"When your security blanket is all cut up"
Luke: 15:1-3, 11b-32
Most of us have security blankets in life — they can range from family or marriage, to jobs or positions in the community. Yet so many times in life, our security blankets can begin to unravel or even be cut up. This may be one of the reasons Jesus was not so popular with the “in crowd” of his day: He threatened their security. He “hung out” with those who were not popular, or those who were looked upon by society as not being “right” with God.
So it is good to know that God is there for us when our security blankets begin to fall apart. He remains as a constant, forgiving and welcoming. The lesson from this wonderful and well–known story of the prodigal child helps us to know that security is not found in inheritances or jobs or power or relationships. Security is found in a relationship with a loving God, who we find fully expressed in Jesus Christ.
Blessings in Christ,
Mo. Allison+
O gracious Master, infuse in our hearts the spotless light of Your Divine Wisdom and open the eyes of our mind that we may understand the teachings of Your Gospel. Instill in us also the fear of Your blessed commandments, so that having curbed all carnal desires, we may lead a spiritual life, both thinking and doing everything to please You. For You, O Christ, our God, are the enlightenment of our souls and bodies; and to You we render glory, together with Your eternal Father, and with Your all holy, life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and forever.