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Gary Community School Corporation Launches Search for Superintendent

Deadline for Submissions is March 9

(Gary, IND) - The Gary Community School Corporation (GCSC) of Gary, Indiana is seeking a superintendent to guide the district and community in its continuing quest for excellence for all beginning July, 1, 2024 as its financial distress status concludes. 

The five-member Board of Education, District Manager and Gary community at large are looking for a dynamic, engaging, transformative leader with a proven track record of success. The Superintendent’s primary task will be to champion the district’s vision of remaining “the premiere educational system providing an enriched academic and multi-cultural learning environment that prepares our students to pursue the accomplishment of life goals”.

GCSC fosters a high-quality education in a safe and orderly learning environment that ensures the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and values necessary to be productive and responsible citizens in a global, technological society. GCSC’s mission is “doing what is best for students … today, tomorrow, every day,”

GCSC believes that educating students is vital to the sustainability and growth of the community. Educational excellence and opportunity requires committed students, teachers, administrators, parents, and school board members.

Mutual respect and support are expected from teachers, staff, administrators and students. Learning occurs best in a safe, orderly and secure environment. GCSC strives to provide all children with the care and support they need so they can develop optimally. It incorporates the broadest possible form of good and appropriate education for every child. GCSC is committed to providing a happy and safe environment in which children can to learn.

For more details, visit our website or click the link below.


Information for Families

More Information
How to Make Good Choices (Elementary)
How to Make Good Choices (Secondary)

In the Schools

Black History Spirit Wear- Every Friday and February 27th "Hole"

Lotta Love- Doughnuts for Dads February 13th and February 15th

Black History Program Presentations

We extend our biggest cheers and heartiest applause to the Beveridge basketball and cheer team. Their extraordinary efforts culminated in splendid performances at the championship game and cheer-off, with our basketball team securing an impressive second-place and our cheer squad achieving a commendable fifth-place.

The commitment of both teams to excellence was evident through their hard work and dynamic performances, truly embodying the spirit of Beveridge. It's not just their placements that make us proud—it's their display of integrity, dedication, and teamwork that truly captures the essence of our school's athletic program.

A round of applause for our coaches—Coach Simmons, Coach Thurmond, and honorary Coach Brown for basketball, and Coach Burrell, Coach Richardson, and Coach Kind for cheerleading. Their dedication and mentorship have been pivotal in guiding our teams to their successful finishes. The countless hours of practice and determination have paid off, and we owe much of our teams' success to their leadership.


3rd graders working on open and closed circuits and motors to make bristlebots  

Amazing work scholars!

We are delighted to announce that the McCullough Academy cheerleading team has triumphed at the inaugural GCSC Elementary Cheer Off, bringing the first-place trophy back to our school! This victory is a testament to the team's unwavering commitment and tireless effort to achieve excellence.

A heartening thank you goes out to our incredible Cheer Coaches Mrs. Hood and Mrs. Smith, as well as our honorary coach Ms. Walker, whose guidance and support have been instrumental in this achievement.

Let us collectively congratulate our champions on this outstanding accomplishment. Your victory has filled McCullough Academy with pride! 🏆📣

We are brimming with pride and excited to share with the school community the outstanding achievement of the Banneker at Marquette cheer squad. At the recent GCSC Cheer Competition, our dedicated team awed the crowd and judges alike, clinching a remarkable third place amidst fierce competition.

This accomplishment is a testament to their hard work, spirited team dynamics, and the infectious enthusiasm they bring to every practice and performance. It's through this relentless dedication and passion that they continue to represent our school with such honor and vigor.

In the spirit of gratitude, we extend our deepest appreciation to the bright young minds who graced our recent "Roar for Reading" initiative at Williams Elementary. The lively event held at our beloved school was nothing short of enlightening, arriving at a perfect time as we usher in Black History Month.

It was truly heartwarming to witness the enthusiasm radiating from our avid readers. Their keen interest in embracing the rich narratives encapsulated in the books provided is a testament to their eagerness to learn and honor our collective history.

Special recognition goes to our dedicated school administrators, who diligently facilitated intimate reading circles and thought-provoking discussions. Their efforts amplified the impact of each story shared, fostering a deeper understanding and connection among our scholars.

As we continue our journey of education and growth, moments like these reinforce the core values that make our school district thrive: connection, knowledge, and inspiration.

In tribute to the late, great African-American surgeon Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, the team at Gary Community School Corporation's Daniel Hale Williams Elementary School orchestrated a creative birthday celebration. The event included participation by the members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., who engaged in reading sessions with scholars. 

One of the special guests included Dr. Michael McGee, an alumnus of Daniel Hale Williams, the current Chief and Medical Director for the Emergency Medicine Departments at Methodist Hospitals and a member of Kappa Alpha Psi. McGee not only shared his personal journey but also emphasized how his educational path profoundly shaped his successful career in medicine.

As the students gathered, they found themselves captivated and deeply inspired by McGee's narrative. His journey from a student at Williams Elementary School to becoming a successful surgeon resonated with the young minds present. 

"This an event I am sure our students won't soon forget," said Williams Principal Linda Golston. "The program offered multiple components of community engagement while emphasizing the power of giving back, volunteerism and mentorship."

Adding an interactive element to the celebration, a group of students seized the opportunity to interview Dr. McGee for their podcast titled "Moment in STEM." Clad in their white STEM/doctor coats, the student ambassadors created a symbolic moment while representing their commitment to STEM education. 

In the latest hands-on learning adventure, Ms. Knight's classroom transformed into a buzzing hub of science and mathematics. Our inquisitive students participated in a dynamic STEM experiment that brought coordinate geometry to life—right on their classroom floor! By charting out an expansive coordinate grid, the class delved into practical applications of plotting ordered pairs and embarked on a collaborative journey of creating lines. This immersive experience not only fortified their grasp of mathematical concepts but also underscored the fun embedded in experiential learning. Stay tuned for more STEM stories as we continue to explore and learn through innovative educational practices.

Through our partnership with Boeing our students were able to create an airplane. Students were divided into groups of 5, the roles were: mechanic, pilot, engineer, materials team member, and finance team member. The final product was an airplane. Students were able to choose from 5 different designs. The team also promoted their scholarship https://awards.projectexploration.org

Thank you Boeing for your continued partnership!

Go scholars!


Schedules and Info


Superintendent Search Details

West Side juniors and seniors will be visiting:

Local 697 Apprenticeship School on February 9

Valparaiso University campus visit on February 13

St. Joseph Calumet College visit on February 21

Mindplay through www.closeeducation.com

For more information contact:

Maria Brown

Director of Professional Learning

Close Education, LLC [email protected]

GAPS Newsletter

Special Thanks to the Gary Educational Development Foundation for providing amazing opportunities for our students to learn outside of the classroom!

Students from Williams Elementary School were able to learn how STEM relates to skydiving and even had the opportunity to fly!

Learn More about GEDF

What is ESSER III?

ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) is the education part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act passed in March of 2021, which gave school districts federal money to help them to reopen and function safely over the next 3 years as they recover from the pandemic. Districts can use ESSER III funding to support sustaining safe operations of elementary and secondary schools while meeting students' academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs resulting from the pandemic. GCSC is using most of its funds on instruction, which includes things like more time, opportunities and support for students, new furniture in classrooms to support small groups and projects, parent engagement activities, and new data systems, and is also using ESSER III funds to support staff capacity, technology, and building facilities. 

ESSER III Project Spotlight: Makerspaces

What is the activity or program? 

GCSC is reimagining some of the common areas across the district and developing makerspaces. A makerspace is a collaborative work space inside a school, library or separate public/private facility for making, learning, exploring and sharing using a variety of tools. This hands-on program is popular with students and the furniture is fun and exciting. Makerspaces currently being funded by ESSER III dollars includes classroom and technology upgrades, software, furnishings and supplies. 

How is it supporting students/the community?

Makerspaces are a complement to STEM curriculum and professional development; fully equipped makerspaces, robotics/ideation rooms and innovative lab spaces allow teachers to connect concepts across the curriculum and bring in real-life applications to the classroom. Additionally, the makerspaces help schools become STEM certified sites that support students with problem solving, teamwork, and workforce development skills.

Makerspaces were added to Banneker ES, McCullough ES, Glen Park ES, Williams ES, Beveridge ES, Bailly MS, Gary MS, and West Side HS.


Got feedback? We’d love to hear it! 

Do you have any thoughts on Gary’s ESSER funding plans and priorities? We’d love to hear it. It is important to us that how we use the funds reflects our community's needs. Please share any feedback you have through the form below and we'll do our best to take it into account as we move forward! 

ESSER Feedback

A Day in the District

Featuring Dr. Janet Seabrook

Interview with the WSLA Coaching Team

Featuring Robert Lee and Hank Kilander

On WGVE 88.7 FM with Jeffrey Smith

Interview with Dr. Raisor

School Board

January 24, 2024

Next Manager/Board Meeting is scheduled for

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

5:00PM Gary Area Career Center

*Dates are subject to change. Visit our website for updates and information.

Jobs and Opportunities with GCSC

Chief Financial Officer

Community Outreach Coordinator

Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator

Athletic Trainer (Sports Medicine)

Pre-K Specialist

High Ability Elementary Teacher

Science Teacher

Teacher - Welding

Teacher-English Language Arts

Foreign Language Teacher

Mathematics Teacher

Biology Teacher 9-12

Social Studies Teacher

Electrician Foreman


Foreign Language Teacher

Mathematics Teacher

Security Officer (Civilian)

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher

Title I Paraprofessional

and more....

A full list of open positions and job descriptions can be found on our website!
We encourage you to apply today!

Contractors and
Business Owners
We publicize RFPs and contract information on our website! Check out our latest projects!

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