Staying Connected


Worship with us:

Sunday at 9:00 am in person and Live on Facebook

Rector's Corner

Christmas and Christmastide

Thank you to everyone who participated and assisted in making Advent and Christmas a most beautiful season. Thank you to each who climbed ladders, fluffed greens, and carried and cared for the Nativity inside and out of our beautiful little church. And thank you to each and everyone who thought of Lisa and me with your kind words, gifts, and cards. I cannot adequately express to you how deeply felt each of your messages is for both of us.

Despite the cold weather, Christmas eve was a beautiful and festive gathering, with many visitors and friends returning for services. Dr. May, The Linwood Music Studio, the Fiddle Club, and Dennis Cook were absolutely outstanding, adding beauty and excitement to our celebration.

But you are mistaken if you thought Christmas was over because the songs stopped playing and retailers moved on to the next holiday. Christmas day is just the beginning.

In the Catholic and Episcopal traditions, the celebration of Christmas does not end on December 25th but instead continues for a more extended period of time known as Christmastide. This festive season includes the octave of Christmas, a period of eight days from Christmas Day to January first, during which the Church celebrates the birth of Jesus with particular joy and solemnity.

Made famous by a sixteenth-century secular carol, “12 days of Christmas,” you may be more familiar with "The Twelve Days of Christmas", which begins with the Feast of the Nativity and lasts until the Eve of the Feast of the Epiphany on January 5th. We celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6th) on the Sunday following in the Episcopal church. The 12 days of Christmas incorporate the octave. Some of our congregations, like the Church of the Ascension in NYC, celebrate the Twelfth Night with special festivities.

In total, the Christmas season lasts for 40 days, starting with the Nativity Service on Christmas Eve and ending on Candlemas on February 2nd. Once again, the church and our liturgy emphasize the joy and significance of Jesus' birth and the hope that it brings to the world.

So, while December 26th may mark the end of the secular celebration of Christmas, for us as Episcopalians, the celebration of Christmastide has only just begun.

And last but not least...

As we stand on the threshold of the New Year, 2023, let us take a moment to thank God for all he has given us in the past year. Despite the challenges and difficulties that we have faced, we are grateful for the love, guidance, and protection that God has provided.

As we enter this new year, let us pray for the strength and courage to face whatever challenges come our way. May we find hope in times of despair, and may we be guided by the light of Christ in all that we do.

May the blessings of the New Year be upon us all, and may we find joy and peace in the coming year. May we be filled with the love of God, and may we find the strength to share that love with others.

May the Lord bless us and keep us, and may his face shine upon us. May he be gracious to us and grant us his peace. Amen.


A Christmas Blessing

May Almighty God, who sent his Son to take our nature upon him, bless you in this holy season, scatter the darkness of sin, and brighten your heart with the light of his holiness. Amen.

May God, who sent his angels to proclaim the glad news of the Savior’s birth, fill you with joy, and make you heralds of the Gospel. Amen.

May God, who in the Word made flesh joined heaven to earth and earth to heaven, give you his peace and favor. Amen.

And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you for ever. Amen.

Christian Formation - BIBLE Challenge

Introducing the Bible Challenge

If you're looking to deepen your understanding and relationship with the Bible, this challenge is for you. Whether you're a seasoned Bible reader or new to the faith, this challenge offers something for everyone.

Throughout the year, we will read through the entire Bible, with daily readings and weekly discussion questions to help you reflect on the text and apply it to your life. You'll have the opportunity to connect with other participants and share your insights and experiences.

We invite you to join us on this journey as we seek to grow closer to God and gain a deeper understanding of His Word. So grab your Bible and get ready to take on "The Bible Challenge 365!"

The Bible Challenge 365," edited by Marek P Zabriskie, is a resource designed to help individuals or groups read through the entire Bible in a year. To use the book, follow these steps:

1. Set aside a regular time each day for reading. This could be first thing in the morning, during lunch, or before bed. Choose a time that works best for your schedule.

2. Follow the daily reading plan provided in the book. Each day, you'll be assigned a certain number of chapters to read from different parts of the Bible.

3. Reflect on the passages you've read. Use the discussion questions provided in the book to help you think more deeply about the text and how it relates to your life. You may want to journal your thoughts or discuss them with a partner or in our small group.

4. Engage with the community. If you're participating in the challenge as part of a group, be sure to connect with others and share your insights and experiences. You may want to join our online ZOOM forum related to the challenge or check in our daily blog,

By following these steps, you can make the most of "The Bible Challenge 365" and grow in your understanding and relationship with God's Word.

We will gather on Thursday Evenings at 6:00 pm via zoom. (We will not have class on Third Thursday for Healing Services.) All are welcome to participate in this challenge, both near and far.

To follow along, you may purchase a book (paperback or kindle) via amazon by clicking on the picture in the corner or by contacting Mo. Allison for a copy.

Daily Readings: You can start The Bible Challenge on January 1 or any day of the year of your choice. The schedule of this book and our zoom gathering works best if you begin "Day 1" on a Monday, January 2nd. We encourage readers to read portions of the Bible Monday through Saturday, and assume that on Sunday they will be in church hearing the Scriptures read aloud.

The following is a list of Scripture to get you started while we gather and await our books.

ZOOM Bible Forum Link

Healing Services

Healing services will be held at St. Barnabas and

St. Mary's on a rotating schedule every third Thursday.

The next service will be here at

St. Mary's on January 19th at 6:00 pm.

We are hopeful that all will come together for this special time of prayer and healing.

No Class this weekend

Episcopal 101 will return after the New Year

Charlene Snyder is leading Episcopal 101

Sunday's following service.

If you need to join us from home, you may do so via ZOOM

2023 Calendars

Church Year Calendars, compliments of Radzieta Funeral Home, are now available in the church narthex and parish hall. Please help yourself.

A Vestry Minute

St. Mary's is interested in hearing from any parishioner who may be interested in running for the positions of Senior Warden, Vestry Member, delegate to Diocesan Convention, or delegate to Atlantic Convocation in 2023. To learn more about these positions, please contact Mo. Allison or a member of the vestry.

A brief overview of the responsibilities of each position is listed below:

Senior Warden: The Senior Warden is the lay leader of the parish. He or she, together with the Rector and Junior Warden, form the Executive Leadership team and should be visible to the parish.

Junior Warden: 1-year term

Vestry Member: There is typically one vestry meeting monthly, on the third Sunday, after the 9 am Eucharist. Vestry members will be expected to take on leadership roles for the various goals and objectives that the Vestry sets. The Vestry members are the financial stewards of the parish, and as such, they need to review the financial reports provided by the Treasurer and ensure the parish's resources are used wisely. 

Delegates to Diocesan Convention: The Diocesan Convention is a day-long meeting where Deputies represent their parishes by voting on amendments to the Diocesan Constitution and Canon Law, Diocesan resolutions, and for delegates to represent the diocese at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church of America. Before the convention, the diocesan staff holds several preview meetings throughout the diocese and online to review the proposed amendments to the canons and proposed resolutions that will be voted on at the convention. 


Delegates to the Atlantic Convocation: The Atlantic Convocation is a single 2-3 hour meeting once a year where the Bishop and diocesan staff share information about diocesan programs and initiatives. Delegates may be asked to vote for Atlantic Convocation officers in the years when elections are held. Delegates may be asked to share information about diocesan programs with our parishioners.

The Diocesan Nominating Committee requests that all the baptized people of our Diocese review the lists of offices to be filled by election, and recommend candidates appropriate for those offices. 

The completed Nomination Recommendation Form

is due by December 31, 2022.

The slate of nominees for the

 13th Bishop of New Jersey

The slate of nominees for the 13th Bishop of the Diocese of New Jersey are:

  • The Rev. Canon Dr. Dena Cleaver-Bartholomew, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Rhode Island

  • The Rev. Canon Dr. Sally French, Canon for Regional Ministry and Collaborative Innovation, Diocese of North Carolina

  • The Very Rev. Troy Mendez, Dean, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Phoenix, Arizona

  • The Rev. Dr. Janine Schenone, Rector, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, San Diego, California

  • The Rev. Dr. Mauricio Jose Wilson, Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church Oakland, California

Information on the nominees including a minute video introduction, resumes and sermons are found at

Candidates will visit locations around the Diocese in early January for meet and greet sessions that will allow clergy and congregants to engage directly with them before the Electing Convention.

The Electing Convention will be held on January 28, 2023, starting at 10 AM at Trinity Cathedral and via Zoom. More information on both the meet and greets and the convention will be available in mid-November.

The release of the slate also marks the beginning of the 30-day petition process, details of which can be found on the NJ Bishop Search Web site. That process will close at 5:00 p.m. on Nov. 29.

Stewardship Minute

Remember to pledge your support!

Pledge Now!

Some ways to support St. Mary's

  • Become a member
  • Volunteer
  • The Sunday collection plate
  • Send a check payable to St. Mary's to:

St. Mary's Church,

9425 Third Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ 08247

(Your envelope and number is not necessary, only your name.)

  • Setting up a personal online banking "bill pay" option. The bank will mail the check for you to the church office.
  • Online giving through our website at
Visit our Website

Annual Congregational Meeting

January 29, 2023

Attention all committee members:

Please send in your report for the Annual Report to the church office as soon as possible. Thank you!


From the Treasurer

In order to receive credit on your giving statement for tax purposes in 2022, all donations must be received by the church office by Dec. 31. Thank you.

From the Stewardship Committee

If you plan to pledge to St. Mary's in 2023, please return your pledge form by mail to the church office, on Sunday in the offering plate, or through our website as soon as possible. The year is coming to an end and the Finance Committee is beginning work on the church budget for 2023. Thank you for your commitment to support the mission and ministry of St. Mary's!

Call for Counters

Would you consider taking on an important church function that only takes about 30 minutes once a month? Become a "counter," one of the folks who stays after church on Sunday for a little while to count the cash and stamp the checks and then input the individual offerings into Church WIndows on the office computer. We are looking for one person on the first Sunday of the month, and two people on the fourth Sunday of the month, so three new counters in total. The current counters are Kate & Hilton Rodriguez, Larry Schmidt, Janet Proulx, and me. We work together to trade off when necessary to accommodate schedules. Please let me know if you're interested, and yes, training is provided!

Thank you,

Lillian Armstrong, Treasurer


Please help yourself to a poinsettia or two after worship on Sunday.

Ministry Volunteers Needed

Ushers and Greeters

The ministry of ushering is a crucial part of worship because it is one of the most visible ministries in the church. In Christ, you have received God’s unconditional love, and in Christ, you are called to extend that same unconditional love to others. Although an usher’s love is no stronger than the love found in the whole congregation of the body of Christ, nevertheless, the usher performs a major role in ensuring that people see and experience that love.

The ushers distribute bulletins and greet worshipers, making every attempt to make them feel welcome and at ease. The ushers are also available to answer questions of anyone needing assistance.

Please contact Mo. Allison or Julie if you are interested.

Membership at St. Mary's

Membership at St. Mary's consists of several different groups of "members." Some are Confirmed Communicant Members or who have transferred their membership by Letter of Transfer to St. Mary's. Some are Baptized into St. Mary’s or have requested that their names be entered in the Parish Register. Others are “members” by virtue of the fact that St. Mary’s is their church—the Christian community of which they are a part and where they worship regularly. Still, others are “summer members" or friends of St. Mary's. Many are part of St. Mary’s life, worship at St. Mary’s when in town, and support St. Mary’s financially. Canonically, they are not members in the legal sense, but they are every bit as much members of our parish family as those who are official members.

Please contact the church office if you would like to receive membership forms to be added to our data base.



You may sign up on our website here.

We welcome you to join us!

New Church Directories

New Church Directories have been printed and are available in the parish hall. Please help yourself to a copy.

If you are not in the Directory and would like to be, please let the church office know. If your information needs correction, please also let us know.

Happy Birthday to

Holy Best on January 1st, and

Michael DeLorey on January 1st!

If you would like to be remembered on your birthday or anniversary, please let the church office know so we can add your information to our data base.

If you would like to honor a loved one on their birthday or anniversary with altar flowers, please sign up on the altar flower chart in the parish hall. The flowers can be taken from the altar after worship. 

St. Mary's This 'n That Thrift Shop

Come check out the GOLD Winner of the 2022 Best of the Jersey Shore thrift shops - St. Mary's This 'n That Thrift Shop! And remember the thrift shop when you're cleaning out and organizing. Household items and clean usable clothing are welcome!

Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 am - 4 pm

Donation days: Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am - 3 pm

Location: St. Mary's This 'n That

1304 Rt. 47 So., Rio Grande, NJ 08242    609-886-7272

Follow them on facebook at:

Upcoming Events

Continuing in January on Sundays after worship (except on Vestry Sunday)- Adult Forum Book Study for Advent - Episcopal 101

January 15 - 9 am Baptism of Kenna Bella Mascione

January 19 - 6 pm Healing Service at St. Mary's

January 21 - 11 am Celebration of Life for Robert Burns

January 29 after worship - Annual Meeting

12 Step Meetings in the Church Hall

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Monday at 8:00 pm

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Tuesday at 8:00 pm

Alanon Friday at 10:00 am

CHECK OUT OUR CALENDAR on our website for all activities taking place throughout the week.

The Holy Name

Numbers 6:22-27

Galatians 4:4-7

Luke 2:15-21

Psalm 8

Worship Services

Tuesday - Friday 8:30 am Morning Prayer via Zoom

Third Thursday's 6:00 pm Healing Service alternates

between St. Mary's and St. Barnabas

Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church)

Services, studies, and service bulletins may be accessed on our website: