Join us this weekend for worship.
Saturday at 5:30 pm, Sunday at 9:00 am in the sanctuary, or
The service is also posted on our website
The Gospel for this Sunday builds on last week's emphasis on John the Baptist and his role in preparing the way for Christ. As you recall from last week's reading, John's apparition in the desert confirmed his connection to Israel's prophetic past. If we read Luke's Gospel in its entirety, we will discover John the Baptist confronting the masses who flocked to him and pleading with them to demonstrate their repentance. Instructing his audience, John says that they cannot rely on their Israelite ancestry because the children of Abraham can be raised from stones. Rather than that, repentance must be seen in one's behavior. Luke is establishing two critical aspects of his Gospel message here: the Christian faith is reflected through one's behavior, and the call to salvation is offered to everyone, Jews and Gentiles alike.
In today's Gospel reading, the multitude enquires for specifics from John the Baptist. What proof of repentance is necessary? John responds with specific actions: crowds should share food and cloaks; tax collectors should be just, and soldiers should behave fairly. Concern for justice is a recurring theme in Luke's Gospel.
When the multitude begins to question if John the Baptist is the Messiah, John interprets his baptism and makes it plain that his ministry is preparing the way for the Messiah. John the Baptist is aware of his position and function in God's plan of salvation. John's message implies that each person has a part to play in God's salvation by encouraging the crowd to act similarly in accordance with their station in life. The great mystery of our redemption is that God permits, indeed requests, human involvement in carrying out his divine purposes.
Gaudete Sunday is another name for the third Sunday in Advent. Gaudete is a Latin word that literally translates as "rejoice." This title is echoed in today's second reading from Paul's letter to the Philippians. We observe this Sunday by lighting a pink candle on our Advent wreath rather than a purple or blue one. It serves as a reminder that Advent is a joyful season because our salvation is already near.
May you, who rejoice in the first Advent of our Redeemer, at his second Advent be rewarded with unending life.
In Christ’s love,
Mo. Allison+
You may call Mo. Allison for a pastoral visitation at 551-697-6133.
Blue Christmas: A Service for Healing and Wholeness: December 21st, at 7:00 pm
Christmas Eve Choral Eucharist with Strings: December 24th at 9:30 pm
Lessons and Carols: December 26th at 9:00 am
Donate or Pledge
There's still time
St. Mary's 2022 Stewardship Campaign
This year's campaign has concluded. Many pledge forms have been received but several are still out there. Our Finance Committee would like to begin work on the 2022 budget. Therefore, please return your pledge card to the church office by mail or in the collection plate as soon as possible.
If you did not receive your stewardship packet, please let the church office know and we will be glad to mail one to you. A copy of the packet is linked here. An informational sheet covering answers to questions you may have about pledging to St. Mary's is part of the packet, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Chair Janet Proulx, a vestry member, or the church office.
Thank you for the joyful and prayerful consideration of your stewardship to St. Mary's Church.
Advent Study this Wednesday
at St. Barnabas, Villas, 6:30 pm
Songs are very much at the center of our celebrations of Advent and Christmas and have been so for many since childhood, maybe taking part in a school nativity play even if not growing up within a Christian family. The Christmas carols we love are an eclectic mix, some with origins more in the country inn, sung as a rousing chorus, rather than in a Cathedral to a choral setting.
Lots have been handed down from one generation to another and they continue to retain their popularity. How many who sing them in carol services once a year understand the meaning of the words is always a mystery, but the fact that they are sung is good news!
Luke’s Gospel has a series of songs as part of his introduction to the story of Jesus, and these have been handed down to us within our Bibles, and as part of the liturgical life of the Church.
Many will recite (if not sing) the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (maybe also the Benedictus) as part of their regular worship, so the words are familiar. But maybe they haven’t been looked at as often in their actual context, leading up to and just beyond the birth of Jesus.
The studies follow an identical pattern, with a musical theme after opening prayer and contemplation.
Intro (opening discussion)
Accompaniment (a little background to the passage)
Verses (a commentary on the passage)
Chorus (questions for group discussion)
Outro (something to take away and think about)
Week 3: Dec. 15th at St. Barnabas: A Song of Angels - Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Week 4: Dec. 22nd at St. Mary's: Simeon’s Song - Nunc Dimittis
Christmas Flowers and Music
Poinsettias and special music help to make our church and services even more beautiful than usual at Christmas. Flowers are placed on the altar to decorate the sanctuary throughout the Christmas season, after which they may be taken by parishioners or delivered to the sick & shut-in. If you would like to make a donation towards our flowers and music to honor a loved one, please use the following form to indicate how your memorial/thank offering is to be listed. Place the form and your offering in the collection plate or mail it to the parish office by Monday, Dec. 20th. Your offering to make our Church festive and beautiful for the Christmas Season is appreciated.
Christmas Flowers and Music Ministry Offering
In Memory of:
In Thanksgiving for:
Your Name(s):
A few helpers will be needed on December 23rd to arrange the poinsettias in the sanctuary. Please let Janice Haines 609-463-0222 know if you can lend a hand for an hour or so. Thank you!
Upcoming plans for our Christmas celebration are exciting! A string quartet and cello will join us at the Christmas Eve service. Plans for the future include a bell choir.
If you would like to be a part of, or learn more about St. Mary's Music Program, please contact our Music Director, Kyle Sheppard at kshep2193@gmail.com or visit a rehearsal on Thursday evenings at 5 pm.
The 2022 Flower Chart is now posted in the church narthex. Altar flowers are a wonderful way to honor loved ones throughout the year. Choose a date on the chart and fill in the name of who you would like remembered and by whom. A donation may be sent to the church office. Flowers may be removed after the service and taken home or delivered to a shut-in.
Dear St. Mary's Parishioners and friends,
Many of us enjoy helping make Christmas special for those in need, especially children. This year we're asking for your support for Santa's Helpers at The Branches. Terri Mascione has been collecting wish lists from the over sixty children whose families visit The Branches regularly. I was touched by how humble their requests are. We know their families need much more, and Terri has also noted their shoe sizes and clothing sizes. Let's join the cause and help Santa's Helpers to make all their Christmas wishes come true!
If you would like to shop for the gifts yourself, a wish list is attached. Please make sure to bring the unwrapped presents to The Branches or St. Mary's on or before December 15th. In order to avoid duplication, please let Terri know which family or child you are providing gifts for. You can call or text her at 609-408-6895.
If you would like to provide a monetary gift by credit card, The Branches is linked to Paypal. The link to donate is here. Please note Santa's Helpers on the write a note section.
Or you may send a check to The Branches, Village Shoppes, 1304 Rio Grande Blvd., Rio Grande, NJ 08242; or the church office, 9425 Third Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ 08247. Please make checks payable to The Branches.
Please make your donation no later than December 15th to give The Branches' volunteers time to purchase the gifts.
Have a joyful Christmas season and thank you!
Lillian Armstrong
Looking for something unique, different, reasonably priced?
St. Mary's This 'n That Thrift Shops might be the place to check out!
Besides the usual selection of household, clothing, and accessories, the shops have a great selection of Christmas decorations, both indoor and outdoor, serving pieces, Christmas plates, wreaths, lights, collectible Christmas Village Houses and figurines, wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, boxes, stockings, ornaments, and more!
Come visit the shops in Rio Grande and discover an enjoyable shopping experience. You just might find something unique for that hard to buy for person on your list!
St. Mary's This 'n That, The Village Shoppes, 1304 Rt. 47 So., Rio Grande, NJ 08247
If you shop on Amazon, please remember The Branches can receive a percent of your purchase. It's easy! Simply go to this link https://smile.amazon.com/ch/26-2710178 and shop with your Amazon account as usual. A percent of your purchase will automatically be given to The Branches. Thank you!
Happy Birthday to
Joseph Bridgeman on December 10th, Elizabeth Jones on December 14th, Pamela Ritterhoff on December 16th, and Ann Albright on December 17th!
Ways to contribute to St. Mary's
Your support of the mission and ministry of St. Mary's through your communal worship and financial support during these challenging times
is appreciated!
Ways to donate are:
- The Sunday collection plate
- Send a check payable to St. Mary's to:
St. Mary's Church,
9425 Third Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
(Your envelope and number is not necessary, only your name.)
Setting up a personal online banking "bill pay" option. The bank will mail the check for you to the church office.
Mark your Calendars
Looking Forward...
December 16th: Choir rehearsal
December 19th: Vestry Meeting 11 AM
December 21st: Blue Christmas Service 7 PM
December 24th: 9:30 PM Christmas Eve Choral Eucharist with Strings
December 26th: 9:00 AM Lessons and Carols
Advent Study
Dec. 15th - week 3 at St. Barnabas 6:30 pm: A Song of Angels - Gloria in
Excelsis Deo
Dec. 22nd - week 4 at St. Mary's 6:30 pm: Simeon’s Song - Nunc Dimittis
Lectionary Text for the
Third Sunday of Advent
Bake Sale at St. Barnabas in the Villas
Saturday 5:30 pm and Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church)