Join us this weekend for worship.
Sunday at 9:00 am
The service is also posted on our website
Evening Prayer: Saturday evenings at 5:30 pm in the chapel.
Holy Hour: Thursdays at 3 pm in the chapel.
Although we are in the Easter season, our Gospel this Sunday comes from the farewell discourse in John’s Gospel – Jesus’ final instructions to his disciples on the night of the Last Supper. Jesus is aware that his impending death is going to shake their faith to its very roots, and so his words are full of encouragement and promise.
Central to his parting words are the gift of peace and the promise of the Spirit – the Spirit of God who would teach and remind them of all that he had shared with them and in time, would give them the courage and strength to regroup and embrace the mission.
As Jesus prepared to go away, the disciples must have been full of questions and doubts, in dire need of that peace. But did they understand its truth, or did they simply think that their lives would be smooth sailing, devoid of struggle?
One of the lovely benedictions used in our services of worship is this one: “The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds…” The words speak of one of our deep desires. We want peace in our hearts and in our world. The problem, however, is that we aren’t sure we want to do the things that the achievement of peace requires. “Take what you want and pay for it” is a Spanish proverb, and it indicates just what we have to do. You don’t get something for nothing.
The passage in John 14: 23–29 tells us what we have to do to find peace. We get to peace when we have accepted the call of Christ to love him and to love our neighbors. These are the two great commandments and the ways that lead to peace.
Blessings in Christ,
Mo. Allison+
Important Dates to Note:
May 21st- 1 PM Memorial service Fred and Ruth Maiden
May 22nd - 10:30 PM Vestry Meeting
May 29th - 6 to 8 PM - Strawberry Festival
June 3rd - Wedding Rehearsal
June 4th - the wedding of Chelsea Schuster and Andrew Hickman
June 4th: NO Saturday Service.
June 5th - (Baptism) Details to follow.
June 11th- 11 AM Celebration of Life Grace and Bill Repp
June 12th - 9 AM Service The Rev. Canon Joan Izzo
June 18th - 11 AM - 75th Anniversary Celebration of St. Barnabas by the Bay, Villas
July - We are looking forward to the Science Explorers returning, Thursday's on the Lawn, and Saturday Evening Beach services.
Membership at St. Mary's consists of several different groups of "members." Some are Confirmed Communicant Members or who have transferred their membership by Letter of Transfer to St. Mary's. Some are Baptized into St. Mary’s or have requested that their names be entered in the Parish Register. Others are “members” by virtue of the fact that St. Mary’s is their church—the Christian community of which they are a part and where they worship regularly. Still, others are “summer members" or friends of
St. Mary's. Many are part of St. Mary’s life, worship at St. Mary’s when in town, and support St. Mary’s financially. Canonically, they are not members in the legal sense, but they are every bit as much members of our parish family as those who are official members.
Please contact the church office if you would like to become a member of St. Mary's and be added to our data base.
We welcome you to join us!
Strawberry Festival May 29th
Sign up to help with Strawberry Fest
Sunday, May 29th, 6 to 8 pm
One of our favorite and most delicious fundraisers is our Strawberry Festival!
Please help to make this year's a success by contributing a Strawberry dessert to the event!
Help is needed with serving and clean up. Sign up sheets are on the parish hall bulletin board. Thank you!!
Questions? contact Lou & Cynthia Schweickhardt.
ALSO: This year we will have a Basket Raffle. If you would like to donate something to be used in a basket or a basket itself, please contact Dina Ziemba or Lisa LaGreca.
Or, bring your donation to the parish hall. A large basket is on the back table for basket items.
News from our Music Director - the Stone Harbor Women’s Chorus!
St. Mary's Music Director, Kyle Sheppard, is excited to announce the formation of the Stone Harbor Women's Chorus.
The chorus is a community vocal group comprised of singers of all backgrounds, abilities and interests. The purpose of this chorus is to provide an opportunity to sing with people who appreciate music and enjoy singing for fun or as a hobby. Whether you sang in a chorus in the past or are looking for a new experience while vacationing for the summer, we welcome ALL.
Rehearsals will be held every Thursday evening from June 9 through August 18, 2022, 6:30 - 7:30 pm at St. Mary’s. The Stone Harbor Women’s Chorus will be led by Kyle and will include music of all genres from sacred to contemporary. This organization does not affiliate with any one religious institution. All are welcome to lend their voice and sing!
A link to the Chorus with information and an online sign up can be found here.
Stewardship Workshop
Year-Round Giving:
Use Summer Well for Your Fall Pledges and More
May 25 @ 7:00 pm — 8:30 pm
This workshop is designed to help congregations develop a year-round approach to stewardship and giving. You’ll come out of the session ready to use the summer well. Prepare for the fall annual giving season now by forming a team, setting goals, and beginning planning.
Dedicating Altar flowers is a wonderful way to remember or honor a loved one. If you would like to sign up for a Sunday, the altar flower chart can be found on the bulletin board in the parish hall. Please note who the flowers are for and given by, and note in honor or memory. A donation to St. Mary's Altar Guild may be sent to the church office. You may take the flowers home after the service.
Thank you for your continued support of St. Mary's
Our Father’s Work
O master workman of the race you Man of Galilee,
Who with the eyes of early youth Eternal things did see.
We thank you for your boyhood faith that shone your whole life through.
“Did you not know it is my father’s work to do?”
O you who did the vision send and give to each his task,
And with the task sufficient strength show us your will, we ask.
Give us a conscience bold and good, give us a purpose true,
That it may be our highest joy our father’s work to do.
Ways to donate are:
- The Sunday collection plate
- Send a check payable to St. Mary's to:
St. Mary's Church,
9425 Third Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
(Your envelope and number is not necessary, only your name.)
Setting up a personal online banking "bill pay" option. The bank will mail the check for you to the church office.
Please note: Offering envelopes have been discontinued. Only your name is needed in order for the counters to record your giving.
Can you help provide groceries?
The Branches is in need of help with groceries. Between the Mobile Ministry, Community Food Pantry, and providing breakfast and lunch, The Branches is going through a lot of food. They depend on the generosity of faithful supporters to help out when supplies run low. They are in need of the following: eggs, butter, coffee, sugar, cookies, crackers, spam, hot dogs, hot dog rolls, bread, ketchup, mayo, Cup of Noodles, breakfast bars, hamburger, chicken, fresh fruit, salad dressing and diapers, sizes 4 and 6. Groceries may be dropped off at The Branches, 1304 Rt. 47, Rio Grande. Questions? contact Sandra Lockhart 609-886-5091
Thank you so much for your faithful support of our mission at The Branches!
Happy Birthday to
Julie Schellenger on May 25th, Norman Proulx on May 26th, Yvonne Olthuis on May 26th, Bryce Bridgeman on May 26th, John Langston on
May 27th and Kaylin Bridgeman on May 27th!
May 21st- 1 PM Memorial service Fred and Ruth Maiden
May 22nd - 10:30 PM Vestry Meeting
May 29th - 6 to 8 PM - Strawberry Festival
June 3rd - Wedding Rehearsal
June 4th - the wedding of Chelsea Schuster and Andrew Hickman
June 4th: NO Saturday Service.
June 5th - (Baptism) Details to follow.
June 11th- 11 AM Celebration of Life Grace and Bill Repp
June 12th - 9 AM Service The Rev. Canon Joan Izzo
June 18th - 11 AM - 75th Anniversary Celebration of St. Barnabas by the Bay, Villas
July - We are looking forward to the Science Explorers returning, Thursday's on the Lawn, and Saturday Evening Beach services.
12 Step Meetings in the Church Hall
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Monday at 8:00 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Alanon on Friday at 10:00 am
A seasonal additional Alanon meeting will be coming this summer on Tuesday at 8:00 pm in the chapel
St. Barnabas Hoagie & Bake Sale
St. Barnabas by the Bay, 13 West Bates Avenue, Villas, will hold it's annual Hoagie and Bake Sale on May 28th. Questions? contact the church office:
609-886-5960, or email: SaintBarnabasVillas@comcast.net.
The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 am Morning Prayer via Zoom
Thursday Holy Hour 3:00 pm (Chapel)
Saturday 5:30 pm (Chapel)
Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church)