austin Beutner, Superintendent
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School
5225 Tweedy Bl.
South Gate, CA
Upcoming Events
Jan. 4-8 Winter Credit Recovery Program
Jan. 11 Pupil-Free Day
Jan. 11 Spring Semester Begins/Special Schedule
Jan. 12 Smart-Start Schedule Begins
Jan. 18 School Holiday
Feb. 15 School Holiday
March 26 School Holiday
March 29-April 2 Spring Break
May 31 Memorial Day Holiday
June 10 Last Day of Instruction
Go to for VAPA/Arts, Legacy, & Calendars   
We have space at VAPA! Join us!
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts HS:
Preparing students for college, career, and life through the arts.