July 12, 2023

Dear Presbytery Family,

We hope everyone is enjoying their summer. This edition of Staying Connected features special stories from the Jamaica Ecumenical Mutual Mission trip.

Mutual Mission: Stories from Jamaica

By: Bob Bell

“Ethel the Tooth Bus” is a large bus outfitted with all the equipment needed to make and repair dentures and provide prophylactic dentistry and teeth cleanings. The Tooth Bus will be used by JEMM (Jamaica Ecumenical Mutual Mission) for dental teams working with the underserved in Jamaica. Ethel will be able to travel the backroads of Jamaica and can go almost anywhere where there is a work site available.

We began our trip on May 22, traveling to Portmore, outside of Kingston. This was our worksite for the week. We had a wonderful team of persons working to achieve our goals. In one week, we were able to produce 56 pieces of dentures, 122 extractions of teeth and 176 teeth cleanings.

By: Ashley Biddy

Our hearts have been longing to continue this mission in Jamaica with the unexpected pause due to circumstances we couldn’t control. To be able to continue this year made it that much sweeter. We were able to see a dream come to life with the dental bus. We served a lot of people who stated they haven’t known the proper way to clean their teeth their entire life. One lady got her dentures and saw her reflection and said with the biggest smile, “Oh ,it’s me!” Like she was seeing herself as she’s always seen herself. One member of the team said it best about being reunited with our Jamaican partners in Christ and mission. If the feelings we were having about being together doing God’s work was just a sliver of what Heaven will be like, when we are reunited with Jesus, what a wonderful day that will be. Thank you for letting me continue to serve on this mission.

By: Jim Gaff

In 2007, it was a dream. In 2023, it became a reality. I could not have been more proud of our first trip with “Ethel” aka “the tooth bus.” Aside from a small problem with a blown breaker in the electrical panel, we had an almost flawless maiden voyage. My heartfelt thanks to all who helped to make a dream of mine come true. To God be the Glory.

By: Joy Byrd

As we denture lab folks were working on making dentures, a lady, and patient, from church came in to get her new partials. There was music playing and the lab team was singing along. The patient began singing in harmony! We were singing Country Roads by John Denver. It was a happy and rejoicing time in song and work and love.

Key Events

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Susan Rose, Moderator of the Presbytery
Charlie Evans, Stated Clerk
Previous Staying Connected emails are available on our website.