Respect of Self ~ Respect of Others ~ Respect of Environment
September 28, 2018
In this Issue

Article: Face Lift at the ELC Newark
Mark Your Calendars
Navigating Kindergarten Registration
Family Resources
Community Family Events
Research Information
Important Reminders
2018/2019 School Calendars
Contact Us
Face Lift at the ELC Newark
I am happy to share some exciting news with you! For families who were with us last fall, you will recall that we began a multi-year “facelift” by installing a new roof on our building. After 14 years of taking care of children and families, our facility needs some tender loving care. 

During the summer, teachers began the process of cleaning out worn out materials. They have removed extra items from their rooms, creating enlarged spaces for children to explore materials and engage together. Our ELC teachers carefully and intentionally think about their classroom environment creating beautiful spaces for your child. 

Soon, we will begin a process of painting the inside of the building. We are currently set to paint the classrooms over the course of the fall. We do not have an official start date from facilities; when we do, we are ready! Just as with the roof, our major concern will be the safety of our children while the painting is going on. While ideally, we would simply close down for a two-week period, we know that is not realistic for our families. While classrooms are painted, children will move to temporary classroom spaces in their respective wings. We have carefully selected the paint to ensure that it meets all standards for use in programs serving children. As we move back to our classrooms, we will be replacing shades as needed and adding lovely hand sewn valences to our windows. 

In addition, we will be painting our hallways, removing some of the excess bulletin boards and painting murals in the main hallway area. We are looking forward to engaging our children with the artists; a new learning experience for us all. 

We appreciate your support during this time. As with all such projects, there will be challenges. However, the end will be well worth it as we enjoy a refreshed facility for you and your children. Please feel free to address questions about this project to me ( or to Jane Graci (


Mark Your Calendars

October 8th - Open all day for Aspira Academy and Newark Charter School
October 18th - Chat with Linda 8:00-9:00 am
October 22nd - Fall Festival Newark, 4:00-5:00 pm
October 25th - Navigating Kindergarten Registration 4:30-5:30 pm @ ELC Newark

*calendar links listed below
Navigating Kindergarten Registration
The UD Early Learning Center will be hosting an informational session for families new to navigating the registration process for rising Kindergartners in the state of Delaware. A representative from the Delaware Readiness Team will be on hand to offer insight about kindergarten registration as well as answer any questions you may have. This will be the first in a series of family workshops hosted at the UD Early Learning Center for the 2018/2019 academic year. The event is free and open to the community.

Event Details
Location: UD Early Learning Center Gym
Date: Thursday, October 25, 2018
Time: 4:30-5:30
Family Resources
We know that along with all the rewarding moments parenting brings, there are also challenging moments that we may need help navigating. Below is a great article for families with children of any age. The article offers information about understanding your child's behavior and suggestions about how to handle challenging behaviors your child may be experiencing. We hope that you find it helpful. You can find more great articles at the NAEYC website.

In addition to the anticipation of the change in season is the impending flu season that will be upon us. In preparation for what may lay ahead we have decided to get a jump start on ensuring how we can all stay healthy during the next few months. Check out the link for tips on staying healthy from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention . As recommended by the CDC, you can check out locations for local flu clinics through Delaware Public Health.
Community Family Events

  1. The Newark Symphony Orchestra is offering a free event this Sunday at the Independence School. Please click here for the flyer with details
  2. Check out this free, fun, family event on Saturday, October 13th, presented by joint Early Childhood Community Partners. Click here to register for this free event.
Research Information
Research Title: Spatial Cognition in Children

Principal Investigator: Helene Intraub
Undergrad Experimenter: Heather Marsh
Specifications: 4 years to 5 years 11 mos.
Mon. 9-9:45 and 3:30-4:30 Research Room
Thurs. 9:30-11:30 RR
*Please visit the Research Bulletin board next to the Research Room for more information.
The Brain Organization for Language and Literacy Development (BOLD) Lab on campus, run by Dr. Kaja Jasinska, has shared a flyer for interested families to learn about what they do. Click here for details.
Important Reminders
We ask that there is no cell phone use in the building at drop off and pick up. Please take these opportunities to prepare your child for the start of their day with an extra hug and at pick up, share in your child's excitement to see you by asking some open ended questions. Three great conversation starters you can use are:

  1. What was the best part of your day?
  2. Tell me something good that happened today.
  3. What did you do on the playground?
The new semester at UD is in full swing which means we have students utilizing our observation booths. In an effort to provide the best experience for their observations we ask that if you bring your child to school in a stroller or car seat please take the stroller or car seat back to your car. You may only store your stroller or car seat in an observation booth if there is another family member picking your child up at the end of the day.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter!
2018/2019 School Calendars
Contact Information
489 Wyoming Road
Newark, Delaware 19716
Phone: 302-831-6205
Fax: 302-831-1829
Website: UD ELC
1218 B Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19716
Phone: 302-654-1420 
Fax: 302-652-1796
Website: UD ELC