| Your Weekly E-Newsletter -- Thursday, May 25, 2023 | |
The office will be closed on Monday, May 29 in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday. | |
This Week's Pondering from Ben Blobaum | |
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Is it just me, or did our year together go flying by? Time itself has a mysterious quality. As a result of Christ’s cross and empty tomb, for instance, every moment of every day is pregnant with meaning and significance – infinitely more than can be grasped by the mind or the senses. This is true of the past year together. In our worship, ministry, and fellowship, the kingdom of God was further breaking into this fallen world, as the risen Christ extended his Reign in the hearts and lives of God’s people. Though we will not see the full and glorious fruit of our ministry until that Day which has no end, by faith we are certain and assured that our labors are not in vain.
My family and I have been so richly blessed by all of you, and we are immensely grateful that the Lord called us to Calvary for this year of formation. Thank you for all the love and kindness you have shown us. Moreover, thank you for your hospitality, a genuine strength of this congregation. Amy and I have both noted the spirit of hospitality at Calvary, and, my goodness, we are just so touched and grateful for your generosity to us, for inviting us into your homes, for the meals you’ve shared with us, and simply for your words and the time you took to talk with us and get to know us. You made us feel welcome both at Calvary and in the surrounding community. Thanks to you, this has been home.
Thank you, especially, for your supportive care and consolation after the terrible tragedy that my family suffered in December. In countless ways, both large and small, you were there for us and with us, mourning our loss and embracing us with your love. Above all, thank you for your prayers, through which the Lord surely carried and sustained us.
I also want to say a special thank-you to the members of my internship committee, to my colleagues on our church staff, and to Pastor Ken and Marcella. I can hardly imagine a better pastor under whom to serve and from whom to learn, and Amy and I are so grateful for you and Marcella, both as exemplars in the faith and as true friends.
To the whole congregation, thank you – individually and collectively – for the indispensable role you played in my formation for the pastorate. Thank you for humbling me with your gracious encouragement and feedback on my preaching, teaching, etc., through which the Holy Spirit was confirming, to me and to the church, God’s call to the ministry of word and sacrament. Indeed, the call to ordained ministry is sensed inwardly by an individual, but, if it is from God, the Spirit will confirm the call outwardly through the church’s assent. In other words, I simply could not have discerned the final phase of this call alone. I needed you.
The NALC is facing an urgent need for faithful, well-formed pastors. At the same time, few congregations are equipped to host pastoral interns. Thus, you have played a significant role, not only in my formation and in the life of my family, but in the life of the broader church. For whatever fruit my future ministry as a pastor may bear, it will be inseparable from the time and experience you allowed me to receive from you this year. In all my life and ministry, no other congregation will have played this unique role in my formation and confirmation as a pastor. Thank you. I will not forget you. My family and I love you and will miss you, and we will remember you in our prayers. And whether we see one another again in this life or not until the next, we await with you in hopeful expectation for the coming of our Lord and King!
To God alone be the glory,
Vicar Ben Blobaum
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Ben's Farewell Recognition this Sunday | |
Please join us for cake and fellowship following worship on Sunday, May 28 as we have a reception in Fellowship Hall for Ben Blobaum, our Pastoral Intern. Ben will complete his internship in mid-June; however, we have graduation, confirmation and Pastor Ken's retirement events in June. We wanted to dedicate a special day to give our best wishes to Ben.
Ben, Amy and Josiah have been such a delight to have with us for the past year.
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Lizzy Dudzik led the Children's Sermon last weekend. The youth created their own shields and swords to show they have the Armor of God with them all the time. | | |
Pastor Ken recognized and blessed the Sunday School and Christian Education teachers last weekend. They have been a blessing to us and we thank them for being role models for our youth! | | |
Thank you to the Dudzik family for bringing a little polka music to our Sunday service last weekend. It was a fun way to sing praises to God!
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Thank you to everyone who participated in the Walk for Water last Saturday. The weather was perfect and $410 was raised for Compassion International! | | |
Pastor Ken handed out the first playing card before the participants left for the short walk. | |
Thanks to Dave DeBruine (pictured at left) who was able to join us for the Walk. He handed out one of the cards along the Walk. | |
Those with the top Poker hands received gift cards to Target and Kopp's.
Congrats to Cindy Zilske, Ben Blobaum, Jayden Rooks and R.J. Budnick who were our lucky winners.
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Women's Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, May 13
Many thanks to all those who contributed their time and brought their treasured dishes for the women’s prayer breakfast. Also thanks go out to all those who attended and brought guests.
Marcella Nelson
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Pastor Ken's and Marcella's Retirement Send-Off
Saturday, June 10
6 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
You can RSVP here or sign up sheets are on the glass doors in the Narthex.
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We will be cleaning up our church property by raking, trimming bushes/shrubs, weeding, cutting down a tree and hauling the refuse to the Recycling Center. There's something for everyone. Bring your rakes, trimming tools and gloves. Refreshments and a free-T-shirt will be provided.
Questions? Please reach out to Ernie Kretschmann.
A sign up sheet is posted on the Opportunities kiosk in the Narthex.
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Four of our youth will publicly make their Affirmation of Baptism on Sunday, June 4 at the 9 a.m. worship service.
William Dudzik
Kyle Gall
Addison Meyer
Ellie Sayas
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Golf with Pastor Ken
Sunday, June 4
Greenfield Park Golf Course
12035 W. Greenfield Avenue, West Allis
2:00 p.m. tee time
Don't let that big old golf club scare you ... it's more about the fun and fellowship!
Cart rental is $12; the cost for the 9-Hole Outing is $24. (The cost may be less if you have a County discount card.) Both fees can be paid at the course before play begins.
You can sign up as a foursome or individually, and we will place you on a team. No handicaps will be used. Fellowship will be encouraged at the 10th ole. All ages and genders are encouraged to participate. Prizes will be awarded!
The sign up sheet is on the OPPORTUNITIES kiosk in the Narthex or you can sign up via email to: Golf Sign Up
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Celebrate Megan Schatz's high school graduation on
Sunday, June 11 at the 9 a.m.
service and learn about her future plans.
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Day of Pentecost
Day of Pentecost
May 27-28, 2023
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DEACONS: Saturday: Larry Bonier
Sunday: Linda Thorpe, Pat Foy, Everett Lambert
- Amelia Evert and Ava Morris
- Diane Grundman
- Marilyn Hermann
- Everett Lambert
- Joanne Schultz
- Cake to celebrate Ben Blobaum's Internship
- Jeanette Kalupa/Saturday
- Sue Rowe/Sunday
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Pastor Ken's Weekly Bible Study
Pastor Ken invites you to join him every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for his weekly Bible Study.
He will present the readings for the upcoming weekend, followed by discussion and insight.
The last Bible Study will be on June 7th.
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Register today for this summer's VBS!
Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun.
Volunteers can also sign up via the link below. We couldn't do our VBS without the help of so many wonderful volunteers. Please consider helping us again this year!
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Vacation Bible School
July 31 - August 4
9:00 a.m. - Noon
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God's grace and blessings on Richard John "R.J." Budnick (son of Katie Rooks). He was baptized on Saturday, May 2 and his sponsors were his grandparents, Cindy and Rich Rooks. R.J. also received his Frist Communion at the 5:00 p.m. service.
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New prayers requests or any updates to this current list should be directed to Cindy Zilske in the Church office (
Prayers of sympathy and God's peace to: the family of Fay Heyen who are mourning the loss of Fay's sister Joyce who passed away on Monday.
New prayer requests: Amanda (daughter of a friend of Jonni Roush')
Please continue to pray for: God’s guidance and support for our Call Committee, and that the Holy Spirit is working in the heart of the pastor He wishes to call as the next pastor of Calvary.
Ongoing short-term prayer requests: Carol Rooney, Shirley Mahn; Sue Rowe; Maxine Weisbrodt; Jan Chesner; Grace Gunnlaugsson; Jonni Roush; Laura Burger (Calvary member and twin sister of Linda Richmond); Sharon Anderson (mother of Deron Anderson); Joyce (sister of Fay Heyen); Lou Dangler (friend of Evelyn Ceci); Andy Jacobs (friend of Evelyn Ceci); Kim (daughter of Maxine Weisbrodt); Paul Mahn (son of Shirley Mahn); Hunter Green (nephew of Andy and Angie Schatz); Tom Schatz (father of Andy Schatz); Susie Barnhart and Amy Clark (friends of Megan Scott); Delores Seel (mother of Keith Pierce); Karen (daughter of Linda Thorpe's neighbor); Gary Zikmund (friend of George Sedivec); Mary (sister-in-law of Jane Taufner); Lynn Strickland (father of Nicole Moritz);Tony Shemberger (father of Amy Blobaum); Ray-Ann, granddaughter of David Ernst
Serving in the Military: Dan Berger (serving in the U.S. Marines); Kevin Butler (son of Heidi Powers, serving in the U.S. Army); Ben DeYoung (son-in-law of George and Kay Sedivec, serving in the U.S. Air Force); Alex Olson (U.S. Air Force, grandchild of Ardath Olson); Kyle Pierce (son of Karen and Keith Pierce, serving in the U.S. Army); Karmen Thomas (friend of Tony and Krista Dentice serving in the U.S. Army); Nicole Wahlgren (serving in the U.S. Army National Guard); all military chaplains; and all veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
For All Men and Women Serving: Police Officers, Firefighters, EMT's; Health Care workers and First Responders.
Serving in the mission field: Our NALC missionaries and missionaries everywhere bringing the gospel to the ends of the Earth.
Long-term prayer list:
Calvary members: Pat Corcoran; Ron Foster; Tom Kurtz; Beverly Lawson; Donna Schroeder; Nadine Schuelke; Gloria Strei; Pat Treutelaar; Janet Zastrow
Non-members: Jan Janchan (friend of Jonni Roush); Gerry Fosdal (friend of Linda Thorpe); Lauren (granddaughter of Scott and Peggy Langelin); Nicole Sayas (daughter in law of Judy Sayas); Dennis Reich (friend of John and Mary Lau); Curt (friend of Larry Bonier); Pastor Mark Gehrke (son of Lois Gehrke); Barb Anderson (friend of Lisa Grossman); Gareth George (cousin of Judy Sayas); Rose Luther (friend of Nicole Moritz); Judy Grospitz; Monica Barchus (niece of Ernie Kretschmann); Michael Rossa (Lucy Dallman's son); Karen (friend of Lydia Trudell); Susan Petropoulos (sister of Wayne Johnson); Tom Dallman (husband of Lucy Dallman); Laura Lynn (friend of Pastor Jerry and Nancy Wittmus)
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Gunnar Zipp, 5/25
Dale Altmin, 5/26
Xavier Griese, 5/26
Thomas Jenke, 5/26
Tom Sadowsky, 5/29
Bonnie Vasatko, 5/29
Kathy Gall, 6/1
Gordy Gunnlaugsson, 6/3
Preston Meyer, 6/5
JoAnn Phillips 6/5
Mary Smith, 6/8
Claire Gall, 6/9
Curtis Klade, 6/9
Fay Heyen, 6/17
Tom Kurtz, 6/18
Rebecca Warber, 6/23
Jan Tschetter, 6/24
Glori Kurth, 6/25
Keith Pierce, 6/25
Caryl Braatz, 6/26
Harold Rose, 6/30
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Chris and Leah Morris, 5/30 (25 years)
Bruce and Dawn Hanke, 6/6 (36 years)
Tom and Kris Springer, 6/7 (26 years)
Lee and Marge Tyne, 6/9 (61 years)
Ken and Marcella Nelson, 6/15 (38 years)
Don and JoAnne Krause, 6/17 (62 years)
Randy and Sue Wizner, 6/18 (41 years)
Dale and Marty Altmin, 6/19 (58 years)
Terry and Sandy Moths, 6/20 (42 years)
Ray and Jan Chesner, 6/21 (65 years)
Gordy and Grace Gunnlaugsson, 6/25 (57 years)
Deron and Lynnette Anderson, 6/26 (29 years)
Bob and Ann Jazgar, 6/27 (58 years)
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Janet Zastrow, expert seamstress, invites the women of all ages to join her for Sewing Circle this summer (date and time to be determined). Janet has been teaching Amruth Busi, daughter of Radha Vaddavalli, how to sew. Several examples of what they have made together are pictured here.
Janet is looking for adults who sew to participate, as well as donations of patterns, which have become quite expensive to purchase!. There is a bin in the Narthex to collect the patterns, This is a great opportunity for inter-generational fellowship.
If you're interested in helping Janet with this wonderful ministry, please send an email to her at
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May Mission of the Month
Compassion International
Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults. This is done in a variety of ways. For the Calvary congregation, we are most familiar with their Water of Life and Child Sponsorship programs.
In prior years, our focus has been on the Water of Life program to purchase water filtration systems. Thankfully, this program has been so successful that there is a limit of how many new systems they need each year. The Water of Life program is part of the larger “WaSH” program which stands for Water Sanitation and Hygiene. Donations directed to WaSH might be used for Water of Life but if all the units have already been acquired for the year, the funds would be used for wells, filtration systems, water storage or sanitation facilities.
The focus of the Water Sanitation and Hygiene initiative (WaSH) is to ensure that no Compassion-assisted child has to drink contaminated water or use unsafe sanitation facilities. Compassion provides the resources and infrastructure that help protect each child's health as they make their journey out of extreme poverty.
Safe-water Infrastructure
Children who have access to safe water are protected from waterborne diseases and are
more likely to succeed in school. A nearby safe water source also helps to ensure girls get
an education instead of spending hours each day collecting water for their family.
Proper Sanitation
Providing adequate toilets or latrines prevents open defecation, which leads to the rapid
spread of disease through communities and puts children in physical danger. Combined
with hand-washing facilities, latrines not only protect children’s health but foster dignity
and self-respect.
Hygiene Education
Compassion provides personal hygiene kits and hygiene education so children can form
good habits that will safeguard their health for a lifetime. From basic hand-washing to
dental hygiene, Compassion-assisted children learn to care for themselves and lead by
Every $1 invested in Water and Sanitation Priority Initiative creates a $4 return because whole communities spend less on healthcare and more on education and in the local economy.
The Most Popular Interventions include:
- Drilling wells
- Facilitating waste collection and management
- Providing water filtration systems
- Installing rainwater harvesting systems
- Building water storage and pumping systems
- Providing hygiene education
- Building septic systems
- Training community members on equipment maintenance
- Constructing toilets and washrooms
In fiscal years 2015-18, Compassion’s clean water initiatives impacted more than 170,000 Compassion children and their families through the:
Installation of 8,449 toilets, 874 new water-access points near children’s homes and more than 276 hand-washing stations at Compassion church partners.
- Provision of safe water through more than 159 new borehole wells, large water-storage tanks or large-scale water purification systems;
- Distribution of more than 20,400 in-home water filtration systems in 17 countries where Compassion works
To support this important Mission for the Month, you may include it in your weekly offering envelope or designate the donation for Mission of the Month in your online giving.
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Worship Attendance and Giving Options | |
Online giving provides options!
While cash and checks are always welcome, the “Give Online” button on the Calvary Lutheran Church website provides another option. And, with the expansion of our vendor’s software, the options are now expanded and customized. In addition to giving to the General Operating Fund, Building Fund and Mission of the Month, you can now specify contributions for Altar Flowers, Sunday Morning Fellowship Treats, NALC, etc.
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Please note that contributions to the Mission of the Month are allocated to the organization for the month in which the donation is made
If you have any questions or would like to make a pledge, please contact Cindy Rooks, Finance Secretary, via email at or (262) 786-4010.
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Giving to the NALC Campaign | Just a reminder that contributions to the NALC's 20/20 Vision Campaign need to be designated as "NALC" either on your giving envelope or on your check. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Rooks at | |
Weekly Men's Breakfast
Wednesdays at 7 a.m.
Maxim's Restaurant
18025 W. Capitol Drive
The restaurant seating has been reconfigured in compliance with social distancing requirements.
All men are invited to attend!
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Fellowship Hall
Thursday, June 15
6:00 p.m. Supper
Study to follow
If you have any questions, please contact Ernie Kretschmann at
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Facing tough times? Need a Christian Friend?
Stephen Ministry is here to help. Free, just like God's love.
Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by Stephen Leaders to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this important ministry, please contact Scott or Peggy Langelin at 262.853.0018.
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Sanctuary Flowers
A wonderful way to celebrate a special occasion or remember a loved one is by sponsoring flowers at our altar. The cost is $35 and you may take them home following the Sunday morning worship. (If you'd prefer, you can leave the flowers at church to be enjoyed in the church office.)
The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex, near the door to Fellowship Hall.
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We invite you to provide
Hospitality Treats on Sunday
We invite you to stay after worship on Sunday mornings and enjoy fellowship time and a treat/cup of coffee in Fellowship Hall.
If you'd like to provide treats (donuts, bagels, etc.) for Sunday hospitality time, there is a sheet on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. You may bring the treats (six dozen) and drop them off in the kitchen, or simply add a “P” behind your name, pay $30 to the church office and the treats will be purchased for you.
The sign up sheet for 2023 has been posted on the bulletin board. Thank you for your support!
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Do you need a new Church Directory? |
The Calvary Church Directory is available electronically or in paper format. If you'd like an electronic copy, please send an email to Sue Rowe at
There are also printed copies available in the church office.
If there are any changes to your phone, email or address, please advise the Church office. Any updates should be submitted to Cindy Zilske at
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Live Stream Attendance Link |
If you watch our services via the Live Stream, please take a minute to let us know. There is now a link called "Online Worship Attendance" on the page where you access each week's service.
We appreciate you taking the time to complete this each week. It helps us know that our Live Stream is being viewed and by whom.
Thank you!
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The right side of the Sanctuary (as you face the altar) is equipped with a hearing loop system which transmits an audio signal directly into a hearing aid via a magnetic field. This greatly reduces background noise, competing sounds, reverberation and other acoustic distortions that reduce clarity of sound.
Most hearing aids are equipped with a t-coil and connecting to this system is an easy switch on the hearing aid. If you need assistance during worship with this system, please reach out to an usher or any staff member.
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The church office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The door that is closest to the office (NW corner) will be open during those hours.
Please check in with the office staff so we know you are in the building.
The office phone number is (262) 786-4010. Feel free to leave a message if you call after hours and we will contact you the next day.
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