Stated Presbytery Gathering
Saturday, May 14

A Hybrid Stated Gathering will take place
at St. Mark Presbyterian Church, 601 Claymont Dr, Ballwin, Missouri, and on Zoom. All are welcome!

9 am Pre-Session - Voting Faith Politics
(Presented by the Public Witness Team)

10 am Gathering Begins in Worship
Lunch Orders Due by Tuesday, May 10
Education Featuring
Rev. Bruce Reyes Chow
We are blessed to welcome Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow for our Education Time during the Presbytery Gathering.

If you have questions please let us know, in reply to this email, or by calling
314-772-2395. We look forward to seeing you on May 14th.
The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy:
Lives to steward a future of God's possibility.

                      Elder Joyce Wilks-Love, Moderator - Rev. Mel Smith, Vice-Moderator  
Rev. Ryan Landino, Presbytery Leader           
Rev. Elizabeth Kanerva, Associate Presbytery Leader - Rev. Joy Myers, Stated Clerk