Join us this weekend for worship.
Sunday at 9:00 am in the sanctuary, or
The service is also posted on our website
Evening Prayer is held on Saturday evenings at 5:30 pm in the chapel.
Holy Hour Devotion is held on Thursdays at 3 pm in the chapel.
Dearest St. Mary's family and friends,
Funny how I thought with the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of island departures here in Stone Harbor that I would somehow be quieted to catch my breath as we move closer toward our Lenten Season. Well, as you may have guessed, it's not in my nature. We are preparing for Lent, Easter, and summer as we attempt to meet our advertising deadlines. We've also renewed our lease for the thrift shop and are getting excited about the big Branches' move. I am looking forward to all of that and, in addition, building our expanded food pantry.
As we continue to build relationships around the county, we have so much to look forward to. To help better serve you and build deeper, more meaningful relationships, I enrolled in a class with the Diocese of Washington School for Faith and Leadership titled, The Path Ahead: Spirituality & Purpose in Later Life℠. In this class, I will be introduced to the content, structure, and pedagogy of the series. I will also experience many of the curriculum’s activities and prayer practices, which I will utilize here and in our community.
Some of the topics include:
- Curriculum goals, design, and pedagogy; Ageism-- in our culture and in the church; Introduction to contemplative practices
- Naming Our Spiritual Needs; Gratitude & Resilience; Embracing & Resisting Change
- Spiritual Maturity; Letting Go -- From Doing to Being
- Passion & Purpose; How is God Summoning You? Discerning the Path Ahead; Facilitation Q&A
My hope is to gain a better understanding of the spiritual needs of seniors as we evolve thru the years and prayerfully bridge any gaps that I may or may not have. I believe it will be greatly beneficial to us all.
It is not a coincidence that today I was invited to an Adult Forum being hosted by our friends at The Episcopal Church of the Advent in Cape May. When I saw the topic, I reached out to Father Alan and he graciously invited all of us to partake in this important forum on February 9th at 6:30 pm. It is an online presentation titled, Spirituality and Aging. The forum will be co-hosted by Fr. Alan in collaboration with Stockton University thru the Stockton Center for Successful Aging. You may register HERE. Let's join our faithful friends at Advent for this informative event.
A few weeks back, Sam Wilson, Jane Carol's husband, who is a member at Advent and Chair of their Christian Education Committee and Formation Coordinator, visited us for Holy Hour. He enjoyed it so much that he felt moved to begin a Lenten observance of praying with the Anglican Rosary at 9:00 am on Wednesdays in the Lady Chapel at Advent.
This is what being a church is all about! Gathering together as a community to share ideas, learn, and grow more deeply in our faith together. I am so glad to have made such a meaningful connection with our friends at Advent.
Kyle, Jane, and I have been working diligently to provide a Sacred and Holy Lenten experience for all. Together with the First United Methodist Church of Avalon, our Lenten Journey will include Thursday concerts followed by a time for Lenten reflection and discussion. Light refreshments will be available. We will also host a half-day Lenten Retreat in March.
I also reached out to Father Marcel at St. Barnabas and am hopeful we will together create opportunities to connect with our friends in the Villas during our Holy Lenten Season. I certainly enjoy it when we gather together.
Also, Mark the Date for our first fundraiser of the year: On Saturday, March 5th in the church hall, we will Paint n' sip, along with a raffle or two. Bring your family, bring a friend. Let's have fun! Details to follow.
Last but not least, don't forget, it's the first Saturday of the month. We will have a healing service with the laying on of hands in the chapel at 5:30 pm.
Blessings in Christ,
Mo. Allison+
Update on
Financial Assistance Request
Dearest Family and Friends,
Last week I reported that prior to our snowfall this past weekend, our total cost for snow removal this year was $3,070.00. While we are still awaiting the total bill for the removal of snow this past weekend, I want to thank you for all of your support for our continued mission and ministry in Cape May County. Since our request, we have received $7,125.00 in unexpected donations to our congregation.
Your love for St. Mary's and your dedication to our place in forming disciples in our community and beyond is aiding us greatly thru this winter season.
Thank you once again!
With humble gratitude and blessings,
Mo. Allison+
Ways to donate are:
- The Sunday collection plate
- Send a check payable to St. Mary's to:
St. Mary's Church,
9425 Third Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
(Your envelope and number is not necessary, only your name.)
Setting up a personal online banking "bill pay" option. The bank will mail the check for you to the church office.
Please note: Offering envelopes will no longer be used. Only your name is needed in order for the counters to record your giving.
New copies of the parish directory have been printed for 2022 and are available in the parish hall. Please help yourself to a copy.
All clergy and deputies are invited to attend one or more of the pre-convention hearings to learn more about the budget, resolutions, and canons being presented at the convention.
February 14, 2022
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
February 19, 2022
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
February 21, 2022
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
February 22, 2022
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Contemplative Prayer: The Difference It Makes as a Christian Practice
Nowadays, people often do not take time to reflect on their faith. Instead, they’re rushing from one thing to the next without ever taking a second to stop and take in what’s going on around them, yet Christianity is a faith that begins in prayer. The Bible tells us to “Pray without ceasing.”
Contemplative prayer is a way to help us take the pause we need.
In this short space, I want to explore what it means to have a consistent practice of contemplative prayer as a Christian. For those who may not know, contemplative prayer is a way of communicating with God in a way that focuses on wonder, awe, and mystery. Instead of asking for something or telling God how we feel, we focus on God and God’s presence. By doing this, we can come into the present moment and connect with the power of the Holy Spirit. This type of prayer leaves an imprint on our hearts and in our souls that helps us better discern God’s presence in our life –and become more aware of where the Spirit is leading.
Contemplative Prayer as a Christian Practice
In Christianity, contemplative prayer and meditation is not a new or novel concept. In every era, some pray in a meditative manner. Our Desert Fathers and Mothers of Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, St. Augustine and St. Gregory the Great in the West, and Pseudo-Dionysius and the Hesychasts in the East were the first to put contemplative prayer into practice.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux exemplified the Christian contemplative tradition in the Middle Ages. St. Hildegard, St. Mechtilde, Meister Eckhart, Ruysbroek, and Tauler were all Christian Contemplatists. Additionally, the author of The Imitation of Christ, Thomas Kempis, and fourteenth-century English mystics such as the author of The Cloud of Unknowing, Walter Hilton, Richard Rolle, and Julian of Norwich, contributed to the Christian contemplative legacy.
Before and following the Reformation, the Carmelites of Saint Teresa, St. John of the Cross, and St. Therese of Lisieux, the French school of spiritual writers, and the Jesuits, particularly Fathers De Caussade and Lallemont, all engaged in what they referred to as “spiritual practices” in their daily lives. These techniques were also observed by Benedictines such as Dom Augustine Baker and Dom John Chapman, as well as modern Cistercians such as Dom Vital Lehodey and Thomas Merton.
Contemplative prayer is a way of communicating with God in a way that focuses on the awesome power of God with all the wonder of our hearts. It is about focusing on God alone and God’s presence in our life instead of asking for something or telling God how we feel. By doing this, our prayer leaves an imprint on our hearts and soul.
You might be wondering, “What exactly is contemplative prayer?” It is a Christian practice grounded in the belief that we are all made in God’s image and likeness. As such, we want to be as Godlike as possible. We want to live Holy lives. Contemplative prayer assists us in being in the present moment, seeing things as they really are, and jumping into the mystery of who God truly is. Read more...
Feb. 5th the church remembers AGATHA OF SICILY
MARTYR, ~251
Saint Agatha of Sicily (c. 231 – c. 251 AD) is a Christian saint and virgin martyr. She was born at Catania or Palermo, Sicily, and she was martyred in approximately 251. She is the patron saint of breast cancer patients, martyrs, and wet nurses, among others.
One of the most highly venerated virgin martyrs of Christian antiquity, Agatha was put to death during the persecution of Decius (250–253) in Catania, Sicily, for her determined profession of faith.
Her written legend comprises "straightforward accounts of interrogation, torture, resistance, and triumph which constitute some of the earliest hagiographic literature".
According to the 13th-century Golden Legend, fifteen-year-old Agatha, from a rich and noble family, made a vow of virginity and rejected the amorous advances of the low-born Roman prefect Quintianus, who thought he could force her to turn away from her vow and force her to marry. His persistent proposals were consistently spurned by Agatha, so Quintianus, knowing she was a Christian during the persecution of Decius, had her arrested and brought before the judge. He was the judge.
He expected her to give in to his demands when she was faced with torture and possible death, but she simply reaffirmed her belief in God. To force her to change her mind, Quintianus sent Agatha to Aphrodisia, the keeper of a brothel, and had her imprisoned there, where she suffered a month of rape, assault, and efforts to get her to abandon her vow to God and go against her virtue.
Quintianus sent for her again, argued, threatened, and finally had her put in prison and had her tortured. Amongst the tortures she underwent was the cutting off of her breasts with pincers. After further dramatic confrontations with Quintianus, Agatha was then sentenced to be burnt at the stake, but an earthquake saved her from that fate; instead, she was sent to prison where St. Peter the Apostle appeared to her and healed her wounds.
Almighty and everlasting God, who strengthened your martyr Agatha with constancy and courage: Grant us for the love of you to make no peace with oppression, to fear no adversity, and to have no tolerance for those who would use their power to abuse or exploit; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be all honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Courtesy of Satucket.com
A new edition of Forward Day by Day, Daily Devotions for Disciples, for February, March, and April, has arrived. Copies both large and small print may be found in the narthex. Please help yourself. We would also be glad to mail you a copy. Call the church office 609-368-5922 or email saintmarysstoneharbor@gmail.com
The 2022 Flower Chart is now posted on the bulletin board in the parish hall. Altar flowers are a wonderful way to honor loved ones throughout the year. Choose a date on the chart and fill in the name of who you would like remembered and by whom. A donation may be sent to the church office. Flowers may be removed after the service and taken home or delivered to a shut-in.
Happy Birthday to
Marion Myers on February 7th,
Alexandra Nielsen on February 7th, and
Cheryl Barton on February 9th!!
If you shop on Amazon, please remember The Branches can receive a percent of your purchase. It's easy! Simply go to this link https://smile.amazon.com/ch/26-2710178 and shop with your Amazon account as usual. A percent of your purchase will automatically be given to The Branches. Thank you!
Mark your Calendars
Looking Forward...
February 5th Healing Service 5:30 (Chapel)
February 10th and continues weekly: Holy Hour Devotion at 3 PM (chapel)
February 12th: Saturday Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm and continues weekly (chapel)
February 13th: Vestry Meeting after service
February 18th - 22nd Mo. Allison is Away.
March 5th: Paint n' Sip Fundraiser
12 Step Meetings in the Church Hall
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Monday at 8:00 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Alanon Friday at 10:00 am
Lectionary Text for
The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 am Morning Prayer via Zoom
Thursday Holy Hour 3:00 pm (Chapel)
Saturday 5:30 pm (Chapel)
Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church)