St. Mary's Episcopal Church

Stone Harbor, New Jersey

All are welcome. Please join us!

Staying Connected


Worship with us:

Sunday at 9:00 am in the sanctuary

in person and Live on Facebook

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

We are now accepting donations via Venmo!


Don't forget, this weekend is Daylight Savings Time!

Rector's Corner

Time Change

starting April 7th

After much discernment and inquiry, we have decided to change the time of our service on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. starting April 7th.

In 2020, when the pandemic occurred, our congregation was accustomed to holding two services, 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. There was a need at that time to move to one service. In doing so, we compromised the time by offering a nine o'clock service. While we have grown, it has since become apparent that many challenges, from physical to travel, are becoming more difficult for our congregation, and many who have been watching from home have expressed that if the time were to change, you would participate in worship in person. I have heard you, see your challenges, and agree that it is time for a change.

Starting right after Easter Sunday, service will be held at 10:00 a.m on Sundays. It is my hope that this change will assist you in easing your challenges and continue to enliven your joy for worship, prayer, and fellowship as a community.

Our 5:30 pm Service on the Beach will continue throughout the summer months, and should the interest or need arise as we grow, I am open to adding an additional service.

Thank you to each and every one of you who have freely expressed your needs and desires. You make a difference! Together, as one body in Christ, we are St. Mary's.

This week is Latere Sunday

Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent, holds a unique place in the liturgical calendar of the Christian year, especially within the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, Anglicanism, and some other Western Christian denominations. Its origins, meaning, and contemporary relevance offer rich theological and pastoral insights that resonate deeply with the themes of Lent. This essay explores the origins and significance of Laetare Sunday, aiming to deepen the understanding and spiritual engagement of the faithful during this penitential season.

Origins of Laetare Sunday

The term "Laetare" originates from the Latin word for "rejoice." This nomenclature is derived from the opening words of the Introit at Mass on this day, "Laetare Jerusalem" ("Rejoice, O Jerusalem"). Unlike the predominantly penitential tone of Lent, Laetare Sunday offers a moment of joyous anticipation of Easter, a brief respite from the solemnities of Lent. This tradition can be traced back to the early Church, where the halfway point of Lent was marked by a slight relaxation of the season's strictness, symbolizing the joy of redemption and resurrection that lies ahead.

Liturgical Significance

Laetare Sunday serves as a liturgical pivot within Lent, pointing both backward to Ash Wednesday and forward to Easter Sunday. It is characterized by the use of rose-colored vestments instead of the usual Lenten violet, a symbolic lightening of the mood. This change in color serves as a visual cue of the day's special significance, a reminder of the joy of salvation that Easter brings. The liturgy of the day often reflects themes of hope, joy, and spiritual rejuvenation, providing encouragement to the faithful to continue their Lenten journey with renewed vigor and anticipation of the Paschal feast.

Theological and Pastoral Dimensions

Theologically, Laetare Sunday emphasizes the dual nature of Lent as a time of penitence and a time of anticipation for the resurrection. It reminds Christians that the journey through the desert of Lent leads to the abundant life and joy of Easter. Pastoral practices on Laetare Sunday, such as the relaxation of fasting rules in some traditions, embody the Gospel's message of mercy and compassion. This day thus serves as a tangible expression of the Church's pastoral care, offering solace and encouragement to those who find the Lenten discipline challenging.

Contemporary Relevance

In today's world, Laetare Sunday holds significant pastoral and theological relevance. It offers a moment for reflection on the nature of Christian joy, which is not an escape from reality but a profound affirmation of hope in the face of suffering. For the faithful, it is an invitation to balance penitence with joy, recognizing that Christian life is marked by both the cross and the resurrection. Laetare Sunday thus becomes an opportunity to rekindle hope, to celebrate the promise of redemption, and to deepen one's faith journey towards Easter.

This Sunday serves as a reminder that the path of Christian discipleship, though marked by sacrifice and discipline, is ultimately a journey towards the fullness of joy in Christ. As such, Laetare Sunday is not just a pause in Lent but a profound statement of the Christian faith's joyous and hopeful essence.

240th Diocesan Convention will take place on Saturday, March 9th



This Wednesday, we will focus on

"Cultivating Joy"

Join us in the Chapel at 6 pm.

Lent is the time of year when we examine our lives and discern how we can come closer to God. So let us gather as a community to share our thoughts and express in our painting the meaning of Easter.      


           We will learn the significance and legend of colored eggs. We can paint a wooden egg for ourselves and one to give someone on Easter to show our love for them.


      A sign-up sheet is available at the Side Entrance of the Church and in the parish hall. Please sign the sheet and fill in your email address for ease of contact.


      When you sign-up, take one of the booklets, “The Fractured Kindgom.” The Author is Jean-Pierre Isbouts, one of today’s leading Biblical historians.


      Take it home and read through to page 175 for the first week’s gathering on March 5. This entire chapter focuses on “Reconstructing the Passion” from a historical point of view.


      For the second week, March 12, please read the remaining pages of this chapter. Each week we will have a short time to reflect on the writings of our historian before our painting begins.


      Sign-up is important for proper planning so there are enough supplies for everyone.

 ** Hope to see you on March 12. **

Easter Flower and Music Offering

At Easter we celebrate the new life of our Risen Lord. Our altar Easter flowers and beautiful music not only enhance our worship services, but also speak of spring, new life, resurrection and the hope that is ours in Christ. If you would like to contribute to our flowers or music as a memorial or thank offering, please fill out the form below, enclose it with your donation in an envelope, and place it in the collection plate or mail it to the parish office. The deadline for inclusion of the names of loved ones or thank offerings in the bulletin is March 18th. Easter flowers will be made available to you, if you wish, in the weeks after Easter and some will be taken to the sick and shut-ins. Your offering to make our Church festive and beautiful for the Easter season is appreciated.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

 Easter Flower and Music Offering


IN MEMORY OF: _________________________________________________


IN THANKSGIVING FOR: __________________________________________

Enclosed is a check, payable to St. Mary’s Church (Easter flowers or music in memo line) for $ ______________.  

I _____ do _____ do not wish to take a plant at the end of the Easter Season.


Your Name(s): __________________________________________________

Stewardship Minute


To All of our members and friends

Please consider making a donation or pledge for 2024 if you haven't already.

Your support of our mission and ministry is important to us.

Some ways to support St. Mary's

  • Become a member
  • Volunteer
  • The Sunday collection plate
  • Send a check payable to St. Mary's to:

St. Mary's Episcopal Church,

9425 Third Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ 08247

(Your envelope and number is not necessary, only your name.)

  • Setting up a personal online banking "bill pay" option. The bank will mail the check for you to the church office.
  • Online giving through our website at
Visit our Website

We have now joined Venmo! If you have Venmo, you can donate to the church - @StMarysStoneHarbor

This SUNDAY March 10th at 4:00pm

Classical Cape May presents the third concert of our inaugural season. Mostly Motets, a 13-voice chamber choir of talented singers from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, presents a concert of sacred choral music. You won’t want to miss their moving performance of works ranging from the 16th century to the Modern Era. 

This hour-long concert is at the Episcopal Church of the Advent, corner of Washington & Franklin Streets in Cape May.

It will be followed by a reception in the parish hall.

No admission charge but donations are welcomed. 

Spring Ahead this Sunday March10

Daylight Saving Time Starts this Sunday at 2:00 AM

Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour before retiring on Saturday night so you will be on time for church on Sunday!

St. Mary's This 'n That Thrift Shop

Are you spring cleaning - cleaning up and cleaning out? St. Mary's This 'n That Thrift and Furniture Shop welcomes your household goods, clothing and furniture in good useable condition.

Donations may be dropped off on the first Saturday of the month, and Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-3. We appreciate all you give.

Located in the Village Shoppes, 1304 Rt 47 South, Rio Grande.


Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10 - 4 pm

Forward Day by Day

The new edition of Forward Day by Day for February, March and April 2024 is available in the church narthex in both large and small print booklets.

Please help yourself and take one for a friend. If you would like, we would be happy to mail a copy to you. Just email or call the church office.

Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily inspirational meditations reflecting on a specific Bible passage, chosen from the daily lectionary readings as listed in the Revised Common Lectionary or the Daily Office from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer.

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour is held after service every Sunday in the parish hall. It is an opportunity to get together for relaxed conversation and fellowship over a cup of coffee. If you would like to provide a snack for coffee hour, please pick a Sunday and sign up. Nothing elaborate, just a small snack to enjoy with coffee. You can find the sign up sheet on the door to the kitchen. Thank you!

Upcoming Events

12 Step Meetings in the Church Hall

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Monday at 7:30 pm

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Tuesday at 8:00 pm

Big Book Meeting (AA) Thursday 7:00 pm


Lenten Wednesday's Centering Prayer and Meditation 6 PM

February 21st to March 20th

Lenten Adult Formation 2 PM March 5th and March 12th

Paint your own Easter Egg in the Parish Hall

Lenten Fridays Stations of the Cross at St. Mary's and St. Simeon's

Dates, times and details for all Lenten events are listed above and can be downloaded here.

CHECK OUT OUR CALENDAR on our website for all activities taking place throughout the week.

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Numbers 21:4-9

Ephesians 2:1-10

John 3:14-21

Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22

Worship Services

Tuesday - Friday 8:30 am Morning Prayer via Zoom

Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church)

and Live on Facebook

Services, studies, and service bulletins may be accessed on our website: