Dear Family in Christ,
In this week's Gospel people had a lot of opinions about Jesus: maybe he was John the Baptist risen from the dead, maybe Elijah returned, maybe a new and even greater prophet. So what? Tomorrow a new fad will appear on the public scene. They didn’t have the press, television, Facebook, and Twitter in the first century to elevate personalities in 24 hours and dispose of them in 24 minutes, but they had their own system, one that made someone a hero in a few months and disposed of him in a few weeks. (Here is part of the miracle of Jesus: that they weren’t able to dispose of him in a few weeks, or a few centuries, or even now, two millennia later.)
But when Jesus told the disciples what was ahead — his rejection by the nation’s leaders, his execution, and his rising on the third day — he was no longer asking what the people thought; he was telling the disciples what it would mean to be a disciple. Discipleship is not an opinion poll. It is a commitment. A commitment of all that we have, for now, and eternity.
As disciples and members of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New Jersey, we are committed to one another and to our community. What might that commitment look like in your life? Perhaps you are being called to the nominating committee? Perhaps a ministry, like altar guild, greeter, or counter? Perhaps you are being called to worship and prayer, or to take part in handing out food at the Branches. Maybe you are called to teach the Gospel. As members of the Episcopal Church, we are called to support and uphold our bishop, clergy, and lay leaders. What does that commitment look like when we are in transition or tough times arise? Are we able to band together more tightly and follow the way of our Lord, or do we rebuke him in fear like Peter? Do our likes and dislikes outweigh our commitment to our discipleship?
Much to ponder as we dive into this week's Gospel.
Blessings and Peace,
Mo. Allison+
(Reminder: I will be on retreat starting Monday, September 13th-17th and will have limited access to email)
***A Special Meeting of the Congregation, as required by Canon, to nominate six people to attend a special Convocation Meeting for the Election of the 13th Bishop of New Jersey, is called and scheduled for
Sunday, September 26th following the 9:00 am service.
Please make every effort to attend. If you would like to be included in the nomination please reach out to me via email or by phone.
Every nominee must attend the OCTOBER 24th SPECIAL MEETING of the convocation at 7:00 pm EST via Zoom. A link will be provided to you for your attendance.
This meeting is required by the clergy and by all who were elected on September 26.
The sole purpose of this meeting is to elect ONE clergy member and ONE layperson to represent the Atlantic Convocation in the Bishop Search Committee
There will be two breakout rooms so please be on time for this meeting.