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A Note from the TEKS Resource System Director, Ann Graves
Hello, Friends.
Welcome back to a great 2019-2020 school year! Not only is it an exciting time for you and your students, this year brings some major changes to the TEKS Resource System Assessment Center. Many of you attended our Summer Curriculum Conference (TEKS Con 2019) and learned firsthand how to build your own assessments. If not, please contact your ESC Representative for new updates.
We are here to help, and please remember the Feedback button. Your ideas and suggestions help us stay the course.
Thank you for using the TEKS Resource System! We are updating our documents daily to ensure you have the latest information. We appreciate your dedication to the students of Texas!
We are now in 920 school districts, private schools and charter schools across the state and will continue to ensure the TEKS Resource System meets your needs.
Best to you,
Ann Graves
Director, TEKS Resource System
SAVE THE DATE! 2020 State TEKS Resource System Conference
Save the DATE!!
July 13-15, 2020
Quick Tips for District TEKS Resource System Administrators
Administrators have the ability to run a login report for the users on their campus or in their district. This report provides a list of users, their roles within the system, and the number of times they have logged in over a pre-selected period of time.
Here's a link to a help document found in the TEKS Resource System that will walk you through the steps you should follow to run this report.
You must be logged into the TEKS Resource System in order for this link to work.
Upcoming TEKS Implementation - The TEKS RS has your back! |
The SBOE voted for an adjusted implementation schedule for the K-5 Streamlined Social Studies TEKS. See the implementation schedule below for the changes.
Please know, the TEKS Resource System is working to make sure you have the curriculum and assessment documents you need for implementation!
- Implement NEW ELAR and SLAR TEKS for Grades K-8
- Implement Streamlined Social Studies TEKS for Grades 6-12
- Implement NEW ELAR TEKS for High School
- Implement Streamlined Social Studies TEKS for Grades K-5
NEW Assessment Center is Now Live! Need HELP? We've got you covered!
The help menu for the NEW Assessment Center is better than ever. Do you need a document to help you get started making assessments? It's there. How about a video instead? No, problem. We've got you covered! Check out all the Assessment Center topics you can learn about using the HELP library that you can access by clicking the HELP button in the top right corner of your screen:
Are you wondering what components are available in the TEKS Resource System for your specific content? Don't miss out on knowing exactly what you have at your fingertips to support both learning and instruction of your content standards. The TEKS Resource System
Components By Subject Area will create awareness of all the documents that are available for teachers and administrators.
Right now, the Language Arts team is busy entering the new ELAR/SLAR content into the live portion of our system. As we publish IFDs to our live site, we will be pulling down the PDF versions in the TCMPC Resources section. Please be sure to check the Revisions section at the bottom of the home page to see if any changes have been made to the curriculum components you are using. Additionally, we have started publishing assessment passages and items.
Here is our plan for Grades 2-8 assessment for the 2019-2020 school year:
Grade 2
- Grade 2 will not have any passages or items until Unit 5 (end of the first semester). Students at the beginning of Grade 2 are still learning how to read which is why we created units that are focused around specific comprehension strategies for the first semester.
- The Performance Assessments included on the Instructional Focus Documents will provide the best data as to where students are in their progress towards mastery of the new TEKS in the first semester.
- For Unit 5, we will provide a fictional passage, an informational passage, and a poem. Questions for these passages will be focused on basic comprehension of the passages to assess if students are using the comprehension strategies that they learned in Units 2-5.
- Beginning with Unit 6A, we will have passages and items that are focused on the genre being highlighted in each unit.
Grades 3-8 Unit 1
- Unit 1 does not include any passages. We have provided three different types of questions.
- There are multiple-choice objective-type items that assess key vocabulary and literacy concepts.
- There are short answer questions related to meta-cognitive processes.
- And finally, there are short answer general comprehension questions that can be used with any text that students have read or heard.
- It will be up to the teacher/district whether or not to use all 3 types of questions, only 1 or 2 types of questions, or none at all. The types of questions include the following:
Grades 3-5 Units 2A/2B/2C
- Units 2A/2B/2C have three passages aligned to all 3 units.
- There is a fictional passage, an informational passage, and a poem.
- Each passage includes questions that align to the focus of each unit.
- So for 2A the questions are about author's purpose and message; 2B has questions related to text structure and organization; and 2C has questions related to the author's use of language.
- Teacher/districts can choose to give one or more passages with the specific unit-aligned questions at the end of each unit (then students would reread the passages in the other units, but have different questions).
- OR teachers/districts can choose to wait until the end of all three units and give one or more passage with all the questions relating to all three units.
- Eventually in future assessment development, we intend to add more passages in other genres (e.g., persuasive, drama, literary nonfiction, etc.) so there will be even more choice for districts.
- As far as Revising and Editing passages, these will start with Unit 2B.
- Writing prompts will not start until Unit 3A. This will give students time to establish routines with the writing process and focus their writing around their purpose and message. Prompts will start once we get into the genre units.
Grades 6-8
- Starting with Unit 2A, all assessment passages and items will align with the genre focus of the unit. In multi-genre units, there will be passages in a variety of genres.
Please remember that this is YOUR curriculum. Please use the feedback button to provide us feedback on how the curriculum and assessments are working for you. We appreciate all feedback- both positive comments and critiques. We want to be sure this is working for you and your students. Have a great school year!
ELAR Content Advisory Group
Welcome back. We hope the start of your school year was fantastic!
Currently, the Mathematics team is wrapping up the unit assessment item project!
- This project included writing 60 unit assessment items for each grade level in Mathematics Grades 2-8 and Algebra I, 480 new items in total.
- Additionally, 60 unit assessment items for each grade level in Matemáticas Grades 2-5 were translated, 240 new items in total.
- The entry of all of these items in the TEKS Resource System will be complete by mid-September 2019.
Algebraic Reasoning
- The TEKS Resource System Algebraic Reasoning DRAFT versions of the Enhanced TEKS Clarification Document (ETCD), TEKS Clarification Document (TCD), Year at a Glance (YAG) for 6-weeks and 9-weeks, TEKS Verification Document (TVD) for 6-weeks and 9-weeks, and the Course Overview are uploaded in the Resource Section of Algebraic Reasoning.
- The Instructional Focus Documents (IFDs) will be uploaded throughout the year. During 2019-2020, we will be collecting feedback from teachers and district leaders using the new course materials.
- After reflective consideration of all feedback, we will post the final documents for Algebraic Reasoning in TEKS Resource System like the other high school mathematics courses in 2020-2021.
Just updated are the STAAR Blueprint and Item Percentages resources for Grades 3-8 and Algebra I with the 2019 STAAR item numbers and state percentages. Check them out!
In 2019-2020,
- The Mathematics team will continue writing unit assessment items for the rest of the HS courses, including Algebraic Reasoning.
- Additionally, we start writing formative items for Mathematics Grades K-HS.
- This fall, we encourage you to get involved in writing and/or reviewing unit assessment items and formative items for TEKS Resource System.
- Join the mathematics family! If interested in contract assessment work, in late September 2019, check the employment opportunities at http://www4.esc13.net/ for TEKS Resource System Mathematics.
Thank you for the difference you make in the lives of our students in Texas!
Math Content Advisory Group |
- Middle school formative assessment items - Summer through Spring roll out
- Continuous addition of new assessment items to the TCMPC Assessment Bank 2019-2020
CTE Updates:
- Anatomy & Physiology
- NEW Performance Assessment Rubrics - Summer through Fall roll out
- NEW Sample Guiding Questions - Summer through Fall roll out
- Forensic Science
- Published dynamically - Draft status removed - Summer through Fall roll out
- NEW Assessment Items added to TCMPC Assessment Bank - Fall through Spring roll out
Cadre Opportunities for PLC Networking:
Partial Development
- DRAFT YAGs and TCDs are in the Resource section for the following courses:
- Aquatic Science
- Astronomy
- Earth Space Science
Cadre Opportunities for PLC Networking:
- Collaborate with the content development team
- o Biology Cadre
- o Anatomy & Physiology Cadre
- o Forensic Science Cadre
- o Apply on the ESC 13 website
- All science courses and CTE STEM and Health Science that count for science credit are scheduled to undergo review and revision beginning 2019-2020 school year. The revised Science TEKS are scheduled for implementation 2023-2024.
- Join the science mailing list to receive updates.
- View the state's proposed timeline for development
- Sign up to be on TEA committees and workgroups.
Science Content Advisory Group
- Secondary streamlining was completed and posted to the website during June. All IFDs, YAGs, resources, and assessment items have been updated.
- Elementary streamlining has begun. Our typical timeline for posting updated information to the website is mid-June, 2020.
- Our timeline may be altered for Estudios sociales. We have asked TEA for a time they expect TEKS to be translated into Spanish, but have not yet received a date for release. We can begin updating Estudios sociales after the translation of the TEKS by TEA is completed and made public.
- You may have noticed that there is a new Conceptual US History course. We are excited by hearing of several districts and schools piloting this new approach. Keep it up and let us know how it goes!
HB 1244 - Naturalization test
- HB 1244 created a requirement that 10 items that align to the US History TEKS be added to the STAAR test.
- TEA will need to study the implementation of this requirement. This includes 1) aligning naturalization test items to the TEKS and 2) determining how to use the items since they are currently open-ended. We will begin building resources and items when TEA presents its findings.
- Since secondary curriculum streamlining is complete, the team is beginning to audit the item bank to uncover any assessment gaps that may have emerged. You can apply to be an item writer here.
STAAR Analysis
- The past years of STAAR analysis are in the midst of being updated to align to streamlined standards. We will re-release the analysis with updates that indicate if the item can still apply and if the standard alignment changed.
- TEA has withheld releasing the STAAR to the general public, including ESC staff. We have placed a request to TEA to see and use the items in our annual STAAR analysis. If we are granted permission, we will begin work reviewing and including 2019 items.
Social Studies Content Advisory Group |