Rochester City School District
Media Advisory
December 30, 2020
Editor Contact:
Marisol Ramos-Lopez
585.455.2844 (m)
Statement from Superintendent Lesli Myers-Small on Reopening of Schools
In my time as Superintendent, the most difficult decision I have had to make has been how best to continue to provide an education for our students in the safest learning environment throughout this pandemic.

Medical experts have provided the administration and the Board with research and statistics to support that schools are the safest place for students. I want our students to have the option to receive their education in school. We are bringing back our most vulnerable student population starting January 5th.

On February 8th, our PreK-6 students will also return to in-person learning. We are developing learning pods for students in grades 7-12. In December, only 25% of students responded their desire to participate in hybrid learning, I strongly believe Pre K - 12 students need to be back in school.

For the sake of equity and opportunity to that of elementary students, I have asked my team to work on a plan that could bring those students who selected hybrid learning in grades 7-12 back into our buildings for two days of in-person learning in early 2021. 

When our plan is finalized, I will present it to you, in the same manner I have in the past with greater details. Our District’s primary core belief is that students are our first priority and will drive each decision. I have been steadfast in my desire to have students back in school, and will work tirelessly to develop the best way to do that. 

131 W. Broad Street, Rochester, NY 14614 | 585-262-8100