Statement from the Bishops
about Ferguson, Missouri 

August 20, 2014

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday, August 9 by a police officer and the ensuing violence in the streets of Ferguson as a response sadly demonstrate how our nation continues to be torn apart by poverty, racism, and violence.

The fallenness of the human condition where differences in class, race, and institutional power lead to alienation, division, and prejudice is not the way of our loving, creator God. Rather God in Jesus, the one who suffered a violent death on the cross yet rose again, shows us in the Resurrection that  life is greater than death; love greater than hatred. We pray that the life and love of the Triune God will bring reconciliation and restoration to unity in the streets of Ferguson.

Your bishops have written to the Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, Episcopal Bishop of Missouri, to assure him of our prayers and the prayers of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. We have also asked Bishop Smith how we might be of assistance in addition to our prayers. 

Ms. Anne Watkins, of St. Paul's Church in Norwalk and a member of the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, also has shared with us that Mr. Chuck Wynder, Missioner for Social Justice Engagement of The Episcopal Church and other staff of the Episcopal Church Center are supporting the efforts of Bishop Wayne Smith and the local Episcopal parishes, particularly St. Stephen's in Ferguson. More information on these efforts can be found here.

The events in Ferguson invite us all to look deeply into our own hearts as to how the sins of classism, racism, and other forms of oppression continue to divide us one from another. Your bishops and staff of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut are committed to helping all of us to recognize, understand, and appreciate differences as a gift from God.  We ask your prayers for Michael Brown and his family, for the people of Ferguson and all who are working to bring peace to Ferguson and environs especially Bishop Wayne Smith, and for God's mission of peace, justice, and reconciliation in the towns and cities of Connecticut and in the whole world.


Ian, Laura, and Jim


The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas

The Rt. Rev. Laura J. Ahrens

The Rt. Rev. James E. Curry


290 Pratt Street ı Box 52 ı Meriden, CT 06450 ı 203-639-3501  

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