This Sunday, August 21

First Community has a very special Sunday planned for you! Senior Minister Glen Miles will preach his sermon, Delighted based on Luke 13:10-17, at all 3 services.

We will also offer our first Blessing of the Backpacks during worship at 10 am South and 11 am North. Bring your backpack to worship for a special blessing as the new school year begins. This blessing will be for all children and adults who attend or work in schools. Please join us for this special moment in worship.

And last but still sweet, this Sunday, we will be serving up free warm donuts by Donna's Donut Truck! Donuts will be served before and after 10 am worship at South. 

This is a great Sunday to invite a friend or two to hear a word of hope, receive a school year blessing, and enjoy a sweet treat! 

Sunday School

Sunday School

Following the Blessing of the Backpacks in worship, children will be released to their Sunday school classes where we will hear a short devotion, then make backpack tags, and play games so we can get to know one another.

We are excited to welcome our new kindergarteners as the children will move up to their new grade level this week. If your kindergartener would like to visit their classroom, a teacher will be in the room 15 minutes before worship begins. The classroom at North is room 211 located in the Rose Wing. At South it is close to the sanctuary in the Wicker room. 

Contact Julie Richards, Director of K-5 Ministry, with questions.

Rabbi Rami Shapiro at First Community

Rabbi Rami will be with us in person the weekend of August 26-28, bringing his perennial wisdom, his humor, and the depth of his spiritual teaching to us at First Community North on Friday and Saturday, and at the morning worship services Sunday, August 28. Those of you who have read his book, Holy Rascals: Advice for Spiritual Revolutionaries, or seen him on our Burkhart Center Zoom interviews earlier this year know that he brings this spiritual wisdom with a light touch, but with meaning and clarity.

We welcome you to attend any or all of these weekend events with a suggested but open fee schedule for Friday and Saturday talks, and the ability to hear him at any of the 9, 10, or 11 am worship services Sunday. Register HERE for Friday night and Saturday.

In between his Saturday presentations at 11:30 am in the north sanctuary, we will have an important announcement about a new name and concept for the Burkhart Center!

1 Rabbi Rami’s new book is Judaism without Tribalism: A Guide to Being a Blessing to All the Peoples of the Earth. Rev. David Hett suggests that Christians should read this book as well, and take its wisdom and recommendations to heart.

More Information and Registration

Nominations Open

Now is the time of year to help choose our next group of leaders by nominating church members to serve on the Governing Board, Board of Deacons, and/or Nominating Committee.

Nomination forms are available in multiple formats, including pick-up at First Community North and South Reception desks and narthexes, printable PDF versions, and online submission forms. You can find more information, PDFs, and online submission links at

Please email Shelly Sagraves if you have questions regarding the forms or submission process. Thank you for helping with this important work.

Is Your Pledge Up to Date?

The staff has done a great job of staying within their budgets while continuing to offer a wide variety of ministries and programs. As we enter the fall and move toward the season of advent, we will see an increase in costs. Your stewardship pledge is a key factor in helping us maintain financial health. Please check to be sure your pledge is up to date. We recognize that for many, these are challenging economic times. We understand if there is a need to reduce your giving. As always, your generosity and willingness to serve are inspirational!

More Ways to Connect

Tonight, August 17

7-8 pm, Grace Hall, North

Join Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan for a three week study on a theology of work, play, and rest. We will look at scripture, listen to a few theologians' words of wisdom, and reflect on our own experiences as a group. Bring your Bible and see you there!

Summer in Town Orchestra
August 19, 7:30 pm
Sanctuary, North

While many college students return to their hometowns during summer vacation, a few students are in town. So Jae sent emails to 70 recipients “Would you like to join Summer in Town Orchestra in June?” Then 24 students replied, saying “Yes!” Conductor, Jae Park with guest conductors Matt Kinnear, Andrew Schneider featuring music by Bartok, Mozart, and Copland.

Monday, August 22

10 am - 4 pm

Weist Room, South

The next First Community blood drive is on August 22 from 10 am - 4 pm in the Weist Room at South. Thank you for your help! You can sign up HERE, or contact Robin at (614) 488-0681 ext. 235 or

Burkhart Center

Coming to the Center in September

In addition to all our usual programs found on our webpage, the Center is creating these opportunities in or beginning in September for nourishing mind, body, heart, and soul:

Body Practices:

Yoga classes and Group “Wander Walks.” Burkhart Center Faculty Jodi Patton and Cindy Lanese will be offering these new opportunities. Jodi is a long-time yoga teacher and Reiki master. Cindy is certified in Ecotherapy Facilitation and in Joanna Macy's "The Work that Reconnects," and has led numerous nature walks and activities. Email Jodi to sign up for yoga and click on this link for "Wander Walks"

Opportunities for Deeper Spiritual Work:

Group Spiritual Direction and

Diamond Approach Book Study/Inquiry Group. Center faculty Jodi Patton and Rev. David Hett will be facilitating these groups, respectively. David is an ordained Diamond Approach Teacher in the Ridhwan School. Look for more information in The Burkhart Center's September newsletter.

Clergy Conversations:

Hour-long Zoom interviews with people selected by our First Community clergy. In the first conversation, Monday, September 12, 7 pm, Senior Minister Glen Miles talks with author and Quaker pastor, theologian, and author Phillip Gulley, whose most recent book is Unlearning God: How Unbelieving Helped Me Believe.


Prophetic Voices Series:

Public film presentations of five important voices in religion, spirituality, politics, and social justice created by Journey Films, followed by group discussion. First in the series is the follow up to our Rabbi Rami weekend, Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story.

One of the premier voices in Jewish thought and prophetic witness, Rabbi Heschel literally stood shoulder to shoulder with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., during the Civil Rights Movement. Sunday, September 18, 3-4:30 pm, at First Community North. Discussion led by Rev. David Hett. Registration coming soon.

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Prayer Needs