Volume X No. 2 | States Wrongs Infringe on Human Rights

November 30th 2023 (17 Kislev 5784)

To my subscribers:

We are back for now with a new JLL Letter. It's been a very difficult year. I will post from time to time as health permits to update important pro-life news and news that pertains to the Jewish community.

I did create a new Jewish Life League website with a different format. It is easy on the eyes (I think!) and I hope you enjoy reading it.

There is one article in the "Essential News" section that I urge subscribers to read. The "Honest Journalism, Under Anti-Semitic Barrage" article is a must read.

The New York Times is horrendous.

The Washington Free Beacon is to be commended for exposing the NY Times Editorial staff for their antisemitism.

Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday season.

Bonnie Chernin

Jewish Life League

States Wrongs Are Infringing on Human Rights

Democrats Have A Death Wish

Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

Welcome to the JLL Letter.


It is always a blessing to be

able to post good news when it comes to stopping abortion and saving lives. And there was very good news. Since the Dobbs decision taking abortion back to the states, it is now estimated that 32,000 unborn children were spared death by abortion.  We would like to see all abortion banned. Now that the laws are decided in the states, it was inevitable that in some states baby killing would be reinforced. Nevertheless, every baby is a miracle and a blessing, and we must acknowledge and give thanks to G-d that in 14 states, the babies that likely would be killed by abortion are being saved.

With good news comes the bad. In several radical abortion states, ballot initiatives were introduced that invalidated some state pro-life laws. But it's worse than that. In states like Minnesota and Ohio, the baby killers included measures that are more horrifying and evil beyond anything we've seen in the past. Voters said YES to codifying their state Constitutions to allow for all abortions all the time, for any reasons without exceptions or limitations.

How did the baby killers do it? With massive inflows of cash for pro-abortion PACs. Three PACs raised $41 million dollars. The abortion forces were well-funded were able to outspend pro-life groups, enabling them to engage in deceptive advertising and promote a false message. The twisted language in these initiatives are devised to deceive voters. "The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety," obfuscates what Issue 1 will do. Now that it was approved, parents will not have a right to know if their minor children are being taken in for abortion operations or given dangerous chemical abortion drugs which can be sent by mail. Sexual abusers and adult males who impregnate children are protected by law. Abortion will be allowed for any reason for all nine months of pregnancy. Sex-change surgeries and hormones for minors is now a Constitutional right in Ohio.

And the worst part is, now that the ballot initiatives are codified into state constitutions future conservative legislators may not be allowed to change the laws.

If Ohio voters had read "The Truth About Issue 1" would they have voted differently? One would hope so.

But what happened in Montana indicates otherwise. In 2022, Montanans voted on LR-131. The language was clear:

"An infant born alive is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the state and is entitled to the protections of the laws, including the right to appropriate and reasonable medical care and treatment."

Montanans rejected saving the lives of born children, 52 to 47%.

The Democrats are planning to introduce similar ballot initiatives in states like South Dakota, Florida and Texas.

Something is wrong in America and the evil and menace that has taken over isn't getting reversed at the ballot box. It's true that our messaging is not getting out. But it's more than that. The COVID dress rehearsal in forced public compliance proved that Americans would gladly gave up all their freedoms for the "common good." But the voters sent the same Democrats who took away their freedoms back to office in November 2022.

Nothing is guaranteed or off limits. People are inherently bad or inherently dumb. They tend to look for the good in everything at their own peril. Or they look at what is evil and they embrace it.

In the Wake of Israel's 9/11

For example, after 1,200 Israeli citizens were tortured and slaughtered by heinous Islamic terrorists, it is preposterous that American demonstrators would even think about siding with the terrorists, especially after seeing the videos of raped women and beheaded children. But they are. Many of these protestors would be murdered by the deranged Hamas terrorists they are defending. And most people are not aware that George Soros - who was born Jewish - has donated millions of dollars to groups that support Hamas.

There have been marches for Israel since October 7th. But that does not change antisemitism nationwide. Last week, a terrified Jewish teacher had to hide from students in a Queens NY high school. That's the next borough over from Brooklyn.

Queens is not the land of the Ku Klux Klan. And yet, the maniacal zealots on the left rant that white supremacy is the real danger to America.

Churches and pro-life pregnancy centers are vandalized by militant pro-aborts and pro-abortion violence is on the rise. And yet, pro-aborts broadcast lies that pro-lifers are violent and we are the danger to America.

Does any of this make sense?

There's a danger to America all right. If history is repeating or rhymes as they say, America is looking a lot like Germany c. 1933.

For Life,

Bonnie Chernin, President

Jewish Life League

Women and young girls are collateral damage for baby killers

I highly recommend the book "Unsafe: America's Abortion Industry Endangers Women" which is available as a download at Americans United for Life or you can purchase the book on Amazon.com. Here is an excerpt that describes the difference between care for dogs and cats, as opposed to "care" for women:

California law protects dogs, cats, and other

animals from unscrupulous veterinary clinics

with an array of 158 separate laws, including

licensure, qualification and training require-

ments for veterinarians and staff, physical clinic

standards, and cleanliness standards.1 On the

other hand, California law provides no stan-

dards whatsoever to protect women

experiencing abortion from dirty and danger-

ous abortion businesses.

The book has a map of "Back Alley" states were safety regulations are either absent or limited. The conditions in many of these abortion mills is disgusting, with unlicensed and unqualified staff, endangering pregnant women's health and putting their lives at risk.

Pregnancy resource centers save babies, protect pregnant women and their babies, and provide mothers with the help they need during pregnancy and after the baby is born. That is the messaging we must promote so that pregnant women are aware these centers exist. These centers help women, and the radical abortion profiteers try to get them shut down, and some governors are cutting off funding to these life-saving centers.

We Need to Rework Our Pro-Life Messaging

This thoughtful article was written by Warren Cole Smith, Editor in Chief of Ministry Watch. Are pro-lifers winning the battles but losing the war? Are we too focused on a political solution? The author is definitely on to something. It's time we pro-lifers focus on the moral issue of abortion, and get back to our original mission of saving babies and helping their mothers through our wonderful pregnancy resource centers. Thought-provoking timely piece and an important read.

Warren Cole Smith article
JLL Meme of the Moment
Abortion Hurts. It's Time To Heal.

Tikvat Rachel is a unique program developed by Cecily Routman, President of The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation specifically for Jewish women and men suffering with feelings of pain and loss from a previous abortion. We offer an ongoing teshuvah-based program that provides a safe, compassionate and confidential healing pathway so you can recover from the pain of a past abortion experience.

E-mail Barbara at [email protected] for more information.

Healing After Abortion
Essential Pro-Life Reading


49 Abortion Centers Closed This Year, Now 14 States are Abortion-Free

Washington Post spreads pro-abortion propaganda about later abortions

Honest Journalism, Under Anti-Semitic Barrage, Is Being Killed at Historic Pace

Post-Dobbs US Birthrate Up 2.3%, Study Finds

Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual: ‘This Is the Most Demonic Thing I’ve Ever Seen’

Healing After Abortion
Pregnancy Resource Centers

If you are pregnant and need help or know someone who is considering abortion, there are life-affirming options available. Please visit the following organization links.
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