April  2017

Science News  | Association News | Job Placement | LAS  |  FIG
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We've Moved! 
New MSA Headquarters Address:
11130 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 350
Reston, Virginia 20191
Science News
  The MSA Facebook page   regularly posts science news for you

Uncovering the secrets of white cell power
One of the mysteries of the living body is the movement of cells - not just in the blood, but through cellular and other barriers. New research in the Weizmann Institute of Science has shed light on the subject, especially on the movement of immune cells that race to the sites of infection and inflammation.    Read more  here.           
Scientist maps giant virus
In a laboratory at Michigan State University, scientists took a DIY approach to build a retrofitted cryo-electron microscope that allowed them to map a giant Samba virus - one of the world's largest viruses.  Read more  here.  

Let Us Now Praise the Invention of the Microscope 
Brad Amos has spent most of his life thinking about and looking into tiny worlds. Now 71 years old, he works as a visiting professor at University of Strathclyde in Scotland where he leads a team of researchers designing an extremely large new microscope lens-about the length and width of a human arm.   Read more   here.  
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Association News

MSA News Header
This will be the last MSA Update that you receive if you have not renewed. Also, please remember, being a current MSA member saves you at least $100 in registration costs for M&M 2017.

Microscopy Society of America Creates Student Council 
The Microscopy Society of America (MSA) approved a resolution to create a Student Council. All Student Council Officers must be students at the time of their election. The inaugural Executive Officers of the Student Council are: Joshua Silverstein; Janet Gbur; James Kilcrease; Cameron Varano; and Ethan Lawrence. In addition, William Bowman has been appointed Chair of the Student Council Program Committee.

Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition - Deadline April 30
This annual competition is used to generate a full color Small World Calendar whose featured images are often picked up for republication in widely disseminated science publications. All contestants receive a copy of the calendar; first prize is $3,000 and a trip for two to Nikon's HQ in Japan. Read more here.

"March for Science" Scheduled for April 22  
Saturday, April 22 - Earth Day - has been designated a day for a nonpartisan set of activities that aim to promote science education and the use of scientific evidence to inform policy. Since the first announcement of this event in the March issue of Microscopy Update, the FY2018 Budget Request has been issued, and features significant cuts to government-funded science. "Be counted" by participating in one of the events in more than 400 cities worldwide. If you can, bring a friend! Read more here.

While MSA has not officially affiliated with this event, we encourage our members who choose to participate to inform the Society of your involvement via its social media feeds or by contacting the Society. 

MSA to Discontinue Society 800 Number
The Society will be discontinuing its 800 number once its current contract runs out on June 30. Most members can call the MSA office at the regular telephone number, 703-234-4115, without incurring long distance charges (e.g, via cell phone). Alternatively, members wishing to speak to an MSA Staff Member by telephone can e-mail the office at AssociationManagement@microscopy.org with a short message and call-back number. Please let us know if you have any concerns about this change.
M&M 2017 News

Register early and save $100. Membership rates available to MSA, MAS and IFES members. 

M&M 2017 Travel - Book your hotel in St Louis!
Rooms are selling qu ickly. If you want the best rates and best location, don't wait!

Watch your mail for the May 1 Microscopy Today for the M&M 2017 Pre-Meeting Guide & Preliminary Program!

JobMSA Job Placement Services

Questions? contact: Dave Tomlin (Placement Office Chair) or Bob Dziuban (Association Management)
Local Affiliated Societies
Local Affiliated Societies News
by Bev Maleeff, LAS Director

MSA's Local Affiliated Societies provide networking and outreach opportunities for the microscopy community. The list of LAS can be found at http://microscopy.org/communities/local.cfm .

LAS/AReS Breakfast Meeting at M&M 2017
The annual LAS/AReS breakfast meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 8 at 7:15 AM (room TBA). Invitations will be sent to the LAS Presidents of record as we get closer to the meeting. Please check the LAS community page to ensure that the correct President is listed for your LAS.

PLEASE NOTE: The MAS 50th Anniversary lecture "Microanalysis: What is it, Where Did it Come From, and Where is it Going?" presented by Dale Newbury, is scheduled from 7:30-8:30AM on Tuesday, August 8, i.e., at the same time as the meeting.
Election of the new LAS Director will take place during the meeting, so if you are the designated representative from your LAS and you want to attend the lecture, please appoint a proxy to attend the LAS/AReS meeting and cast a vote in your place. Every vote counts!

LAS Tax Exemption & Incorporation FAQ
The new LAS Tax Exemption & Incorporation FAQ can be found on the MSA website at http://www.microscopy.org/communities/las_faqs.cfm. The page is divided into 9 Topic Sections, with a series of questions and answers and, in some cases, relevant links to additional information. Please note that the information provided does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion. It is for informational purposes only.

LAS Programming
Upcoming LAS Meetings are:

April 20
Philadelphia Society for Microscopy (PSM)
April 28 New England Society for Microscopy (NESM) nesmicroscopy.org 
May 3
Microscopy Society of the Ohio River Valley
May 5
Minnesota Microscopy Society (MMS)
May 9
Notre Dame Imaging & Microanalysis Society (NDIMS)
organizations- and-societies/ndims/

May 23-26
Southeastern Microscopy Society (SEMS)
May 24
Microscopy Society of Northeastern Ohio (MSNO)

Check the individual LAS websites for more details.
If your LAS is planning a meeting, please let me know at least 2 months in advance so I can announce it in an upcoming issue of the MSA Update.

The Microscopy Society of the Ohio River Valley (MSORV) will be holding their Spring meeting on May 3rd at Equistar Chemicals in Cincinnati, OH. Festivities begin at 3PM. More information is available at http://www.msorv.org/meetings.htm.

Support your local affiliated society! Invite students & early career scientists & technologists to your LAS meetings. Better yet, bring a new member to your local meeting and get them involved!

LAS Programs
MSA provides LAS support with Tour Speakers, Grants-in-Aid and Special Meeting grants. Details can be found at http://www.microscopy.org/communities/programs.cfm.

As always, you may contact me at beverly.e.maleeff@gsk.com with comments, questions or concerns.

See you in St. Louis!!
Focused Interest Group 
Focused Interest Group Update
Andrew Vogt, FIG Director

Did you know that there are 11 FIGs that promote a specific discipline to microscopy? Click here to check them out and contact the leader to get more information. If you are interested in joining one or more of them, please complete the membership form. You can also join a FIG when renewing your MSA membership; students may join one FIG at no cost.
Renu Sharma was elected as Co-Chair of the FIG Committee. Please welcome her to that role. 
Two Pre-Meeting Congresses were approved for the 2017 meeting in St. Louis, one organized by the Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy FIG and one organized by Focused Ion Beam FIG. Requests for a Pre-Meeting Congress in 2018 will be reviewed and approved at the 2017 Winter Council meeting in January.

Would you like your LAS, FIG, or other MSA Program or Committee to be highlighted in the MSA Update? Do you have an interesting article you would like to share for Science News?   Submit today!