Staying Connected
Join us this weekend for worship.
Sunday at 9:00 am in the sanctuary, or
The service is also posted on our website

Evening Prayer: Saturday evenings at 5:30 pm in the chapel.
Holy Hour: Thursdays at 3 pm in the chapel.
Rector's Corner
Can We Take What We Have Set Aside for Our Planned Future, and Instead Commit It Today for the Passion of Loving Jesus?

Is the life we have planned different from the one that has been given to us? The life we have planned is but a dream, while the one that has been given to us is real. It is real in that we can take action toward it; it is a dream in that it is not real until we make it so. It is a dream because we have not yet claimed it. We have not yet committed to being, doing, and having what it takes to bring it to pass.

We can take what we have set aside for our planned future, and instead commit it today for the passion of loving Jesus. We can begin by making a list of those things (our passions) that we have given up on in order to pursue our planned future. Once we have acknowledged the specific things we have given up on, we can make a list of the other things we can commit to today for the passion of loving Jesus.

What Do You Have Set Aside for Your Planned Future?

The things you have set aside for your planned future are the results of your past decisions. If you decide to start a business, then you have set aside time for studying business and for working toward your future business goals. You may have even saved money to start your business. You have set aside time for your kids’ activities, your retirement plans, and other necessities. You have set aside time for the people and things that are most valuable to you. But have you set aside time for the one thing that would give you the greatest return? Jesus!

What Can You Commit Today for the Passion of Loving Jesus?

In our Gospel lesson this coming Sunday, Mary anoints Jesus with expensive oil. Oil that cost nearly a year's salary. This is an extravagant expression of love, faith, loyalty, and dedication to Jesus, who is with them now. What can we commit? How can we show such love and devotion?

Some of the things you can commit to for the passion of loving Jesus are the things you can do and the amount of time you can devote to them. You can commit to showing up for your body by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and taking care of your physical health. You can also commit to spending time in silent prayer, reading your Bible, and connecting with friends who share your faith. You can commit to spending time with the people you love the most.

You can also commit to showing up for your soul by filling your heart with gratitude, love, joy, and all the other good things in life. You can take a pause from the comparisons that weigh you down and instead focus on what you have to be grateful for. You can also fill your heart with the passion to serve, love, and give to others.

You can commit to showing up for your time by scheduling regular time for your passions and for rest. You can also schedule time for the people and things that are most important to you.

You can also commit to showing up for your relationships by speaking words of affirmation to those around you, making time for face-to-face conversations, and sending handwritten notes.

You can commit to showing up for your life by making a decision to do something different, to step out of your comfort zone, and to take a risk.

This all nourishes the Body of Christ and are actions of devotion much like Mary.

Why Now?

You may have heard this question before when considering making a change in your life. “Why now?” is a question that could be asked in many different contexts. It could be asked regarding your relationship with money, your health, your career, or your relationships with others. “Why now?” is a question that everyone can answer for themselves. The reasons may vary, but why Jesus? Why such an extravagant devotion? Why now? Because in a world full of wars and destruction, you are called upon and needed now. Be faithful and love your God with all of your heart, soul, and mind.

Blessings in Christ,
Mo. Allison+

Almighty God, who has shown us in the life and teaching of your Son the true way of blessedness, you have also shown us in his suffering and death that the path of love may lead to the Cross, and the reward of faithfulness may be a crown of thorns. Give us grace to learn these hard lessons. May we take up our Cross and follow Christ, in the strength of patience and the constancy of faith; and may we have such fellowship with him in sorrow, that we may know the secret of his strength and peace and see even in our darkest hour of trial and anguish, the shining of eternal light. Amen.
Lent, Holy Week and Easter
Lent calendars - 40 ways to observe the 40 days -
are available in the church narthex and chapel. Please help yourself to a copy.
If you were not able to attend the concert, you can view it here. Link to the concert on March 24, 2022.
Easter Flowers donation
At Easter we celebrate the new life of our Risen Lord. Our sanctuary Easter flowers and beautiful music not only enhance our worship services, but also speak of spring, new life, resurrection and the hope that is ours in Christ. If you would like to contribute to our flowers or music as a memorial or thank offering, please fill out the attached form and place it in the collection plate, mail or email it, or just call the parish office 609-368-5922. The deadline for inclusion of names of loved ones or thank offerings in the leaflet is April 11th.
Easter Baskets
Easter is just around the corner!

The Branches will provide Easter baskets for children in the community. If you would like to help, they would appreciate donations of baskets, grass and candy. You may drop off donations at The Branches, 1304 Rt. 47 So., Rio Grande, or the church office. Many thanks!
Music Ministry AVON Fundraiser
Live beautifully with AVON and help support our music programs!
St. Mary's is looking forward to special presentations this year featuring local instrumentalists and vocalists. Your purchase of an AVON product for yourself or your home will help to support our Music Ministry. By ordering online at this link
a portion of your purchase will be donated to St. Mary's. Don't forget family and friends, and share the link with them. Question? Contact Sheila Handley 484-288-9136. Click here to read about Kyle's plans for our music.
Forward Day by Day

The May, June July issue of Forward Day by Day in both large and small print is now available in the church narthex and chapel. Please help yourself to a booklet. We would also be happy to mail a copy to you. Call the church office. 609-368-5922
How do People Choose their Church?

In a recent survey of church members, this question was asked: Why did you choose to join the church you attend?

  • 9% chose their church because of its architectural beauty.

  • 14% joined because of denominational loyalty.

  • 18% because it was convenient to their homes.

  • 3% joined because of the pastor.

  • 22% joined because there were people in the church they respected.

  • 34% because of neighbors or friends invited them to the church.

The statistics speak for themselves. When it comes to evangelization, the members of our church make the biggest difference. Are you?
Stewardship: The Mighty Ant
The Mighty Ant

The common ant is one of God’s most amazing creatures. An ant is able to carry 50–60 times its own weight. An ant uses this ability in order to bring food back to the entire colony. People have amazing abilities too, as well as an imagination that allows us to put these abilities to a multitude of uses! You have no idea how much you can do to use your abilities to help mankind until you try. In our complex society, everyone’s abilities and skills can be put to use to improve all of our lives.

Christian stewards recognize that these abilities were all given to us by God and that the ultimate reward comes in putting them to use in God’s service. In Galatians 5:13, Paul writes:

“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.”

Using our abilities in service to one another ultimately transforms our lives. The current issue of Stewardship makes this point clearly in a story about a young artist named Joseph Peterson who used his abilities and imagination to spread God’s Word and built a very successful Gospel card business while fulfilling the lives of many others.

Prayer: Gracious and loving God, help us to glorify you in all that we do and serve you with diligence and dedication. Through Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen.
Thank you for your continued support of St. Mary's
Ways to donate are:

  • The Sunday collection plate

  • Send a check payable to St. Mary's to:

St. Mary's Church,
9425 Third Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
(Your envelope and number is not necessary, only your name.)

  • Setting up a personal online banking "bill pay" option. The bank will mail the check for you to the church office.

Please note: Offering envelopes have been discontinued. Only your name is needed in order for the counters to record your giving.
A Little Humor
All the Right Reasons

Some go to church to gossip and stare.
The wise go to church to bow in prayer.

Some go to church for friends to greet.
The wise go to church with God to meet.

Some go to church to doze and nod.
The wise go to church to worship God.

Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday to
Stan Lane, Audrey Buckingham and Stanley Ziemba on March 16th, Kaitlyn Greenberg on March 18th, Alicia Markle on March 22nd, Andrew Schellenger on March 23rd, Irene McCullough on March 27th, Elizabeth Merrill on March 28th, Lisa LaGreca on March 29th, and Robyn Taylor on March 30th!
Happy Anniversary to
Stephen & Leslie Haines on March 16th!
Joseph & Kaylin Bridgeman on March 24th!
12 Step Meetings in the Church Hall
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Monday at 8:00 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Alanon Friday at 10:00 am
CHECK OUT OUR CALENDAR on our website for all activities taking place throughout the week.
Lectionary Text for
The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Worship Services
Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 am Morning Prayer via Zoom
Thursday Holy Hour 3:00 pm (Chapel)
Saturday 5:30 pm (Chapel)
Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church)
Sunday 9:00 AM Live on Facebook
Services, studies, and service bulletins may be accessed on our website: