Stats for the Masses Newsletter
March 2018

The Best Laid Plans...

Did February just happen? Wow.

Last month fell apart for me a bit after Superbowl Sunday. It had nothing to do with the Eagles winning (I'm originally from Pittsburgh. We all know who should have been playing, 'nuf said).  

It had everything to do with technology. I made some "behind the scenes" updates to our website and validated some processes and software to be in compliance with regulations required for my clinical research work. Changed hosting, file get it. It wasn't smooth. What in life is? But it is done! Well, for now.

Things don't look any different, but under the hood, things are running much better, and in regulatory compliance. Well, for now. 

So I'm glad to be back!

The weekly Stats Grab Bag will return on March 17th. It has been a big hit, people really love the tidbits from practice I share each week.  Every Saturday morning I get to sit with my cup of coffee and review my accomplishments and pratfalls, and share my experiences and any newfound wisdom with all of you.  It is actually quite cathartic for me!

During all of the renovations I still managed to get work done and to present the Power Analysis for Sample Size webinar. I used a new format of asking questions not only at the end, but also as I went through the presentation. Thanks to everyone who attended the live event to participate and ask such wonderful questions! 

If you missed it, I've posted the recording on the Omega Statistics YouTube channel. Here is the link:

Coming Soon!

The next Stats for the Masses webinar, An Introduction to Bayesian Logic, is scheduled for May 23rd. Details are below. As with all of the Stats for the Masses webinars, there is no charge to attend the event. 

I will also be presenting a webinar in May about multiplicity for my colleague Karen Grace-Martin's Statistically Speaking program. I'll have more details in next month's newsletter. 

And I will be traveling to various locations in the U.S. to present my Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician seminar. Details are also below. These events are fee based. Click on the links provided for more information and to register.

I'm attaching some links to articles I've written since January. See the Dissertation Den section to learn about the "Dissertation Proposal as Contract" and in the Clinical Craftworks has a couple of goodies for my clinical research audience.

I always welcome suggestions for article, webinar, and seminar ideas. So don't be shy! Send me an email with any suggestions or questions you have about any events or services I can provide. I'd love to hear from you!

Upcoming Events

FREE Quarterly Webinar: May 23, 2018; 11:00 a.m - 12:30 p.m. Pacific Time
An Introduction to Bayesian Logic

Unlike Frequentist statistics in which we assume we know nothing about phenomena until we sample and test it, Bayesian statistics allow us to take into account information we already know in our analysis and our conclusions. 

Please join Elaine Eisenbeisz, Owner and Principal of Omega Statistics, as she presents an overview of Bayesian thought and techniques. Emphasis will be on applications to diagnostic tests and genetics. There is always some time for Q&A during our events so bring  your questions! 

All registrants will receive handouts and a link to a recording of the webinar. So if you cannot attend the live event, you can watch later at your convenience. 

The webinar and recording are FREE! But space is limited, so register soon. This webinar is a Stats for the Masses Favorite, so seats will fill up fast! 

LIVE Events. Two-Day In-Person Workshops. Meet Elaine and learn a lot! Various Locations and Dates. Click on the links for each event for fees and further details.

Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician
May 10 & 11:  Salt Lake City, UT

Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician
June 14 & 15:  San Francisco, CA

I am currently working on some additional seminar presentations and dates. Stay Tuned!
People are Talking: Omega Statistics on the Web

Here are a few articles and etc. about Omega Statistics, Elaine Eisenbeisz, and the services we offer. Thanks so much to VoyageLA, Jesse Sharp of Sharp Statistical Sciences, and Kathleen Cannon of for your interest in Omega Statistics and  for the opportunity to be featured on your sites and blogs!

(Just click on the green font colors in the text to read each article/post.)

VoyageLA features articles with inspiring stories about inspiring people. They think Elaine Eisenbeisz is one of them!

Jesse Sharp wrote a wonderful blog piece about the concept of "Coopetition" and featured Elaine and Omega Statistics as an example. Thanks Jesse! Here's to a great 2018 for both of our companies! 

Kathleen Cannon, one of the best editors we know, has written a very encouraging blog piece about the "legal-ness" of hiring a statistician to help with dissertations. It is legal by the way. If in doubt, ask your committee about the type of assistance you can receive. 

Dissertation Den

Did you know that your dissertation proposal is a contract? Knowing this, there are some ways to help assure that you don't get caught up in a vicious circle of additions, revisions, and committee requests after you've collected your data. 

This month's blog post   The Dissertation Proposal: Your Road Map to Success gives some advice and tips for making your proposal complete now, so you can more easily avoid detours later. 

I don't promise miracles> But trust me, a detailed proposal is good preventative care for a dissertation research. 
Clinical Craftworks 

Contingency tables anyone? Read Elaine's column for Clinical LeaderAn Introduction to Contingency Tables for Clinical Study Analysis. 

I've been busy writing for the Making Sense of Biostatistics column for the  Journal of Clinical Research Best Practices

About Elaine and Omega Statistics

Elaine Eisenbeisz (pronounced "I-SEN-BUYS" but you can call her Elaine) is a statistician with graduate level education in statistics and extensive expertise in all phases of design and analysis. Her education and experience give her a deeper insight into the theory and practice of the discipline of statistics. 

Elaine and the Omega Statistics team are professional, personable, and knowledgeable. We deliver analysis reports that are both informative and intelligible. All of our services include consulting as you need it, in order for you to understand and present your results with confidence.
We can perform most projects on a flat fee basis. The fee quoted includes all work to meet your specifications, including a written report and consulting. In essence, the fee for services includes everything you need to complete your project. And, if in the rare instance Elaine can't do it, She probably knows someone who can. Feel free to email  [email protected] or call 877-461-7226 to discuss your needs or any questions you may have!
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