A Call to Prayer, Discernment, and Service
As we gather for our Annual Meeting, we are reminded of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us as a church community. We are a small but mighty congregation, filled with vibrant ministries and a shared passion for living out our faith in service to one another and the world. This moment calls us to reflect on the foundation of our life together: prayer, discernment, and the gifts of the Spirit that God has entrusted to each of us.
Prayer: Opening Our Hearts to God's Will
Prayer is our starting point. It is where we center ourselves in God's presence, listen for God's voice, and seek guidance for the path ahead. As we come together, I invite each of you to commit to praying for our church: for its leadership, for its ministries, and for the Spirit's movement among us. Let us pray not only for direction but for courage and boldness to follow where God leads.
"Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you" (Matthew 7:7). God promises to meet us in prayer, and through prayer, we are drawn closer to God's purposes for us.
Discernment: Seeking God's Purpose Together
Discernment is the holy work of listening—not just with our ears, but with our hearts. It is a practice of asking, "What is God calling us to do?" and "How can I use the gifts I have been given to answer that call?"
This year, I encourage you to take time to reflect on where your passions and gifts meet the needs of our church and community. Perhaps God is nudging you toward leadership, service in a ministry, or a new way of sharing your time and talents. Discernment happens in community, so let us have open hearts and ears as we seek to understand God's call for our church in the year ahead.
Spiritual Gifts: Sharing God's Abundance
Each of us has been blessed with spiritual gifts—unique abilities given by the Holy Spirit for the good of the body of Christ. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12:4-7:
"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good."
What gifts has God given you? Perhaps it is the gift of teaching, organizing, hospitality, or encouraging others. Maybe you have a knack for problem-solving, a creative spirit, or a heart for social justice. No matter what your gifts are, they have been given to you for a purpose: to build up the body of Christ and to serve God's mission in the world.
An Invitation to Leadership and Service
Our church has many ministries, and each one plays a vital role in bringing God's love to life. Whether you feel called to serve on a committee, help with outreach, offer your skills in a specific area, or simply lend your hands and heart where needed, your participation matters.
Leadership isn't reserved for a select few; it is an invitation extended to all of us. It begins with a willingness to say, "Here I am, Lord. Use me." If you have ever considered stepping into a leadership role or supporting a ministry in a new way, let this be your year to say "yes."
Moving Forward in Faith
As we step into this new season together, let us do so with hearts full of gratitude and a readiness to respond to God's call. Let us pray, discern, and offer our gifts with joy and confidence, trusting that God will provide what we need to do the work set before us.
The beauty of this church is that we are many parts, but one body. Each of you has a place here. Each of you is essential to the work we do. Together, with God's guidance, we can accomplish far more than we could ever imagine.
May this Annual Meeting be a time of celebration, reflection, and renewed commitment to our shared mission. May the Holy Spirit inspire each of us to take a bold step forward in faith, offering our gifts for the glory of God and the good of our community.
In Christ’s love,
Mo. Allison+