Volume 21 | May 8, 2020
May SWGMG Meeting
REMINDER: The next Statewide Grant Manager's Group (SWGMG) meeting is Wednesday, May 20, 2020 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. This meeting will be held using Zoom web-conferencing only by clicking on the following link: May SWGMG Meeting

Please RSVP for the meeting using the RSVP button on the left.

The agenda can be found here .
COVID-19 and the CARES Act
The OSC continues to monitor federal guidance and information related to COVID-19 and the CARES Act. Please check our website frequently as information is being added as it is published.

OSC Guidance - CARES Act can be found here.

Grant related COVID-19 updates are found here.
OSC Grant Website Resources
As we continue to update and improve our OSC grant website, we are requesting sample documents and templates related to grant management. These documents will be included in our online resource library to be accessed by grant managers statewide. If you have sample documents or templates you would like to share, please email Gina Salazar .

In addition, we are updating the Grant Mentor and Contact List. If you would like to be included on the list please email Gina Salazar .
Grant Manager 101 Training
Due to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, the Grant Manager 101 training scheduled for Monday, May 11th and Tuesday, May 12th has been postponed . As soon as it is safe to resume in-person training, we will schedule new dates and let you know!
Mark Your Calendars!
2020 SWGMG Meeting Schedule
Wednesday, May 20th - Zoom Web-Conference only

Wednesday, August 19th - location TBD

Wednesday, November 18th - location TBD
Grants Unit Contact Info
Stacey Alles

Gina Salazar