Worship with us:
Sunday at 9:00 am
in person and Live on Facebook
Soprano Judy Ann Curtis will join us on Sunday
as we celebrate Pentecost.
Tuesday - Friday 8:30 am Morning Prayer via Zoom
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Unveiling the Shadows: Understanding Addiction's Impact on Individuals and Families
Beloved in Christ,
As you read this today, I will be traveling to North Jersey to preside over my cousin's funeral service. Alexis was 38, a mother of two beautiful girls, one of five sisters, and a loving soul. Addiction's grasp, relentless and cruel, stole her dreams, and ultimately took her life.
Addiction, a disease that knows no boundaries, silently thrives in the shadows, affecting not only the individual but also their loved ones. It is a formidable foe, capable of unraveling lives and shattering the very fabric of families. Today, we embark on a journey of understanding, compassion, and hope as we explore the profound impact of addiction and the role a community of faith can play in supporting those who suffer.
Addiction, whether to substances or behaviors, ensnares its victims in a relentless cycle of craving, compulsion, and despair. It blinds individuals to the consequences of their actions, distorting their sense of self and driving them further into isolation. As my family and I witnessed with Alexis, addiction can stealthily claim a life, leaving behind a void that can never be filled.
But it is not just the individual who bears the weight of this burden. Addiction casts a wide net, entangling families in its grip. Parents, siblings, children, and spouses all bear witness to the painful and chaotic journey their loved ones endure. Anxiety, fear, and a sense of helplessness permeate the atmosphere as the family's once-stable foundation is shaken to its core.
Yet, in the midst of this darkness, a community of faith can serve as an anchor of hope and support. Our faith traditions offer a space for healing, understanding, and love. Through the power of communal prayer, fellowship, and compassion, we can help alleviate the immense pain experienced by both the individual battling addiction and their family.
First and foremost, it is essential to cultivate an atmosphere of non-judgment and acceptance within our faith communities. Addiction thrives in shame and secrecy, and by creating an environment of openness, we offer a safe haven for individuals and families to share their struggles without fear of condemnation. Let us remember that addiction is a disease, not a moral failing.
Education and awareness are crucial in dispelling the myths and stigma surrounding addiction. By organizing informational sessions, inviting speakers, and providing resources, we equip ourselves with the knowledge needed to understand the complexities of addiction. With empathy and understanding, we can walk alongside those who suffer, offering a helping hand and a listening ear.
Support groups tailored specifically for individuals and families impacted by addiction can provide a space for healing and connection. These groups allow participants to share their experiences, find solace in shared stories, and learn from one another. As a community, we offer NA, AA, and Alanon groups right here at St. Mary's.
Prayer, both individual and communal, holds tremendous power. Let us pray not only for the healing of those battling addiction but also for the strength and resilience of their families. By lifting their names in prayer, we create a spiritual network of support, enveloping them in the warmth of divine love.
Lastly, we must not forget the importance of love and compassion in our interactions with those impacted by addiction. A simple act of kindness or a heartfelt conversation can make a profound difference in someone's life. By extending our love and understanding, we become beacons of hope, illuminating the path to recovery and restoration.
As a community of faith, we have the power to foster an environment of healing and support for individuals and families touched by addiction. Let us join hands, hearts, and spirits in this noble endeavor, reminding ourselves and others that no one walks this journey alone. Together, we can bring light to the shadows, offering hope, redemption, and the unwavering love of a compassionate community.
May God's grace and strength guide us as we navigate the complexities of addiction that affect our communities, and may our collective efforts bring healing and restoration to all those affected.
With Love and Blessings,
Mo. Allison+
12 Step Meetings in the Church Hall
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Monday at 8:00 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Alanon Tuesday at 7:15 pm (beginners meeting in the chapel)
Alanon Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Alanon Friday morning at 10:00 am
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Celebrating Pentecost:
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
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As we enter the vibrant season of Pentecost, we are reminded of the powerful and transformative event that took place in the early days of the Christian Church. Pentecost, often referred to as the "birthday of the Church," is a significant feast in the liturgical calendar, and it holds deep meaning for us as Episcopalians. Let's explore the essence of Pentecost, its significance in our faith, and how we celebrate this joyous occasion.
What is Pentecost?
Pentecost, derived from the Greek word meaning "fiftieth," is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter Sunday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples and followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the book of Acts, Chapter 2. This momentous event occurred in Jerusalem, where the disciples had gathered in obedience to Christ's command to await the promised gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit Descends:
On that day, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in a powerful and awe-inspiring manner. The room was filled with the sound of a rushing wind, and tongues of fire appeared above each person's head. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages, allowing them to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to people from various nations who had gathered in Jerusalem.
The Birth of the Church:
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost marked the birth of the early Christian Church. It empowered the disciples to fulfill their mission to spread the Gospel, to bear witness to Christ's resurrection, and to share God's love with all people. Through the Holy Spirit's presence, the Church was infused with divine power, guidance, and inspiration, ensuring that the teachings of Christ would continue to be proclaimed and lived out throughout the ages.
Why Do We Celebrate Pentecost?
As Episcopalians, we celebrate Pentecost to honor and give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which continues to dwell within us and guide our faith journeys. Pentecost reminds us that the Holy Spirit is not only an event of the past but a living reality in the present. The Holy Spirit empowers us, equips us with spiritual gifts, and enables us to serve and bear witness to Christ's love in the world today.
The Symbolism of Pentecost:
The symbols associated with Pentecost hold deep meaning for us as Episcopalians. The dove, representing the Holy Spirit, reminds us of the Spirit's gentle presence, peace, and guidance in our lives. The fiery tongues symbolize the boldness and passion with which we are called to proclaim the Gospel, even amidst adversity and challenges. The vibrant color red, often seen in liturgical vestments and decorations, signifies the flames of the Holy Spirit and the fervent zeal that should animate our faith.
Celebrating Pentecost in our Parish:
At St. Mary's, we joyfully celebrate Pentecost. During our liturgy, we incorporate special prayers, hymns, and readings that reflect the significance of the Holy Spirit's coming. Some congregations engage in the ancient tradition of "reading the lesson in multiple languages," symbolizing the inclusivity and universality of Christ's message. Additionally, some parishes hold festive gatherings and fellowship events to deepen the sense of community and unity in the Spirit. We will be hosting our Strawberry Fest!
Let us approach this Pentecost season with hearts open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives. May we be inspired by the disciples' courage, boldness, and unwavering faith as we embrace our own call to be witnesses of the living Holy Spirit.
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St. Mary's annual "berry" delicious Strawberry Festival is almost here!
Enjoy Strawberry desserts, Springer's ice cream, and take a chance on one of many wonderful raffle baskets!
Local merchants have donated some great gifts and gift certificates! AND the Phillies have donated tickets to their home game on June 4th! Thank you Stone Harbor and Avalon merchants and the Philadelphia Phillies!
We are anticipating a large turnout and are concerned that we may not have enough desserts. If you could drop off a dessert, or a bowl of strawberries for toppings, it will be very much appreciated! Thank you!
This successful and delicious fundraiser benefits the mission and ministry of St. Mary's.
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Memorial Day, Monday, May 29
Stone Harbor will honor the men and women of our military who have given their lives for our country.
All are invited to attend a firefighters ceremony at 11 am to honor and remember all fallen heroes who have served and died for our country. This ceremony will take place at Freedom Park on 96th Street, right next to the firehouse.
Following this event, there will be a Memorial Day Parade down 96th Street, leading to a Memorial Day ceremony at the Women’s Civic Club on 96th Street and the beach. Mother Allison will give the Benediction.
Here is a link to all Memorial Day events in Cape May County - Memorial Day Events in Cape May County – Do The Shore
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Remember to pledge your support!
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Some ways to support St. Mary's
- Become a member
- Volunteer
- The Sunday collection plate
- Send a check payable to St. Mary's to:
St. Mary's Church,
9425 Third Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
(Your envelope and number is not necessary, only your name.)
Setting up a personal online banking "bill pay" option. The bank will mail the check for you to the church office.
Online giving through our website at https://www.stmarysstoneharbor.org/
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The May, June, July edition of Forward Day by Day daily devotional, both large and small print, is now available in the church narthexes. Please help yourself and take one for someone who would enjoy receiving it. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please let the church office know and we will be glad to send one.
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Membership at St. Mary's consists of several different groups of "members." Some are Confirmed Communicant Members or who have transferred their membership by Letter of Transfer to St. Mary's. Some are Baptized into St. Mary’s or have requested that their names be entered in the Parish Register. Others are “members” by virtue of the fact that St. Mary’s is their church—the Christian community of which they are a part and where they worship regularly. Still, others are “summer members" or friends of St. Mary's. Many are part of St. Mary’s life, worship at St. Mary’s when in town, and support St. Mary’s financially. Canonically, they are not members in the legal sense, but they are every bit as much members of our parish family as those who are official members.
Please contact the church office if you would like to receive membership forms to be added to our data base.
email: SaintMarysStoneHarbor@gmail.com
You may sign up on our website here.
We welcome you to join us!
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Happy Birthday to
Richard Pfaltzgraff on May 28th!
Happy Anniversary to
Stanley and Marlene Casper on May 28th!
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If you would like to be remembered on your birthday or anniversary, please give us your information so we may add you to our data base. Email the church office: jultaylor9425@gmail.com or call 609-368-5922 | |
Coffee Hour is held after service every Sunday in the parish hall. It is an opportunity to get together for relaxed conversation and fellowship over a cup of coffee. If you would like to provide a snack for coffee hour, please pick a Sunday and sign up on the sheet on the door to the kitchen. Nothing elaborate is required, just a small snack to enjoy with coffee. Thank you!
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Dedicating altar flowers in honor or memory of, or in thanksgiving for a loved one is a wonderful way to remember someone. If you would like to do so, please sign up on the chart on the bulletin board in the parish hall. After the service, you may take the flowers to enjoy or give.
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St. Barnabas Cares Food Pantry
is celebrating their 15th Anniversary
with an Open House on Sunday,
June 4th from 1 to 3 pm. All are invited to learn about Hunger in
Cape May County and reducing food waste.
Refreshments will be provided.
Question? call 609-886-5960
Click here to view the flyer.
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Updated list of needs at The Branches | |
The Branches Outreach and the Food Pantry continues to feed a lot of people.
Branches is in need of BIG containers of soup (crockpot size) or large casseroles they can keep in the freezer - even something as simple as a large Stouffer's lasagna.
You may bring any casseroles or soup over to The Branches at their new location - 201 Hirst Ave., Rio Grande, NJ - daily from 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM,
If you can't get to Rio Grande, please contact Dina Ziemba 609-780-3142.
She will be happy to pick up your food and take it to The Branches.
ALSO The Branches food pantry is in need of the following: paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, large trash bags (50 gallon), sugar, artificial sweetener, coffee, tea, packages of cookies peanut butter, jelly, salad dressing, feminine products, suncreen, sun protection lip balm, and cases of bottled water.
The Food Pantry is open M-W-F from 9-12 and is located at 1304 Rt. 47 So., Rio Grande, Unit AJ.
Many thanks !!!
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Branches offer food, help and more in Rio Grande
Here is a link to a great article printed about The Branches in the Atlantic City press on April 25th!
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St. Mary's This 'n That Thrift Shop | |
Looking to refresh your summer rental or have a room that could use an updated piece of furniture? Then you might want to check out the new FURNITURE SHOP at St. Mary's This 'n That Thrift Shop!
Gold Winner of the 2022 Best of the Jersey Shore thrift shops, the Furniture Shop is a great addition to the home goods, housewares and clothing shops at This 'n That.
And remember the thrift shop when you're spring cleaning and re-organizing. Household items, furniture and clean usable clothing are welcome!
Store Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
Donation days: Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am - 3 pm and on the
1st Saturday of the month 10 - 3 pm.
Location: St. Mary's This 'n That
1304 Rt. 47 So., Rio Grande, NJ 08242 609-886-7272
Follow them on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/St-Marys-This-N-That-Thrift-Shop-268676343298636/
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Sunday, May 28th - Strawberry Fest, 6 to 8 pm
Sunday, June 11th - 4:00 pm Pride Mass at St. George's in Rumson
Sunday, June 11th - 5:00 pm Convocation Healing Service
Saturday, June 17th - Cormac John Marquess (Baptism)
Saturday, June 24th - Consecration of Bishop French
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12 Step Meetings in the Church Hall
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Monday at 8:00 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Alanon Tuesday at 7:15 pm (beginners meeting in the chapel)
Alanon Tuesday at 8:00 pm (in the chapel)
Alanon Friday morning at 10:00 am
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Tuesday - Friday 8:30 am Morning Prayer via Zoom
Third Thursday's 6:00 pm Healing Service
alternates between St. Mary's and St. Barnabas
Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church)
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