State of the Arts
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School
November 26, 2018
Dr. Edward A. Trimis, Principal
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School is a student-centered, creative learning community that engages students intellectually and artistically, instilling responsible citizenship and academic rigor for college and career preparedness.
Welcome to the "State of the Arts"
Welcome to our latest Legacy VAPA State of the Arts newsletter! I often think to myself that I have the best job in the world. We have the wonderful opportunity to help shape the lives of young people in a positive way, to really transform kids' lives and society overall. It's an awesome task, a big responsibility, and a joy all wrapped up in one! We had an amazing start to our 7th year at Legacy VAPA, VAPA VII: Making a Difference.

We visited several schools and performed our recruitment show for thousands of prospective students, recorded over 16 recruitment/informational videos, fully jumped in to the Leader in Me process with Seven Habits for Highly Effective People lessons for all of our students and have started our school transformation. We have begun conducting instructional rounds with our faculty, we welcomed new teachers Joseph Tamborino (English/ELD) and Bernardo Balderas (RSP), held our first community/industry partner Advisory Council meeting, started a new chapter of the International Thespian Society, started a new show choir, brought back our AP Music Theory class and more! We have so much to look forward to this year from our many performances, to a WASC Accreditation Visit, to continuing our work with Leader in Me, to developing our 4-year Strategic Plan, to improving student learning outcomes though the instructional rounds process.

Be sure to click the hyperlinks in RED at the bottom of each article to see more photos and enrich your experience!

           -Dr. Edward Trimis, Principal

create. inspire. unify. educate.
Legacy VAPA High School
Making a Difference
A Great Start to a Great Year
Legacy VAPA is off and running! Congrats to all of our students, faculty, and staff for an amazing 1st day! There were wonderful lessons bring taught all across our school! Special congratulations to the newest teachers to VAPA (Mr. Tamborino and Mr. Balderas), to our brand new classes and their teachers (AP Music Theory-Cuevas and Physical Trainer Class-Noriega), and to our Leader in Me LEAD Team for completing their first big project (the "Welcoming Environment" Project), our Link Crew Leaders for helping our freshman start off the year right, and our office staff for the support for making sure the year started off smoothly. Here we go! VAPA VII: Making A Difference .

Link Crew Leads Freshman Orientation Event
Congrats to the VAPA Class of 2022 who participated in the VAPA Orientation 2018 Event August 7th at Legacy VAPA. Special thanks to Ms. Dadrass, Mr. Noriega, and their spectacular Link Crew Leaders and Commissioners who led the event which paired up new students with their Link Leader Mentors who introduced them to our wonderful school! Thanks also to the hardest working leadership and office staff in LAUSD including Ms. Simmons and Ms. Solis (counselors), Ms. Grinner (AP), and Ms. Suarez, Ms. Lopez, and Ms. Melendez (Office Staff).

Rookie of the Year
Congratulations, LAUSD Rookie Teacher of the Year and Legacy VAPA faculty member, Mr. Osvaldo Noriega, who was honored August 5th at Staples Center before an LA Sparks game where he and the other "rookies" were featured in the pre-game ceremonies. Mr. Noriega also had the opportunity to meet LAUSD Superintendent, Austin Beutner, LD South Superintendent, Mike Romero, and LAUSD Board Member, Scott Schmerelson! We are super proud of Mr. Noriega who was selected as 1 of only 3 teachers in Local District East and one of only 18 teachers across the entire district.

VAPA Advisory Committee Debuts
Special thanks to the members of our new VAPA Community/Arts and Entertainment Industry Advisory Board who met for the first time on August 22. Thank you to our VAPA Staff for their support especially co-facilitator Mr. Adolfo, and thanks to our Mariachi and Showchoir students who performed at the meeting. Partners/organizations represented included the South Gate City Council, Sony Pictures, the Foundation for New American Musicals, and Inner City Arts. Additional partners include the Music Center of Los Angeles, the Wallis-Annenberg Performing Arts Center, and the LAUSD Arts Education Branch. The group will be partnering with VAPA to provide resources, establish internships and job shadows, help guide curriculum and program offerings, and assist with drafting a strategic plan.

ACE Program Transforming Lives
On August 27-29, the Freshman Class of Legacy VAPA for the second year participated in the off campus, ACE 3-Day Transition Program sponsored and facilitated by the Educare Foundation . The transformational, and in some ways, life-changing program, helps develop skills in team-work, persistence, mindfulness, and many more qualities. We are also working towards developing our students through our work with the Leader in Me program and the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and  Link Crew . The program concluded with a emotional parent/ participant celebration complete with a slide-show, student reflections, parent/sibling and student affirmations and dinner. Thank you so much to our ninth grade teachers who participated in the program as team leaders, Ms. Grinner and our staff who made all of the arrangements, the Educare staff who were wonderful with our kids, and the awesome Class of 2022 who took the major step of getting out of their comfort zone and becoming the best students and young people they can be. We now have more than 1/2 if our student body who have gone through the program. In 2 more years we will have 100% of our students as ACE alumni!

AP Music Theory Class: A High Note for VAPA
Congrats to students in our returning AP Music Theory class and their professor, Mr. Cuevas. These students have taken the leap to challenge themselves with the most rigorous of music classes. Today the AP Music Theory students participated in a Finale Music Writing program workshop with students from VAPA’s signature Writing for Musicals class.
New VAPA Physical Trainer Class Is Off and Running
Congrats to the VAPA pioneers enrolled in our new Personal Trainer Certification course taught by Mr. Noriega, brand new this year! The cutting edge, zero period class meets every day for an hour before the regular VAPA day begins. The experimental LAUSD course will be submitted for A-G credit and will lead to professional certification as a personal trainer for participating students!

Link Crew Hosts VAPA Freshman Tailgate
Congratulations to our new Link Crew for a fantastic Freshman Tailgate party on Friday, August 24, before our opening home football game. The event was one of several activities designed to support our newest VAPA students while developing empathy and the leadership and counseling skills of our juniors and seniors which started with Freshman Orientation in the summer. Link Crew Leaders are paired with 10 freshmen to support and mentor throughout the year.

Fall Sports Rally: Pump It Up
Congrats to all of the Legacy Fall Sports teams and groups who performed in our Fall Sports/Football Home Opener Rally facilitated by VAPA’s ASB Leadership on Friday, August 24. The rally featured performances by the VAPA/Legacy Band & Color Guard, Cheer Team, Short Flags, and VAPA’s Royal Steppers Dance Team.

Legacy VAPA: This is How We Roll
Some schools promote tolerance for all different types of people. At Legacy VAPA, we celebrate diversity. Differences should not just be tolerated. They should be celebrated. That’s how we roll. We’re here for you. Join us. Become a VAPA student. #wearevapa
VAPA Aloha Assembly and Club Rush Return
Congrats to performers and speakers featured in the 3rd Annual VAPA Aloha Assembly on Thursday, 8/30/18. They were awesome! Thanks also to all who participated in this year's Club Rush on September 4! Big thanks to VAPA ASB/Leadership who produced the events.

VAPA Back to School Night 2018
Thank you to our wonderful VAPA school community for all participating in our 2018 Back to School Night Event on September 6th. We had the largest turn-out, ever! It started with a packed auditorium of Class of 2019 students and their parents meeting about their senior year and continued with classroom visits! Our Student-Led Parent Conferences are scheduled for October 18!

We Are VAPA Scholar Artists: Honors and Academics
From A-G Workshops to Honor Roll Assemblies to Honors classes and AP Classes in Music Theory, Studio Arts, Psychology, English Lit. and more, and to a high percentage of GATE students, VAPA has a high academic bar we are striving to meet. On September 18, we held the last of our A-G College Prepared Parent Meetings at Legacy VAPA. In the meetings, VAPA faculty and staff reviewed high school and A-G Graduation and UC/CSU College Entrance Requirements for parents (and some students) by grade-level. Parents of Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors all had their own meetings last week and September 18, the parents of seniors met. Thank you to Ms. Grinner (AP) and her counseling team (Ms. Solis and Ms. Simmons) who facilitated the meetings and VAPA ASB President, Abi Aguirre, who provided translation services for the senior meeting. Also, congrats to all of the Legacy VAPA students honored in the Honor Roll Celebration on September 20th! We are super proud of our VAPA Scholar-Artists who are so academically high-achieving!

“One of the awesome things about Legacy VAPA is that every student has the opportunity to perform with advanced-level performing groups AND the opportunity to learn an instrument (or a second instrument) or sing, even without experience. We truly have a comprehensive, diverse, and sequential program in music and all of the other arts. And, in many ways, we offer more than other schools offer in the arts and academics that are 4 times our size.” Dr. Edward Trimis (Legacy VAPA Principal) Legacy VAPA. We’re here for you.
VAPA Latino Heritage Celebration Concert 2018
Congratulations to the wonderful performers who brought our 2018 Latino Heritage Celebration Concert to life on Sept. 27. Congrats Jazz Band, Jazz Choir, Show Choir, Mariachi Band, and this year’s Emerging English Choir. Special thanks to Mr. Cuevas (VAPA Director of Music), Mr. Sanna-Pickett (VAPA Director of Dance), Mr. Delgado (VAPA Director of Technical Theatre), and Mr. Tamborino (ELD Lead Teacher). Thanks also to Ms. Dadrass for her support. And a big thank you to friends, family, and supporters!

Legacy Homecoming 2018
September 29th was Legacy High Schools 2018 Homecoming Dance. It was an amazing event put together collaboratively by all three high schools, VAPA, STEAM, and ISLC. The dancing was fantastic, the DJ was excellent, and the students were wonderful. Thank you to all who put the event together, especially our student leadership classes and their advisor/teachers, and thank you to the staff and teachers at the dance supporting our students.

International Thespian Society Comes to VAPA
Congratulations to Legacy VAPA theatre students and their teacher, Mr. Delgado, for taking the next step in their their theatre journey. Students in the new Legacy VAPA Thespian Charter Troupe # 8741 were inducted October 5th, joining the international society they will remain in even after graduation. The rigorous application process included a requirement of performing in at least three major productions. Each of the new members performed a monologue, selected a nickname they will use when they compete this year, and signed the official ledger at the ceremony. Officers for the chapter were also announced. Congrats to Ashley, Sahira, Noreen, Oscar, Adrian, and Lirahn. We are super proud of all of them! Thank you also to the parents, friends, and supporters who attended the ceremony. Looking forward to great things from our new thespians!

Legacy VAPA Ambassadors Perform for Thousands
October 13 was the Legacy High School Complex Open House and the final formal recruitment event for the 2018-19 Zone of Choice/Magnet enrollment recruitment season. This year VAPA stepped up recruitment efforts taking our VAPA Performance Ambassadors to perform at 5 school visits and at two Open House events at VAPA. Our students performed for close to 3000 students in total. The VAPA group includes 50 students from our jazz band, jazz choir, show choir, Mariachi Ensemble, and dance teams, plus MCs from our VAPA Student Leadership/ASB team. In addition to these shows, VAPA also presented at the LDE Choices Fair, recorded and posted 16 promotional videos featuring our students, posted several promo stories and student features on our website and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), sent a welcome e-mail with links to all South Gate and Bell Zone of Choice families with available e-mails, and began to give campus tours two days a week. We thank our teachers who have been so supportive by releasing their students for performances, our feeder schools who hosted us on their wonderful campuses, our prospective students and their families who continue to ask questions so they can make an informed school choice, our chaperones, staff, administrators, and directors who facilitated our efforts, and our amazing students who are, in reality, the best promoters of our awesome school, better than adult speeches, banners, PowerPoints, and videos. Thank you! Please continue to go to our website and social media platforms (all linked at the top of the website) for more info on VAPA. The first round of the Zone of Choice selection window closed November 8, 2018. 

Legacy VAPA VII: Making a Difference in Our Community
Golf Starts a New Round at Legacy
Congrats, Legacy Girls Golf, for a fantastic inaugural season, competing in League Prelims at the Pico Rivera Golf Course on October 17. A big thank you to the Professional Golfers' Association of America who gave the team members their own clubs and equipment. We are looking forward to the Boys season this Spring and next year as the Golf program continues to grow at Legacy!

Support for VAPA 9th Grade: Academy Bootcamp
Check out VAPA’s 9th Grade Band in rehearsal in the music studio while the 9th grade dance class warms up in the dance studio! Many of the students will go on to the advanced groups at VAPA. This year VAPA started all ninth graders in a cohort learning dance, music, or drama. Many others also take intro classes in art and video production. We have an amazing group of 9th graders this year!

Legacy VAPA VII: Making A Difference
New Tip Line at VAPA
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School is excited to continue offer a service for our students who see or learn about dangerous or concerning issues at VAPA and/or the Legacy High School Complex. Tips are anonymous and will be investigated by VAPA and LAUSD staff as soon as possible after being reported. Though the line accepts calls, texts are more effective. Please note another option is to report any concerns directly to Legacy VAPA teachers and staff by dropping into the office, calling 323-357-7531 or e-mailing Dr. Trimis at

Student-Led Parent Conferences Come to VAPA
Congratulations, Legacy VAPA Faculty and Staff for a fantastic Student-Led Conference Event on October 18. The evening gave our VAPA students the opportunity to share their progress in each of their classes with their parents using digital portfolios and data from Schoology. A huge thank you to our staff including Ines, Erika, Julie and Laura for their support, Ms. Simmons for arranging for our technology, Ms. Solis, Ms. Dadrass, and Ms. Grinner for their leadership, kids-first philosophy, and support for teachers, our teachers for their flexibility and willingness to embrace a new idea, Mr. Poncher for unwavering support for and persistence in seeing the student-led conference model implemented, and our students and their parents for their participation. We had record numbers tonight, arguably the best attended conference night in several years at VAPA! Thank you all!

Spotlight Soloists Set the Tone: Opening Act
Congrats to our VAPA singers featured in the pre-show on Oct. 19 for the Guest Speaker/Performer series event featuring the Versa-Style Dance Company. This week the singers submitted audition videos to the Music Center of Los Angeles' Spotlight Awards Program. Ariel Figueroa and Anyssa Giles sang “Riptide”, Adriana Urbano sang “You Say”, Norene Flowers sang “Burn” (from Hamilton), and Abi Rodriguez sang “God Help the Outcasts”. Ariel performs with the VAPA Jazz Singers and Legacy Short Flag Team, Anyssa is involved in the dance program and on the SRLA, Cross Country, and Track Teams, Adriana performs with the Jazz Band and Jazz Choir and was featured on the original single released by VAPA, "Legacy VAPA", Norene and Abi are in the Show Choir and are very involved in the Theatre program, Abi in the Writing for Musicals program and playing leads in the original musicals “Real Life" and "Grandma's Keeper" and Norene playing leads in “Aladdin” and “Elf” and recently accepted into the International Thespian Society Troupe at VAPA. Congratulations to all of our wonderful VAPA performers who submitted audition videos to the Music Center of Los Angeles’ Spotlight Awards today including 8 voice submissions and 2 acting submissions. Additional performers who submitted audition videos included Yolanda McDow, Mia Gordon, Ruby Barriga, Jessica Nava, and Karen Ibarra. Going the extra mile, putting yourself out there, is not unusual for VAPA students. We’re proud of you.

VAPA Welcomes A New Partner: The Versa-Style Dance Company
A huge thank you to Cynthia Hernandez and the Versa-Style Dance Company who presented an awesome dance show at VAPA on Oct. 19 as part of our Visiting Artist Series. The performance featured several solo demos and large group dances highlighting the origins of Hip Hop Dance culminating with current styles. The company, which offers free programs and inexpensive classes for all, are located in North Hollywood, CA. 

Legacy Football Powers Into the Eastern League
The 2018 Legacy Football Season is now in the history books. Simply put, it was fantastic season. In our first season in the powerful Eastern League, playing against such teams as Southeast, South Gate, Garfield, Roosevelt, Bell, and Huntington Park, we won some games, and we lost some games, but always held our heads up high and did our best. We are super proud of our football team and the spirit team that supported them including marching band, colorguard, Short Flags, AV Team, and the cheer team with our mascot. A huge thank you to our spirit coaches, including Mr. Cuevas, Coach Andy, Coach Brenda, and Coach Hilda, and to Coach Guzman and his coaching staff for all their work this year. Thank you also to AD Sanchez, AAD Flores, and all of the teachers, families, and supporters of the team.
VAPA Goes to College
As VAPA starts to seek more and more advanced academic opportunities for our students (we have 17.5% Gifted and Talented students and are applying to become a School for Advanced Studies), we are taking students on several college tours this year. The first one was on October 17. First stop: Cal Poly Pomona. A HUGE thank you to esteemed VAPA alum, Lizeth Machado (VAPA, '17) for the tour! College visits, stop 2: CSU Fullerton. We got to see Tania Morones (VAPA, '17), and Mariana Garibay (VAPA, '18) and Melissa Reyna (VAPA,. '18)!  #wearevapa

Legacy VAPA at Arts Schools Network Conference
Thank you, Arts Schools Network, for hosting a fantastic annual conference October 23-26, at Orange County School of the Arts, Chapman University, and Segerstrom Center for the Arts. The team from VAPA, including Dr. Trimis, Ms. Holland, Mr. Sanna-Picket, and Ms. Dadrass, had the opportunity to go to many sessions and see some exciting performances and speakers. We especially were moved by Debbie Allen’s opening address, the Student Dance Showcase, and the Industry Panel! We brought back some great ideas about Arts Integration, Equity, dance pedagogy and so much more!

VAPA Connected to the Community: Ruby Shines
Congrats, Ruby Barriga (Legacy VAPA, ‘19), singing our National Anthem at the City of South Gate Family Day in the Park at South Gate Park on Oct. 27. She did an amazing job and is a wonderful example of what our students can do , and the kinds of activities they do each and every day at school, in the community, on stage and off. We are super proud of her!
Girls Volleyball Success
Congrats to the Legacy Girls Volleyball Team who ended their 2018-29 season in the CIF City Section Quarter Finals game. One highlight was the 1st Play-Off Game against Chavez HS on Oct. 23 , 3 sets to 0! The Legacy Tigers made it to the “Elite 8” in the championship series. Emily Nunez (VAPA, ‘19), is on the team. A huge thank you to Coach Santacruz and his coaching staff, parents and supporters, and our wonderful players. A great season, ladies. We’re proud of you!

VAPA Student of the Month Continues
Each month we continue to honor outstanding students from VAPA for each grade-level. Students are nominated by teachers and staff. Congratulations, Legacy VAPA’s Students of the Month for October, 2018: Adriana Urbano, Ashley Alvarado, Elena Victoriano, and Amanda Bocanegra. We are super proud of our wonderful VAPA students!

A VAPA Halloween
A fantastic time was had by all at the 2018 Halloween celebration at Legacy VAPA on October 31st! The day ended with a wonderful Halloween Dance Party organized by Ms. Dadrass and our Student Leadership/ASB Class! And a big CONGRATS to Ms. Craig’s period 4 for winning the Halloween Door Decoration Contest!! They received a trophy and will get a pizza party! Will Ms. Craig be able to hold on to the trophy, or will she be dethroned by a new winner for the Winter Door Decoration Contest??

Dia de los Muertos at VAPA
It was a thing. Dia de los Muertos at Legacy VAPA on Nov. 2! We created and enjoyed art, music, dancing, and food, all designed to celebrate the event. What else is there? Thank you Mr. Cuevas and Ms. Prado for putting it all together.
Instruction at the Center: Instructional Rounds Begin at VAPA
Our Legacy VAPA faculty are excited that we have started conducting Instructional Rounds. Every classroom was visited November 1st and 2nd by teams of teachers and staff with a focus on student engagement. November 6 our Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) reviewed the data collected from the visits which will be shared with the faculty at our next meeting. Research shows the Instructional Rounds process often leads to dramatic gains in student achievement! Thank you to LAUSD Local District East For their support and implementing rounds in all of our schools.

VAPA Morning Announcements Go Live
Yes, we did. The morning announcements at VAPA are not only read over the school-wide PA, they are streamed live on Facebook and sometimes Instagram! Miss an announcement? No problem . Go to our Facebook Page at and linked on our website at
Legacy Cross Country Goes the Distance to Finish Another Great Season
Congratulations to our Legacy Cross Country Team for an awesome season and a huge thank you to Coach Tudon and his coaching staff and to families and supporters! The Tigers competed in League Finals on Thursday, November 1, 2018 at Elysian Park. We are very excited and proud of our team that, in the powerful Eastern League, the boys finished third in varsity and the girls finished third in varsity, defeating several other Eastern League teams! Also, as individuals, Lesley Gonzalez (STEAM, ‘19) took 7th place, Jennifer Garcia (STEAM, ‘21) took 5th place, and Anyssa Giles (VAPA, ‘20) took 9th place. For Varsity:
Keilani Ramirez (STEAM, ‘19) took 7th place. All of the Legacy family is super proud of all of our cross country athletes!

Legacy Fields Ribbon-Cutting a Success
Thank you to everyone that made the Legacy Playing Fields Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Event on November 3 a success! The Legacy High School Complex Community is thrilled that we will now have access to a new facility including a new baseball field and two new softball fields as part of the new sports complex. The event marks what is important in our daily work in the schools. Access to clean and modern facilities should not only be a perk for some students , but should be an expectation for all students. We are closing gaps in South Gate, facility gaps, opportunity gaps, technology gaps, and achievement gaps, and we are excited and grateful we can be part of this important work. Special thanks go out to many for this event: to Mark Hovatter (Chief Facilities Executive) for LAUSD, Supt. Jose Huerta, Dr. Al Webb, and Director Guillermina Jauregui and Local District East for their support, Padres Unidos for their continuing advocacy for our school community, South Gate Mayor Maria Bernal, Maria Davila, Al Rios, and the SG City Council for their ongoing support, Congresswoman Nanette Barragan, Danielle Guillen, Latanya Richardson, Athletic Director Jair Sánchez, and the Legacy Principals and their teams: Dr. Edward Trimis (VAPA and Athletics), David Manzo (ISLC and Facilities), and Carla Barrera-Ortiz (STEAM and ASB). Lastly, special thanks to our student performers and their directors including marching band, Colorguard, Cheer, mariachi ensemble, and ISLC dragon drummers, and to our baseball team and softball team and their coaches. 

VAPA and Leader in Me
VAPA is excited to continue our journey as a Leader in Me School. On Tuesday, November 6, VAPA hosted an Open House for schools considering embarking on a Leader in Me journey. This Fall we began implementing a school-wide Seven Habits of Highly Successful People program for all of our students and VAPA will be presenting in upcoming Leader in Me conferences.

Legacy VAPA Teacher is California League of Schools Teacher of the Year Finalist
Congratulations, Ms. Sonia Hernandez, exemplary Legacy VAPA math educator, celebrated November 15th as a finalist for the 2018-19 California League of High Schools Teacher of the Year. The CLS Educator of the Year award is given annually to California elementary, middle, and high school educators who exemplify educational excellence and have made significant efforts to implement elements of educational reform.

A Christmas Carol Spreads Holiday Cheer at VAPA
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Legacy VAPA’s production of A Christmas Carol , this year’s Fall Play, which closed on November 16, 2018. Special thanks to Stacie Craig (Theatre Arts Chair), Mr. Delgado (Technical Director), and Mr. Riley (Musical Director). Special kudos to Student Director, Norene Flowers, Student Assistant Director, Sahira Romero, our Freshman Cast members who performed for the first time on the Legacy stage and our Senior Cast members who performed in their last Fall Play at VAPA. 

Legacy VAPA and STEAM at LAUSD 5K Event
Congrats to the nearly 100 students representing Legacy making the choice to stay fit and “Move It” by running in the annual LAUSD 5K event on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2018. Special thanks to Dr. Trimis and Coach Flores for supervising the trip and running in the race. Special thanks to Coach Brenda and Coach Adolfo for bringing the cheer team, some who cheered with Coach Adolfo for the entire race and and some who ran with Coach Brenda. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Sablan and the other chaperones. Thanks also to Coach Noriega who coordinated the VAPA and Cheer group.

Legacy Marching Band and Color Guard to Compete in LAUSD Field Show Comp!
Come out and support the Legacy Marching Band and Color Guard in their first field show competition in the groups history. The LAUSD Band and Drill Team Championships will be held at East LA College on December 1 beginning at 9 am and Legacy VAPA is scheduled to compete at 9:30 am. The Marching Band was started 2 1/2 years ago and is directed by Juan Cuevas. The Color Guard was started 2 years ago and has competed in two seasons of Winter Guard competition with the Winter Guard Association of Southern California (WGASC). The band and color guard have grown over the years, with this being their largest marching unit, and played for most football games and some volleyball games plus other events this semester thus far. The Legacy Marching Band and Color Guard have performed in the South Gate and Huntington Park Holiday Parades the last two years and will march again in the parades on Dec. 8 and 9. You may also see the marching band in the 2018 VAPA Winter Fest (Music) on November 30, 2018, at 6:30 pm. Big thanks to Mr. Cuevas, Color Guard Director, Andy Olvera, and Drum Major Sergio Zarate (VAPA, '19). You may also see VAPA students representing VAPA and Legacy in the All City Honor Band at the Rose Parade on Jan. 1 and at the Band Fest (at PCC) on Rose Parade Weekend.

Arts Events Calendar for 2018-19
Check out the VAPA Arts Events Calendar! Make your plans now to attend Winterfest, Dancefest, the Spring Musical, and so much more!

Making a Difference-The 1960's Through Today
Legacy VAPA's 2018-19 theme is "Making a Difference-The 1960's Through Today". You will see this theme throughout our programs, classroom instruction, and events!
" Our students are artists, intellectuals, athletes, leaders, college bound. We are VAPA."
VAPA PSAs Light the Light on A Special School
The bottom line is VAPA was under-enrolled last year. We had a tremendous push for new students during the LAUSD Zone of Choice Enrollment Period which included 7 different recruitment trips, two events on campus, 16 specialized recruitment videos posted on social media, campus tours, and several posts with students with quotes from them on why they like VAPA. Here are some of them.
“Why should a student go here? Everything you do centers around the arts, which makes it a lot more fun, because who wants to just sit there and listen to a teacher talk and read a book? You want to go out and do something, and the school gives you a chance to do that.” -Mia Gordon (VAPA, ‘21) Legacy VAPA. We’re here for you. Join us! 
For me, coming here I found myself and I was able to find something I love, and for me, that was dance, which I had never tried before. So, you know I found myself in this school.” -Adan Rubio (VAPA, ‘19) Legacy VAPA. We’re here for you. Join us.
“Why should you go to VAPA? I think because there are more choices and everyone can be their friend. If you want to talk to senior, talk to a senior. And they will say “hi” back in the hallway. All the teachers literally know your name. I have some teachers who I’ve never had in my life at the school, but they know me.” -Maria Hernandez (VAPA, ‘19) Legacy VAPA. We’re here for you. Join us!
“There’s a really great environment. I think this is one of the most accepting environments I have ever been in. That’s why it’s really fun.” -Karen Ibarra (VAPA, ‘20) Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School. We’re here for you. Join us.
“It’s a very welcoming community. You can be yourself here and not get judged.” -Evelyn Martinez (VAPA, ‘19) Legacy VAPA HS. We’re here for you. Join us.
“If you’re and artistic person, you’ll love to go to VAPA. You go in the hallways, and, right away, you see art. Plus the sports. Me, as a VAPA student, I am in theater and I a also play sports. It’s time management, but don’t worry, VAPA kids got this.” Sahira Romero (VAPA, ‘19) Legacy VAPA. We’re here for you. Join us.
Boys Soccer and Boys Basketball Schedules
Girls Soccer and Girls Basketball Schedules
Informational Materials at VAPA
Have you checked out our flier, brochure, and new website at ? On the website all of our social media platforms are also linked (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, PodBean, YouTube).

VAPA Videos
Did you know there are MANY videos of VAPA events on our YouTube channel (Tiger TV). Check them out! Thank you, Mr. Adolfo!

Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School
Dr. Edward Trimis, Principal
Ms. Terri Grinner, Assistant Principal
Ms. Jeina Dadrass, TSP Coordinator/Leadership Advisor
Ines Melendez, SAA 
Local District East
Mr. Jose Huerta, LDE Superintendent
Dr. Guillermina Jauregui, Director
Mr. Austin Beutner, Superintendent
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School 
5225 Tweedy Bl.
South Gate, CA 
We have space at VAPA! Join us! Coming soon: School for Advanced Studies @ Legacy VAPA!
 Nov. 26 South Gate State of the Schools Event
Nov. 29 City of South Gate Tree Lighting
Nov. 30 Winter Fest (Music)
Dec. 7-12 VAPA Finals/Special Schedule
Dec. 7 Winter Fest (Dance)
Dec. 13 VAPA Community Caroling
Dec. 14 Last Day of Fall Semester (Min. Day)
Dec. 15 Winter Break Begins
Jan. 7 First Day of Spring Semester                        
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts HS:
Preparing students for college, career, and life through the arts.