Staying Connected
Please join us this weekend for worship in person (church) Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 9:00 am or online.
March 19, 2021
Dear Family in Christ,
In Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus directs us to the Cross. He declares that his act of atoning sacrifice on the Cross “will draw all to” himself and that is precisely what the Cross has done down to the centuries. The Cross commands our attention, demands our response, frees our spirits, and beckons our loyalty.
Jesus chooses to become that grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies that it may produce the fruit of salvation for all who believe. He tells us that if we are to serve him, then we must follow him, taking up our crosses and joining him at Calvary – that one day, we all may share in his victory.
The Lord also teaches us about the cost of discipleship.
Jesus held nothing back in obtaining salvation for us by defeating our greatest enemies of sin, Satan, and death. We are called, likewise, to make an investment in our salvation, to be willing to work for it and suffer for it just as he did.
On the cross, Jesus fulfills the new covenant. No longer will God’s law be carved in stone. Instead, in Christ, God’s law is written on the human heart with the blood of Jesus. I will be their God, and they shall be my people, the prophet Jeremiah says, prophesying a new beginning and a fresh start for God’s people: I will forgive their evildoing and remember their sin no more.
As God is so willing to freely and frequently overlook the wrongs we have done, so are we commanded to do the same.
As our Lenten journey inches closer to the events of Palm Sunday and Holy Week, we turn our focus to Jesus as he approaches “his hour” on the lonesome road to Calvary. As Jesus offered prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears for us and for our salvation, so, too, we join our pains and sufferings with his. We bring him our fears, faults, and failings, even our lack of forgiveness, that all might be washed away by the holy water and blood that flows from his side on the cross.
With its message of God’s free and unconditional love, the Cross serves as a force that motivates us to service and witness as God’s people.
May God's unconditional love be a blessing upon you.
In the peace of Christ,
Mo. Allison+
*** We are collecting a purse to assist David in his journey forward. All envelopes, cards, and donations may be given or sent to the office marked for David Condo. They will be collected, remain sealed, and given to David at his last performance on Easter Sunday.
May God continue to richly bless David in all his endeavors.
If you would like a pastoral visit or a visit from one of our Eucharistic Ministers, please contact
Mo. Allison or Julie in the office.
A Message from our Presiding Bishop
Wherever and whenever hatred or bigotry rises up and is directed at any child of God, we who follow Jesus of Nazareth and therefore stand for love must act. We must stand up, speak up and show up. Today we do so with and for our Asian American and Pacific Islander brothers, sisters, and siblings. Whatever the motivation of the shooter in Atlanta, we know that we are seeing a dangerous increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: in the past year, Stop AAPI Hate has documented 3,795 incidents. Many of our fellow children of God are living in fear here in the United States, where there is supposed to be liberty and justice for all.
We who stand for love must act — we must speak up, stand up and show up.
Here are some links to some ways we can do that:
Message from our Bishop
William (Chip) Stoke
"Walking with Jesus"
concludes Wednesday, 3/24
at 6:30 pm
Palm Sunday, March 28th
Liturgy of the Palms
Sunday, 9:00 AM
Maundy Thursday, April 1st, 7:00 PM,
Liturgy and Eucharist
Good Friday, April 2nd, 12:00 noon, Solemn Celebration of the
Lord's Passion with Eucharist from the Reserve
Good Friday, April 2nd, 7:00 PM, Stations of the Cross
Easter Sunday, April 4th, 9:00 and 11:00 am
At Easter we celebrate the new life of our Risen Lord. Our altar Easter flowers and beautiful music not only enhance our worship services, but also speak of spring, new life, resurrection and the hope that is ours in Christ. If you would like to contribute to our flowers or music as a memorial or thank offering, please fill out the attached form and place it in the collection plate, mail or email it, or just call the parish office. The deadline for inclusion of the names of loved ones or thank offerings in the leaflet is March 26th.
Coming to St. Mary's this summer...
Summertime will be exploding with fun, fun fun!
July 6 - July 30th
Congratulations to The Branches!
NEW DATE: Saturday, March 20 - 6 PM
A gathering to remember those lost, recognize those who helped
A candle-lighting will be the culmination of “COVID at One Year: Light After Darkness." The Branches will be honored at the event for their dedication to serving our neighbors in need during this past year.
Middle Township officials believe it’s an important occasion to acknowledge, both because of the residents who were lost to COVID and the community members who courageously stepped up as essential workers and volunteers.
A bell-ringing to remember each Middle Township resident lost to COVID will be held. The bell was original to an old schoolhouse in Cape May Court House. The Great Commission Baptist Church loaned the bell for the event.
Cape Regional Medical Center will be presented with a plaque expressing the gratitude of Middle Township residents. Presentation of Middle Matters Awards will be presented to organizations. The Branches will receive a plaque honoring the dedication of Sandra Lockhart and Terri Mascione, and their amazing team of volunteers to serving our neighbors in need.
If you would like your loved one to be honored at the event, please email their name and photo to Nancy McDevitt
Residents who attend the event to be held at Ockie Wisting Recreation Complex, 7 Fulling Mill Rd, Rio Grande, must follow social distancing protocols and wear masks, and are asked to stay with their groups. The event also will be live streamed on the Middle Township Facebook page.
A new Task Force from the Diocese of New Jersey is assisting at-risk people in the community to get access to Covid-19 vaccines. Follow this link
With the distribution of Stimulus checks, fraudulent calls have increased, claiming SS# issues, legal action, and more. Be vigilant and be aware.
Dear Friends,
For this weekend’s offertory, Cheryl and I will play Voluntary in E major by Jonathan Blewitt (1782 - 1853). Blewitt was born in London, and educated in music by his father (who was a prominent organist in his own right) and composer Jonathan Battishill. He also studied with Joseph Haydn, and later moved to Ireland to serve as a private organist of Lord Cahir. He also served as organist of St. Andrew’s Church (Dublin), and is remembered as composer of both organ music and occasional light operas.
Enjoy the music - and until we meet again, take care and stay well!
Someday is never part of the week!
Most people live on an eight day week … not a seven day week.
They have Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Someday. It often seems that some of the most important things in life are reserved for Someday. Someday we will visit our sick friend. Someday we will consider what gift of time and abilities we ought to make to God’s work. Someday we will volunteer to sing in the choir, be an usher or serve on a church committee.
The grand tragedy of this way of living is that Someday is never part of any week. Someday never comes! Because Someday never comes, many of the important things in our churches never get done. The work of God must never be a Someday project.
Now is the time to make your commitment to the work of Christ.
What gift of time and talent will you make to see that Christ’s work is done on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday … all year long?
Joseph & Kaylin Bridgeman on March 24th!
Andrew Noble on March 20th, Alicia Markle on March 22nd, Andrew Schellenger on March 23rd and Irene McCullough on March 27th!
Day by Day devotional booklets for February, March and April 2021 are available in large print and small. Copies are in the church narthex and Chapel. Please help yourself, or we would be happy to mail one to you. Contact the church office.
Wednesday Music with David & Cheryl
Mini concerts with David and Cheryl are streamed on Facebook Live on Wednesdays at 3 pm.
This past week's concert celebrated St. Patrick's Day and is linked here. Enjoy!
Lectionary Text for
The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Saturday 5:30 pm in person (church)
Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church) and
Daily Office and Study Links