Oct. 25,

No. 145

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Weekly Readings

Instead of our traditional policy readings, this week we present you with...drum roll...transportation statistics! Sound boring? Well, check out this great graphic from 人民网 that compares transportation stats at the beginning of reform and opening to now. These are great figures to use in your presentations and speeches during the whole "China has come a long way" part.  

Event Tomorrow

Don't miss tomorrow's event with Wu Si at 4:30pm at the Wilson Center!

Official-ism: The Chinese Historical Model and its Evolution, WU Si (中文)

Join us October 25, 4:30-5:30pm, at the Woodrow Wilson Center for what is bound to be a stimulating conversation (in Chinese) with one of China's leading intellectuals, Wu Si 吴思 . Wu Si is the chairman of the Unirule Institute of Economics. He is the former executive-president and chief editor of 炎黄春秋 and   the author of the highly influential history books Hidden Rules and The Principle of Blood Payment.
Wu will be speaking about the idea of 官家主义, officialism, how it has been an important concept in China's historical development, and how it continues to impact China today. For those of you interested in contemporary Chinese intellectual discourse, this is an event not to be missed.

RSVP here
俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches

mái tóu kǔ gàn

Meaning: put one's head down and work hard

Xi used this fairly common idiom in last week's anti-poverty speech. Many of Xi's recent speeches have focused on the importance of working hard to achieve longstanding goals. Xi seems to be saying that it is all fine and good to cheer new policies and targets, but the real work is in the longer term execution of these campaigns.

Original: 只要各地区各部门切实担起责任、真抓实干,只要贫困地区广大干部群众继续奋发进取、埋头苦干,只要全党全国各族人民万众一心、咬定目标加油干,就一定能如期打赢脱贫攻坚这场硬仗。

Job Opportunity with the Paulson Institute

Are you a student interested in China's economics, technology, and politics? Macropolo, the Paulson Institute's in-house think tank, has openings for their summer associate program. This is open to undergraduate and graduate students. Readers can view more about this opportunity here.  

Documentary Series Spotlight

茶,一片树叶的故事 ( Tea: The Story of a Leaf), is a documentary series on the different kinds of tea in various regions of China. This series is almost entirely in Chinese, except for sections in which tea from other parts of the world are covered.

Readers can view this series here.

Support the American Mandarin Society!

If you appreciate the effort we put into organizing Chinese-language policy events, providing robust language and policy resources on our website, and the kind of content you see in this newsletter, please consider supporting us with a tax-deductible contribution--every bit helps!

The American Mandarin Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.