July  2018

Science News  | M&M 2018 | Job Placement   |  FIG
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MSA Headquarters Address:
11130 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 350
Reston, Virginia 20191
M&M 2018


Have you booked your hotel yet for Baltimore? If not, don't delay! Special M&M rates have been EXTENDED through this week at available hotels.

Click HERE for hotel information;
Click HERE to go directly to the reservations portal.

Post-Deadline Papers are posted! They will be presented as posters during the meeting on Monday, August 6. These papers won't be in the program or proceedings, so check them out here: https://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2018/program/postdeadline_posters.cfm


Get ready...the M&M 2018 Mobile App is almost here! Release date is Monday, July 9!
  • Go to the App Store or Google Play and search M&M Annual Meeting. Download is FREE.
  • If you already have the app (from Core-Apps), simply open the app, go to the "Exit to Meeting List" icon on the Dashboard, and click on the red and blue M&M 2018 item.
  • To view the program data from your desktop, go to: http://m.core-apps.com/msa_2018. You can add favorites, set your schedule, check out exhibitors, and add your personal profile (optional).

The M&M 2018 Scientific Program will be posted on the M&M website by midday Eastern Time on Monday, July 9.

M&M Hotels in Baltimore  still have availability! Don't get shut out. Book now.

Association News

MSA News Header
Microscopy Society of America Bids to Host the 20th International Microscopy Congress in 2022
The Microscopy Society of America (MSA) Council and MSA International Committee are pleased to announce that MSA has submitted a bid to host the 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC-20) in 2022 in Portland, Oregon, USA. The proposed dates for IMC -20 are July 30-August 5, 2022. The IMC meeting is a world wide international microscopy congress held every four years. Read more here.

Nominations for MSA Fellows, Class of 2019 is now open
The Microscopy Society of America is accepting nominations for MSA Fellow, Class of 2019. This major Society award honors MSA members of at least 10 years for " significant contributions to the advancement of the field of microscopy and microanalysis" through both their scientific accomplishments AND service to MSA. In very special circumstances the 10 year membership requirement may be waived.

The deadline is September 30, 2018. For instructions on the nomination process and submission of a nomination, please click here. For further information or questions please contact AssociationManagement@microscopy.org.

MSA 2019 Major Society Awards: Nominations Open Soon.
The nominations for the 2019 MSA Major Society Awards will open on August 1, 2018. Stay tuned for further details.
Science News
  The MSA Facebook page   regularly posts science news for you

Researchers develop 'MicroMegascope': imaging with a tuning fork
In the MicroMegascope, the oscillator consists of a tuning fork with a tungsten tip on the lower arm and an accelerometer on the upper arm. Also shown are resonance curves for different types of prong oscillations. Credit: Canale et al. ©2018 IOP Publishing
Currently, atomic force microscopes (AFMs) are one of the most widely used tools for imaging, measuring, and manipulating matter at the nanoscale. One of the key components of an AFM is a microscale oscillator, which scans the topographical features of a sample. Unfortunately, however, the fabrication of microscale oscillators is a complex and expensive process. Read more here.

Fluorescence imaging technique goes from micro to macro, moves closer to clinic
Researchers have scaled up a powerful fluorescence imaging technique used to study biological processes on the cellular level. Previously limited to samples just millimeters in area, the expanded approach can analyze samples with areas up to 4 square centimeters. With further development the new approach could find use in the clinic as a sensitive and precise method for identifying the edges of tumors during surgery.  Read more  here.      
'Flamingo:' High-powered microscopy coming to a scientist near you
Modern microscopy has given scientists a front-row seat to living, breathing biology in all its technicolor glory. But access to the best technologies can be spotty. Read more  here.    

Don't quite understand how social media works & why it's important? Access this free and interactive  how to guide  
A StC Student Spotlight

In the fourth of our series spotlighting students in microscopy, we spent some time learning more about Jamyla Burkes and her area of research.

Academic background:
I am a rising Junior majoring in Chemical Engineering at Tuskegee University (TU) and participating in the TU Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program this summer

Current research focus:
The REU program is my first internship experience. My current project under Dr. Maria Calhoun, "PLA Nanocomposite Thin Film with Banana Peel Sourced Carbon Nanoparticles", is focused on converting banana peel waste into carbon for use in thin film applications. This is also my first time hearing about and using electron microscopy. We are utilizing scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to look at the morphological changes in the carbon particles before and after sonication which is post carbonization. Later, we will employ the technique when examining fracture samples from mechanical testing. We also plan on using TEM to further analyze the individual carbon particles.

Interesting personal note:
Although I am pursuing a degree in engineering, I am a YouTube lifestyle vlogger in my free time. It's always a great idea to have a hobby to release and reflect.

MSA Student Bursary Program for M&M 2018

There are just a handful of spots left in the MSA student bursary program for the Microscopy & Microanalysis 2018 meeting - spots are filling fast! MSA student members have the opportunity to offset some of the meeting costs by helping with various tasks throughout the week. If you would like to participate in the student bursary program for 2018, send an email to Amanda Lawrence at the link below. Registration will close soon - don't miss your chance to get involved!

Questions about the bursary program or would like to participate, contact:

Amanda Lawrence - MSA Student Bursary Program

Send as email subject: Student Bursary to aml181954@gmail.com.

MSA Student Council - Call for Nominations

MSA Student Council is pleased to announce the Call for Nominations for the executive officer positions.

A description of the roles for the three elected positions (President Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary) can be found on the MSA Student Council website, Responsibilities page. The President-elect serves a three-year term, once each as the President Elect, President, and Past President. The Treasurer and Secretary each serve a one-year term.

Undergraduate and graduate students that are members of MSA are encouraged to run for office and can either self-nominate or nominate other MSA student members. The Call for Nominations letter and Nomination Form can be accessed on the MSA Student Council website, Responsibilities page and social media platforms. Nominations close on July 29th with elections held at the MSA Student Council Membership meeting during M&M 2018.


MSA Student Events for M&M 2018

Don't forget to check out all the exciting events planned for students at M&M 2018! And, make sure to mark your calendars to attend the Student Council Meeting - A big surprise is coming!

Friday, August 3, 6:00-9:00 p.m. PMCx60 Welcome Reception*
Pratt Street Ale House
Saturday, August 4, 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. PMCx60 Technical Program*
Baltimore Convention Center
Saturday, August 4, 6:00-9:00 p.m. PMCx60 Banquet*
The Spirit of Baltimore Dinner Cruise
Sunday, August 5, 6:30-9:00 p.m. Welcome Reception
Baltimore Convention Center
Monday, August 6, 5:30 p.m. Student Mixer
Baltimore Convention Center
Tuesday, August 7, 5:30 p.m. Student Council Meeting
Baltimore Convention Center
Wednesday, August 8, 12:15 p.m. MSA Membership Meeting
Baltimore Convention Center
*Advance registration required


Local Affiliated Societies 

Local Affiliated Societies News
by Patty Jansma, LAS Director

MSA's Local Affiliated Societies provide networking and outreach opportunities for the microscopy community. The list of LAS can be found on the LAS community page at http://microscopy.org/communities/local.cfm.

LAS Programs

MSA provides LAS support with Tour Speakers, Grants-in-Aid and Special Meeting grants. Details can be found at http://www.microscopy.org
. Funds are still available for 2018. Please contact me as soon as possible if your LAS is interested in applying, and you haven't already received funding this year.

As always, you may contact me at pjansma@email.arizona.edu with comments, questions or concerns.


Focused Interest Group Update

Did you know that there are 11 FIGs that promote a specific discipline to microscopy? Click here to check them out and contact the leader to get more information. If you are interested in joining one or more of them, please complete the membership form. You can also join a FIG when renewing your MSA membership; students may join one FIG at no cost.

JobMSA Job Placement Services