We stand in solidarity with those calling out and addressing violence perpetrated against Black communities and other communities of color, and we condemn the unjust actions that have led to the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, and countless others.

The mission of BUILD EXITO from the beginning has been to diversify the biomedical research workforce. It’s in our name - B uilding U niversity I nfrastructure L eading to D iversity. As a research training program, we value the importance of science and data, and the power of research to transform institutions and communities to create a more just world. We must face the facts that Black people are disproportionately murdered by police brutality, and we must actively work to dismantle the institutional racism and white supremacy that perpetuate this devastating disparity. Police brutality has become a public health issue. Research has also demonstrated that Black communities are disproportionately impacted by health disparities and are currently facing higher rates of death from COVID-19. As researchers, we must consider these data and ask hard questions. What are the underlying social conditions that contribute to this reality? And why have we been complacent with these conditions?  

While we seek to understand and inform through research, we also must reflect on how our personal actions today and every day can contribute to change. We must recognize the unacceptable injustices and violence inflicted by systemic racism, and take action. 

BUILD EXITO condemns all forms of racism and is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a program based in educational institutions, it is our responsibility to challenge all forms of racism and actively work toward racial justice and equity. We take seriously our responsibility to support our community of Scholars, Alumni, staff, faculty, and all those affected during these tragic and uncertain times. We strive to ensure that all elements of our program promote racial justice and equity, and we pledge to keep learning and improving with your insight and collaboration. 

The BUILD EXITO Leadership
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Resources at PSU:
Students of Color Collective

Global Diversity & Inclusion 
Diversity & Multicultural Services

Cultural Resource Centers
National Resources:
Black Lives Matter

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Educate Yourself:

  • This list of resources is for individuals who are looking to take action but are unsure where to begin. It assumes that the reader has already understood that police brutality is an ongoing issue affecting the black community, and would like to educate themselves and provide aid in any way they can.

  • To contextualize the anger, frustration and desperation that forced protesters to recreate the lawlessness and chaos that black people experience on a daily basis, The Root has created a timeline of some of the events that led up to black people across the country collectively saying: “Aight, den.”

  • White supremacy and racism are serious problems in our society that affect us all. In addition to providing a space for conversation, The Dismantle Collective desires to be a starting point for white allies to do the work and engage in analysis, education, and action on anti-racism. 

  • A helpful visual that shows how white supremacy can fit into two different categories--overt and covert. It provides examples of both kinds, and has reflection prompts for white and Black folks.

  • There are deep historical wounds we need to heal that exist between Asians and Black people, and there are fresh wounds being created everyday as we perpetuate anti-Blackness inside our communities.

  • This study explores how Latinxs understand their racial identity and how colorism emerges, develops and evolves in the lives of Latinxs. We want to look into how racial identity affects race and color perceptions and relationships in the community. 

  • In the United States, Black people have lived through a long history of racial injustice and senseless, institutionalized violence. This isn’t their battle to fight alone. Here’s how you can help in the fight for equality and racial justice.

  • Children’s books are one of the most effective and practical tools for initiating critical conversations, and can also be used to model what it means to resist and dismantle oppression.