St. Mary's Episcopal Church

Stone Harbor, New Jersey

All are welcome. Please join us!

Staying Connected


Worship with us:

Sunday at 9:00 am in the sanctuary

in person and Live on Facebook

The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 27

NOTICE of Convocation Meeting

DATE - Tuesday, Nov. 21

TIME - 6:00 pm until 8:00 or so

LOCATION - St. Stephen's in Waretown

***Delegates, please inform Mo. Allison if you plan to attend.***

It's Stewardship time!

Everyone should have received a packet in the mail. Pledges are due by Sunday, November 19th. Pledges are the foundation of the budgeting process for next year, so everyone's participation is important. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Lillian or Jack. Thank you!

You can make your pledge now by clicking the link below.

Remember to pledge your support!

Pledge Now!

We are now accepting donations via Venmo!


Rector's Corner

Hope in Darkness Through Mindful Preparedness:

A Reflection on Matthew 25:1-13

In the embrace of our shared faith and the warmth of our community, we continually seek sources of light that can guide us through the unpredictable passages of life. It is in the spirit of this seeking that I turn our attention to the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13, a passage rich in metaphor and meaning, which speaks directly to the theme of 'Hope in Darkness Through Mindful Preparedness.'

The parable presents ten virgins, five wise and five foolish, who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. The wise carried with them extra oil for their lamps, while the foolish did not. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight, the cry rang out that the bridegroom was coming, and they all arose to trim their lamps. The foolish virgins, whose lamps were going out, asked the wise for some of their oil, but there was not enough for both the wise and the foolish. The wise suggested that the foolish go to those who sell oil and buy some for themselves. However, while they went to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The five who were prepared went in with him to the wedding banquet, and the door was shut. When the other virgins returned and asked to be let in, the bridegroom said, "Truly I tell you, I don't know you."

The parable concludes with a call for watchfulness, for we know neither the day nor the hour of the bridegroom’s coming. This message resonates profoundly with our call to live with hope and anticipation, particularly during trying times. The oil in the parable can be interpreted as the substance of our faith—the virtues of mindfulness, forgiveness, and love that we are called to embody and offer to the world.

Mindful preparedness is an intentional practice of being fully present in the 'now' while also being aware and ready for what may come. It involves a conscious and thoughtful approach to living that goes beyond mere physical or material readiness. It speaks to a spiritual and emotional preparedness, where we maintain our lamps filled with the oil of compassion, mercy, and the willing heart to serve.

When we live mindfully, we do not squander our oil on worries of the past or fears of the future; instead, we use it to fuel our readiness for the present moment, recognizing the face of Christ in those we meet and serve. Our lamps are kept burning brightly not just for our own guidance, but as beacons for those who may find themselves in the dark, seeking light and warmth.

Forgiveness is another vital aspect of our preparedness. It is the mechanism by which we renew our oil, allowing us to dispel the darkness of resentment and the shadows of enmity. By offering forgiveness, we emulate the divine grace we have received, and by accepting it, we are replenished for the journey ahead.

Lastly, love is the flame that arises from our oil, the actual light that casts out darkness. It is the profound action of Christ-like love, which calls us to tend not only to our own lamps but to assist others in keeping their flames alive.

As your rector, I invite you to reflect on how your lamp is faring. Is it filled with the oil of mindfulness, forgiveness, and love? Are you prepared to meet the bridegroom, to enter the feast of joy that follows the darkest of nights? Let us together, as a community, keep our lamps ready and our hearts open, for in doing so, we uphold the promise that the dawn is indeed near, and with it, the arrival of the fullness of God’s Kingdom.

In grace and peace,

Mo. Allison+

May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guide your hearts and minds in the days to come. Amen.

This coming Sunday,

we welcome back

The Venerable Archdeacon Carol Pepe.

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Sunday, November 19, 7:30 pm

The 7 Mile Island Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will be held on Sunday, November 19th at 7:30 pm this year at the First United Methodist Church, 3344 Dune Dr., Avalon.

Please plan to join us as we give thanks for our many blessings.

Forward Day by Day

Large and small print copies of Forward Day by Day for November, December and January are available in the church narthex. Please help yourself to a copy and feel free to take one for a friend who may enjoy receiving one.

Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily inspirational meditations reflecting on a specific Bible passage, chosen from the daily lectionary readings as listed in the Revised Common Lectionary or the Daily Office from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer.

St. Mary's This 'n That Thrift Shop

Did you know?

Our Thrift Shop continues to be a beacon of mission and ministry out in the community. Each month is dedicated to a community organization.

For the month of November, they are collecting for Toys for Tots. New unwrapped toys may be dropped off at the thrift shop any time during the month of November and December.

Thank you to Debbie, our Staff, and customers for your support, donations and care.

Store Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10 am - 4 pm

Location: St. Mary's This 'n That, 1304 Rt. 47 So., Rio Grande, NJ 08242   609-886-7272

Thrift items donation days: Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am - 3 pm, and on the 1st Saturday of the month 10 - 3 pm.

Gold Winner of the 2022 and 2023 Best of the Jersey Shore thrift shops, This 'n That Furniture Shop is a great addition to the home goods, housewares, including small appliances, and clothing shops at This 'n That.

Don't forget the thrift shop when you're fall cleaning and re-organizing. Household items, furniture and clean usable clothing are welcome!

Remember - Upcycling is good for the planet!

You can keep up with special sales and featured furniture by following them on Facebook at:

The Branches Food Pantry is serving folks who are food insecure. Many are choosing between food and rent, or medication. We are so grateful to those of you who support our efforts with food donations.

At the present time we are running low on the following: peanut butter, mayo, canned fruit, ketchup, cup of noodles, eggs, bread, milk, hot dogs and diapers size 5, 6 and 7.

If you are coming our way, we would appreciate a donation of any of these items. We cannot do what we do without you. Thank you for supporting our mission at Branches.

Items may be dropped off at The Branches Outreach Center

201 Hirst Ave., Rio Grande, NJ 08242 609-886-5091

Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 1:30pm - Saturday: 10am – 12pm

Sunday: Closed

Stewardship Minute


To All of our seasonal members and friends

Please consider making a donation or pledge for 2024 before you head home for the season.

Your support of our mission and ministry is important to us.

Some ways to support St. Mary's

  • Become a member
  • Volunteer
  • The Sunday collection plate
  • Send a check payable to St. Mary's to:

St. Mary's Church,

9425 Third Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ 08247

(Your envelope and number is not necessary, only your name.)

  • Setting up a personal online banking "bill pay" option. The bank will mail the check for you to the church office.
  • Online giving through our website at
Visit our Website

We have now joined Venmo! If you have Venmo, you can donate to the church - @StMarysStoneHarbor

Altar Flowers

Dedicating altar flowers in honor or memory of, or in thanksgiving for a loved one is a wonderful way to remember someone. If you would like to do so, please sign up on the chart on the bulletin board in the parish hall. After the service, you may take the flowers to enjoy or give.

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour is held after service every Sunday in the parish hall. It is an opportunity to get together for relaxed conversation and fellowship over a cup of coffee. If you would like to provide a snack for coffee hour, please pick a Sunday and sign up on the sheet on the door to the kitchen. Nothing elaborate, just a small snack to enjoy with coffee. Thank you!

Women's Civic Club Trip Dec. 6th

The Stone Harbor Civic Club has planned a trip to Sight & Sounds "Miracle of Christmas" in Lancaster on Wednesday, December 6th. Price $185 per person includes transportation and lunch. Contact Isabella Kelly-Prince 609-374-5054 to sign up and for more information.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, November 19th - 7:30 pm

7 Mile Island annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service

12 Step Meetings in the Church Hall

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Monday at 7:30 pm

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Tuesday at 8:00 pm

Memorial Day through September

Alanon Tuesday at 7:15 pm (beginners meeting in the chapel)

Alanon Tuesday at 8:00 pm (in the chapel)

Alanon Friday morning at 10:00 am

CHECK OUT OUR CALENDAR on our website for all activities taking place throughout the week.

Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 27

Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-16

Wisdom of Solomon 6:17-20

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Matthew 25:1-13

Worship Services

Tuesday - Friday 8:30 am Morning Prayer via Zoom

Third Thursday's 6:00 pm Healing Service

alternates between St. Mary's and St. Barnabas

Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church)

Services, studies, and service bulletins may be accessed on our website: