Department of Public Works Project Newsletter

colorado-lagoon image

Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project

The Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project will create an open tidal channel to reconnect the Colorado Lagoon and Marine Stadium for improved water quality for decades to come.

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Greetings Neighbors!

The City of Long Beach is 3.5 months into the Colorado Lagoon Open Channel construction project.

We appreciate your patience and continued support as we work together to implement the final elements of the Colorado Lagoon Restoration Plan, which was envisioned over 20 years ago.The transformation of the Colorado Lagoon would have not been possible without the community’s advocacy and support, and without the fierce leadership of generations of local officials.

The Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Restoration Project has been phased for the last decade, and this current effort is the biggest undertaking thus far.

Through this newsletter, the Department of Public Works seeks to share highlights of the completed work and construction activities, provide a snapshot of on-going activities, and outline what the community can expect over the next two months.

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Central Basin Fill Activity

The City continues to transport sediment from Marina Vista Park to the Colorado Lagoon for hydraulic placement in the central basis of Colorado Lagoon. This was a condition of approval from the regulatory agencies to create suitable depths for habitat, and improved water quality.

Shoring Installation at Colorado Street

In January 2023, the Contractor began installing shoring (sheetpile walls) to enable the excavation and installation of the new utility bridge at Colorado Street. This work is expected to be complete by the end of February 2023.

Road Closures

The Traffic Engineering Division is continuing to monitor the traffic conditions in the community. Signal timing adjustments have been made to the traffic signals at Park Avenue/Appian Avenue/4th Street and Park Avenue/7th Street to allow for better traffic flow. The City Traffic Engineer will conduct further evaluations and studies to inform future adjustments.


Pedestrian Path Re-Route

In March 2023, the Contractor is scheduled to install and provide a temporary pedestrian path for an extended duration of construction, while the bridge at Eliot Street is being constructed. This concrete pathway is anticipated to cut through Marina Vista Park as shown below. The pedestrian path is anticipated to be 5-6 feet in width, fenced, and will remain accessible until Eliot street bridge is completed (December 2023).

Shoring Installation at Eliot Street 

After completion of the shoring system at Colorado Street, the Contractor will shift their attention to Eliot Street and begin shoring installation to connect the temporary water diversion structure to the existing box culvert.

SCE Power Disruption

Given the proximity of the proposed shoring/sheetpiles to existing infrastructure, Southern California Edison (SCE) will be conducting a temporary power shutdown during business hours. All requisite advisories and notices will be issued by SCE. This is the first of two anticipated power disruptions.



The Contractor mobilized for the project in November 2022 to install stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) controls, site fencing, and brought equipment to the site. After mobilization, the contractor performed clearing and grubbing of Marina Vista Park to remove grass, debris, and the outdated irrigation lines as well as the old baseball backstops and fencing.

In January 2023, the contractor finished the demolition of Colorado Street to enable us to begin the installation of the shoring system.

See photo below of the clearing of the site.


As part of the regulatory-approved scope of work, excavation and separation of high-quality sediment would be conducted to serve as the source material for the Lagoon fill activities. As part of this work, the Contractor separated and stockpiled the top 6" of topsoil for future use while creating an excavation prism and transporting the material to the Lagoon for hydraulic placement.

See image of excavation prism below.


As many of you have observed, the Contractor set up their hydraulic dredge equipment in December 2022 at the southern beach to support Lagoon fill activities.

We've received many questions, but the purpose of this activity is to "lift" the bottom elevations of the Lagoon to support habitat, pursuant to requirements from NOAA Fisheries.

The Colorado Lagoon Parking Lot off Appian Way remains closed Monday through Friday, during business hours, until this operation is complete and equipment is demobilized. Demobilization is expected in March 2023.

*** Friendly Reminder***

The Harvest Farmer's Market remains open at the Marine Stadium Parking Lot.

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